In the Space of Creation God, Ling Huang looked at Arceus in front of him, waiting for his next words.

He has a hunch that the following content may greatly exceed his expectations.

Arceus took another sip of tea, cleared his throat, and said, “Dominick’s main goal is indeed me, followed by you. As for Earth, in Dominick’s view, I’m afraid it’s completely dispensable. The existence of. If he can't swallow me, Lash Out will swallow Earth, it's hard to say."

"So I should give you out?" Ling Huang raised his eyebrows.

"Can you do it?" Arceus looked at him with deep eyes.

"I can't do it." Ling Huang helplessly said: "Skip this topic, just treat it as a joke."

He already felt the sincerity of Arceus, like the following sentence , He didn't need to say at all, but he still said it. Ling Huang has a feeling that Arceus may tell a lot of secrets.

"en. ”

Arceus nodded, did not care too much, showing the demeanor of an elder who has lived for many years: "I apologize for the things before, I do think Using you to deal with Dominick, it's just that you Foresight easily."

When it comes to this, even Arceus can't help showing a trace of embarrassment.

"It's okay, we are a cooperative relationship." Ling Huang said casually.

Arceus knows that he and Ling Huang should have such a relationship. Arceus glanced at Ling Huang and found that Ling Huang didn't ask himself as he expected why he only used him to deal with Dominick.

"Really only Small Fox." Arceus sighed secretly.

Immediately Arceus said: "Do you know how Dominick was born?"

"You said."

"A planet was swallowed clean After that, a "Dominick" will be born. After the birth of Dominick, it is the size of an "atom" invisible to the naked eye, but it is extremely heavy and possesses the ability of Devouring All Living Things. When a planet is completely swallowed, it will die. The prototype of Dominick will also be attracted by the established trajectory of destiny, drifting towards another life planet, to swallow and evolve. In the end, this planet will be swallowed completely.” Arceus exclaimed: “The rules of birth and death of this universe are really true. It makes people lose their temper."

Ling Huang looked dazed, he raised his head slightly, looked at Arceus with incredible eyes, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

Ling Huang finally calmed down.

"Then Pokémon world is now giving birth to a Dominick that will inevitably swallow the planet in the future?"

Arceus glanced at Ling Huang and said, "After Dominick was born, It will take at least ten thousand years of wandering to reach the next life planet. As long as Dominick comes, the civilization on that planet will be destroyed, almost without exception."

"Ten thousand years..." Ling Huang took a breath. Even if he crosses, his total age is not more than a hundred years old. The memory of even more how Pokémon world is slightly more real than a dream. For him, the 100,000 year figure is still too large.

"Do you know why it is ten thousand years?" Arceus asked a question and found that Ling Huang was looking at him straightforwardly, with an expression of "If I knew I would still ask you", it was slightly Each minding their own business awkwardly said: "The distribution of life planets actually has a certain magical law, as if Dominick was specifically asked to go there. The rupture of a life planet represents the rise of a life planet. Dominick spent thousands of years wandering in the universe with the goal of destroying the emerging life planet. In fact, it is not necessarily Dominick's appearance that represents destruction, but may also be other images, such as'True Dragon', such as 'Qilin' is all possible."

After listening, Ling Huang always felt that Arceus have hidden meaning, and said half-jokingly: "For example, an image like Arceus, the god of creation?"

His words were originally joking, but Arceus showed an expression that even Ling Huang could not help but fear. He just smiled, smiled, and looked at Ling Huang.


Ling Huang only felt that his body was chilly, and his head was about to explode.

The creation god who created the world is actually the same as Dominick who represents destruction?

Mega Rayquaza beside him stares at Arceus, seeming to be violent at any time.

"Don't get excited yet."

Arceus seemed very calm, and began to speak.

"Although Dominick represents destruction, his duty is only to destroy Pokémon world. Of course, Pokémon world and I are actually one, although I cannot interfere too much in the development of Pokémon world. Dominick To perform his duties, or... to become stronger, he has to swallow the Pokémon world and me. Those powers will be stored by him, and over time, the power will pass away. The only solution is to swallow me, and then Dominick’s form of existence will change..."

"Become the same as you are now, then go back to the original Pokémon world, create another planet, and start to give birth to new life? After you, Pokémon world will die completely, and the ruined divine seed bred in it will also go farther?"

Ling Huang feels that he has come into contact with the top secret of Legendary, but He was unwilling to believe it.

He is now very afraid to see Arceus nodded, because as long as he is nodded, more questions will spring up like mushrooms, making the scalp numb.

But Arceus is nodded after all. He did not reject Ling Huang's statement, and even looked at Ling Huang with some appreciation.

"Are you lying to me?"


"According to your argument, life planets are created by the so-called'Creation God' That’s right."

"Not exactly. Where do we have such great power. In the final analysis, this thing, the God of Creation, only has the power to transform the planet. After Dominick swallowed me, Maybe choose a planet similar to a fire star as the starting point and transform it into a form suitable for life."

"Then...what about our original "Creation God" in Earth?" With regard to the three words "God", Ling Huang emphasized his tone.

"You said that guy, that guy is different from me, he may think that the extinguishing soul is coming soon, he just ran away." Arceus said casually.

Ling Huang stared wide-eyed ——

"Oh? I ran away!?"

"Is it possible that is still guarding...I can't beat you I don’t understand. Besides, you Earth humans have all developed like this. Even Dominick will feel threatened. This is probably the reason that guy ran away. After all—you have the power to protect yourself, but he doesn’t."

Ling Huang fell into a long silence. For him, Arceus' words were too informative, which made him dizzy and confused.

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