
Ling Huang frowns, looking at the white Qilin Super Divine beast blocking Serena and Xerneas. Arceus forcibly blocked and attacked Dominick, and the fierce power was eliminated in Arceus' hands.

Then he glanced at Serena again, and when he found that Serena was all right, he relaxed.

He didn't blame Serena for a while. To blame, blame the creation god old fox and Arceus who casually used others as pawns.

So much so that Ling Huang looked at Arceus with a serious look. This guy, forcibly put himself and Serena together, what is this for?

Ling Huang didn't believe that Serena would take the initiative to disturb herself, and Serena also said that it was Arceus who said she could save herself. But Ling Huang doesn't believe in this kind of nonsense. How could Serena saved herself... Uh no, how could she be defeated by Dominick?

This is all good!

At least it can knock Dominick back.

Arceus looked towards Ling Huang and gave a wry smile: "You don't have to look at me like this, I don't have Malice."

Ling Huang nodded, did not choose to follow Arceus at this juncture argue. He quickly put away the Super Divine beast that was still on the court. Now that Arceus is here, there is no need for him to play.

Furthermore, Ling Huang has already made his own contribution, even because of the arrival of Serena and Xerneas, he has made more than estimated contributions. Dominick can now see that there are many small scars in his huge body. Of course, the word "fine" is also relative to his powerful body.

Arceus took a long breath and looked towards Dominick. He also felt that Dominick was looking at him, with bloodthirsty desire in his eyes, as if he couldn't bear to swallow Arceus directly.

In this duel arranged by fate, even now, Arceus is at a disadvantage. Perhaps by now, the meaning of Arceus' existence is only left to be swallowed by Dominick.

Ling Huang looked at the Poké Ball in his hand and couldn't help smiling wryly.

That is the Master Ball of Arceus.

Yes, when Ling Huang and Arceus reached a contract, Arceus had become Ling Huang's Pokémon. Arceus is so powerful that it can't even carry a Legendary ball, and only the Master Ball can hold him. As a price to subdue Arceus, Ling Huang must help Arceus to defeat Dominick, because... It is Dominick's instinct to swallow Arceus, which is engraved in the bones and cannot be erased anyway.

There can only be one between Arceus and Dominick.


Level: ????

Characteristic Trait: Multiple Attributes

Ability: Seismic Toss, Cosmetic Power, Natural Gift , Punishment, Gravity, Earth Power, Hyper Voice, Extrreme Speed, Refresh, Future Sight, Recover, Hyper Beam, Perish Song, Judgement...

Grade: Creation

Aptitude attack :???

Defense Aptitude:???

Speed ​​Aptitude:???

Basic battle strength:???

Intimacy: 80"

Actually, it doesn't make much sense to check Arceus Attribute table, mainly because Arceus Attributes are mostly question marks. Ling Huang is not surprised at this. The existence of Arceus has actually exceeded the limit of the system. After all, even the system is only created by the creation god Arceus.

Ling Huang uses the two abilities of Observation and See-through to see Dominick, only a small part of the information can be seen.

Even though Arceus' Attribute table is so shocking, Ling Huang still doesn't think Arceus can win. However, Ling Huang has now sent Poké Ball to Professor Oak's Laboratory one after another. Please ask Professor Oak for treatment. In any case, Dominick can be repelled.

Suddenly, Ling Huang found that his chat bar had added a lot of messages, many of which were sent by Su Qiqi and Li Shenjian. The most is Bai Lanxi, she sends a message almost every 10 seconds, non-stop for half a moment.

Arceus turned his head.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Just now I have sent a message to everyone who has a relationship with you, telling you what you are doing now, the enemy you are facing, and the situation you are in. It's all clear."

Ling Huang grinned and tried his best to swallow the mother who is about to export.

What exactly does Arceus want to do?

Do something?

Ling Huang doesn't understand Arceus' thoughts. If he really has a countermeasure, he can tell him directly, why bother to himself?

Is this useful?

He looked at the news at a glance. The news from the Olympic team members was mostly the same, but Ling Huang didn't read it much. He clicked directly into Bai Lanxi's message box.

"Ling Huang, is Dominick really that strong?"

"What will happen to you?"

"You answer!"

" p>


Most of the previous questions were from Bai Lanxi. During Ling Huang's delay, Bai Lanxi hadn't sent such a message for a long time.

See the end--

"I'm pregnant, we have a child, so you must be fine."

Ling Huang's body couldn't help it. Stiff and moved. He actually wanted to yell, after all, he was going to be a father. But he couldn't, he stared at Arceus.

"Is this what you want me to know?"

I know it but don't say it, I have to let Bai Lanxi say it himself.

Ling Huang immediately understood that Arceus wanted to sever the idea of ​​luck. In this battle, Dominick must be defeated and killed, otherwise it will cause no end of trouble. Ling Huang now has another responsibilities on his shoulders, and now he may really have no retreat.

But there is one thing Ling Huang doesn't understand. Why did Serena come over?

Is it because Arceus wants to untie Ling Huang's heart?

What can we do if the knot is untied?

What else can Ling Huang do?

After owning Mewtwo, Ling Huang's Psychic has completely recovered. What if there is a knot in his heart? It has no impact on Ling Huang's strength. Even if he fights with Arceus, he can still make a few moves with Psychic Ling Huang, and he still has a lot of chance to escape.

Even Arceus can't help Ling Huang. I am afraid that only Dominick can easily defeat Ling Huang.

Although this is the layout of Arceus, Ling Huang is kept in the dark by Arceus and knows nothing. This made Ling Huang a little unhappy, but he suddenly saw Arceus apologetic eyes again.

Ling Huang didn't know what to say for a while.

Arceus is still fighting with Dominick. On the surface, they seem to be under pressure, but in fact, they are all just consuming each other. Whether it's the original Dominick or the current Dominick, they will win with Arceus if they consume each other. It's just that the current Dominick and Arceus are at a loss.

When Arceus is bloodied, Dominick will inevitably fall into a very weak situation.

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