Phil's strength is not weak, Suicune is also a real Super Divine beast. Unfortunately, she met Ling Huang and Suicune met dignified Arceus. Phil couldn't help sighing softly. In fact, she had long known that this would be the result, and she had been vaguely premonitioned since Arceus vs. Giratina. Then, when Suicune was released and he felt Suicune's powerlessness and fear from his heart, Phil had already understood it.

That Arceus is probably not an ordinary Super Divine beast.

Perhaps, he has the most extreme strength to crush everything.

In fact, Phil did guess correctly, so she was desperate in her heart and almost had no hope for the Olympic team championship.

"If Ling Huang was in the previous game, it would be us who entered the loser group." Phil couldn't help thinking.

The next player on the field was Lloyd, who sent a Cobalion. Although his strength was strong, he was still defeated by Ling Huang. The main reason is that Arceus is too strong, and Cobalion has no way to resist.

After that, there is Jeremiah.

This arrogant American player can no longer be arrogant in front of Ling Huang. The Darkrai he commanded, defeated successively in the hands of Arceus.

"Darkrai, lose the combat capability——"

As for the next two players, they are not as strong as Lloyd and Jeremiah. Arceus slapped them almost as easy as blowing off dust. It was not until Ling Huang received Arceus in the Master Ball with a slightly relaxed smile that Liu Bo directly announced the final result.

"Registeel has lost the combat capability. So far-all the 6 players on the American team are disqualified, so the winner is the Chinese team!"

Liu Bolang said the final result , The sluggish audience suddenly came back to his senses.

The applause was thunderous.

The sharp Growl resounded throughout the venue.

No one can believe that Ling Huang can defeat all the 6 powerful American players with a Pokémon! Such strength is almost unbelievable!

This is not a team competition anymore, but Ling Huang's solo show!

Even so, no one felt the violation. This kind of crushing made the audience very excited. Standard or awkward voices rang from the audience, and they shouted Ling Huang's name.

At this moment, he belongs to him alone.

In the Chinese team's bench, Su Qiqi showed a slight smile.

"This guy always likes to give Astonish to others, and then he ends up with surprises."

Bai Lanxi wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, smiling relieved and full of joy. She touched her unrecognizable belly and looked at Ling Huang's silhouette with a hint of pride in her smile.

Qin Fan is curl one's lip, "He took all the limelight. Obviously it was me and him who defeated the 6 players on the US team. Well, the result is all his credit. It's really impressive. Great."

Everyone was laughing, and the audience was filled with joyful air.

"With Ling Huang's current strength, win the individual championship, with no difficulty?" Li Shenjian said suddenly.

Qin Fan froze for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "What's the matter with us in the individual competition? The former Ling Huang won the individual championship, even more how now."

The fact is exactly the same.

The atmosphere of the stadium reached Peak after Ling Huang and the others took the stage to accept the award. In the next 5 days, the Pokémon Century individual competition will be held in another venue. In fact, with Ling Huang's current strength, it is too simple to win the championship, which makes him somewhat lack of interest.

However, Ling Huang was still very happy when he really broke through to the finals, defeated Su Qiqi in the finals, and won the individual gold medal and trophy.



It has been a year since the end of Tokyo Olympics.

Ling Huang displayed two conspicuous photos in his villa in Qin City, as well as a golden trophy and two gold medals. The first photo is a group photo of the home team members of the Chinese team, with gold medals hanging around their necks. That is the gold medal of the Olympics team competition. In the second photo, Ling Huang is standing at the top of the podium with a gold medal on his neck. That was the gold medal in the individual event.

With the strength of Ling Huang at that time, it was not easy to win the individual gold medal. The runner-up in the individual competition was Su Qiqi, and the third runner-up was Hayori Asamura. Augus and many other players failed to play. Most of the reasons were insufficient strength. Among them, Augus... was directly dealt with by Ling Huang, depriving him of his qualifications as a Trainer.

For Ling Huang at this stage, it is not difficult to do this. Especially with Arceus Help, the difficulty is reduced a lot. As the creator of the system, it is not difficult to cancel a person’s Trainer (Player) qualification, even if that person’s strength is a real Champion Level.

That trophy is the champion trophy of the individual competition. Needless to say, the two gold medals.

Ling Huang, who has a lot of auras in his body, gradually faded out of the public's field of vision after the Tokyo Olympics ended.

Ling Huang and Bai Lanxi’s child was born, a girl, only a few months old now, looks pink and tender. The little fellow was named Ling Xiaoxuan, compared to the name of the pretty daughter in a humble family. What Ling Huang and Bai Lanxi look forward to most now is to see what little fellows will look like when they grow up.

Ling Huang, who was holding Xiaoxuan in the warm sunshine, suddenly felt something, and handed the little fellow in his arms to Serena next to him, and said, "Help me look at the little fellow, I'll go out. ”

"en. ”Serena nodded.

The relationship between Ling Huang and Serena is still not progressing, after all, there is a Bai Lanxi between them. However, Bai Lanxi seems to know about him and Serena, but it didn't break, which gave Ling Huang a little confidence. He is not in a hurry. For things like this, there is still a long flow. It is better for Bai Lanxi to accept it slowly.

Ling Huang is very confident about the future.

He slightly smiled at Serena, and then disappeared in Qin City with a teleport, appearing in the sky at a distance of 10,000 meters from Ground.

In front of his eyes, there is an old man in a simple dress. Of course Ling Huang is very clear that this old man is not a human, but an existence at the same level as the creation god, or even higher.

In fact, on the day Olympics ended, Ling Huang had already met the old man and knew his identity. It was in the mouth of Arceus that Earth's creator god who had escaped from Earth.

The old man couldn't help smiling when he saw Ling Huang rushing over.

"Come with me."

He was a flash again, and Ling Huang quickly followed. Surrounded by boundless outer space, underneath is a huge planet.

Ling Huang looked all around and didn't see Earth. Obviously, this is not the solar system. What is certain is that at least here is still in the category of the Milky Way.

"Do you remember the appointment with me?" The old man stroked his beard and said long.

"Work with you to create a life planet?" Ling Huang nodded, "I have to create sooner or later anyway, I can save a little effort. I am not very interested in the identity of the God of Creation. "

The old man's smile expanded even more.

"Remember what I told you earlier." The old man looked at the distant void, "In this vast universe, there are two kinds of gods. One is a born god, like the Dominick you met before. , And Arceus in your Master Ball. They are all born gods. Arceus are transformed from destruction and then transformed into creation. If you don’t appear, Dominick will also transform into a similar form after eating Arceus. Transform the life planet."

Ling Huang nodded.

He also looked at the distant void. He knew very well that in such a huge space, even if Mental Force reached stage 4, he was still very small.

“Second is to become a god by oneself. There are two routes to become a god by oneself. They are fleshy body and spirit, which can also be called reality and virtual.” The old man looked far away and said, “I am the former, breakthrough body Fissure’s limit, every move will crumble Fissure. This is why I’ve never appeared in Earth. And you are the latter, spiritual and virtual reaching the most extreme existence. Like you, in fact, in this vast universe , Is the rarest. I have been looking for someone like you."

"It will be more perfect just because virtual becomes Celestic reality and gods and gods create life planet together?" Ling Huang asked.

"It is not a more perfect problem, but a qualitative change!" The old man shook his head, "Do you know why you can become the fourth stage of Psychic?"

Ling Huang slightly frowned .

Wait for the old man to continue talking.

"Because of Arceus, the virtual part of Earth has been added. Otherwise, even if your Aptitude is the highest, breakthrough is impossible. Every virtual god becomes the supreme product of the right time and place. Otherwise, I will not find a person in the last ages who can create the world with me." The old man sighed.

"The life planet that combines virtual and reality to form a balance is the most perfect existence. Normally, after becoming a god, you have to create the world. After the creation, the power will be divided by the life planet. Most of it. But if you and I work together to create a planet, there will only be benefits, no harm."

"Do you understand?" the old man asked again.

"The problem is not big."

Ling Huang now thinks that after the creation of the planet, the overflowing power may help his important people to extend their lifespan.

(End of the show)

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