Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 36: : counterattack

With a sinister smile, cunning scarlet eyes, and a pair of claws exuding cold air around a pair of white light, this Newra is like the top assassin, patiently hiding in the darkness, slowly touching it step by step.

Even when Kazuki was almost killed by Ryuzaki Shinji, there was still no turbulence in her heart, and no breath was leaked. That powerful and strange latent ability made Ryuzaki Shinji's carpet-like superpower mental scan ineffective. And back, if it wasn't for the shortness of breath during the sneak attack at the end, Ryuzaki Shinji would not have been able to discover her existence.

Coupled with the perfect cooperation at the last moment of her companion, Yueyibu (who can learn spiritual strength), Niura's assassination was flawless, and Ryuzaki Shinji's superpower shield was full of evil energy in her double room. The claws are as crisp as paper, lore!

When Ryuzaki Shinji just reacted, Newra's lore was already in sight, and he now only has 0.5 seconds of operation time.

"You are powerless. Through my investigation and analysis of Kazuki, the superhuman, it takes at least 1 second for you superhumans to teleport, but unfortunately you didn't, go and embrace death, hehe~" Lihua in the dark looked at her carefully designed assassination of Xingdou, and a sinister smile appeared on her face involuntarily.

But the next second, Lihua's smile froze.

A pair of small mud hands sticking out of Ryuzaki Shinji's chest extended the time spent on this lore by 0.6 seconds. The black stinky mud was the biggest variable in this assassination. He is now controlled by Yue Yibu with his mental strength. It is only his main body, and the split body he left on Ryuzaki Shinji still faithfully protects his master at all times.

The small muddy hands of the black stinky mud splinter caught Nuura's claws. Although it was frozen by the cold air on Nuura's claws in an instant, it won precious buffer time for Ryuzaki Shinji. When the Mud Splitter killed him, Ryuzaki Shinji had already used teleportation to dodge Nura's next attack.

"You are courting death, come out, Abo, double-bombing gas, Gotha duck, kill them all." Ryuzaki Shinji appeared a few meters away from the original position, and as soon as he appeared, he threw three Pokeballs in his hand.

"Not good, Niura, Yue Yibu, retreat immediately." Seeing that the assassination failed, Lihua decided to flee.

The other party is a superpower. Once she is entangled, she will definitely die if her strength is similar.

Nura and Yueyi also knew their master's character very well, and after the failure of the action, Ewha began to retreat without giving any instructions.

"You actually ran away, Lihua, I came to support you, you are a coward." Kazuki said through gritted teeth in the sky above the alley.

He and the natural bird were already less than ten meters away from the battlefield. He saw the failure of the assassination operation in his eyes. As soon as he saw Lihua choosing to retreat, and thinking of the result of the battle between him and Ryuzaki Shinji just now, the idea of ​​coming to support him was Dispersed, immediately cooperate with the natural bird to use teleportation to move away from the battlefield.

"The stinky mud dragged Newla and Yueyibu, and used the mud wave to pursue, Abo monster caught up with that one Nula with the speed snake pattern, double-bomb gas you go to deal with Yueyibu, Goda duck you and me Use teleportation to stop that woman together." Seeing this, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately gave a chase order to the elves.

"Smelly~" The stinky mud, who had regained his mobility, shouted, a pair of muddy hands slapped the ground, and a thick black liquid suddenly overflowed from his hands, and the black liquid caught up with New York who was running away in front of him. Pull and Yueyibu.

The mud wave of black stinky mud is like super glue. As soon as Niura and Yueyi got on it, their speed dropped sharply. However, the two evil-type elves had undergone very professional training and had an amazing on-the-spot reaction. The fist froze the mud wave, and the yellow circles of light on Yue Yibu's whole body flashed, and cast a strange light on the Abo monster and double-bomb gas that caught up, so as to fight for Nulla to break the mud wave. time.

Then the huge speed increase brought by the speed snake pattern, the Abo monster quickly approached Niura along the wall of the alley, and the double-bomb gas followed closely, but the strange light of Yue Yibu made the The two little elves caused some trouble, and they were all thrown into a state of confusion.

At this time, Niura and Yueyibu had already escaped the influence of the sludge wave and began to evacuate rapidly.

The two evil elves looked at each other and immediately chose to run away.

Niura used her sharp claws to nimbly climb the wall of the alley, but before she could reach the heights, a **** mud hand grabbed her body. I don't know when, the black stinky mud has caught up.

Seeing this, Niura didn't panic at all. Seeing the black stinky mud's arm stretched very long, the cunning color in her eyes flashed, and her hands burst into white light, and quickly cut off the black stinky mud's mud with her alloy claws. Then continue climbing the wall.

When the black stinky mud saw that Niura actually cut off her own mud arm but did not remove the mud from her body, a smug smile appeared on her face. , the small eyes twitched and turned, and then the stinky mud splinter body on Niura's body began to burst into a dazzling white light.

Boom! A faint sound of explosion appeared, and the smaller stinky mud splinter blew itself up on Newra's body. A small hole appeared in the wall of the alley, and a severely burned Newra fell from the wall. Just as she was about to struggle, she was grabbed by a big muddy hand, and the black stinky mud squeezed hard, and the severely injured Newra rolled her eyes and fainted.

As soon as Abo and Double Bullet were released from the chaotic state, they saw Nura being subdued by black stinky mud, so the two elves went to chase and kill Yue Yibu.

However, although Yue Yibu's speed is not fast, he has already run for a long distance, and his skills are very agile. With the help of some obstacles, he will play the Abo monster and the double-bomb gas round and round, and finally use the cover of the night and Its excellent lurking ability escaped the pursuit of two elves.

On the other hand, Gota duck cooperated with Ryusaki Shinji to use teleportation to quickly approach Rika. After a few teleportation, they caught up with Rika.

After chasing the two, they had already entered the alley, and people nearby who heard the movement quickly hid themselves, unwilling to meddle in their own business.

"Gotha Duck, use the water cannon." The enemy was very jealous when he met, and without a word, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately ordered Gotha Duck to launch a fierce attack by telepathy.

"Gengar, use the shadow ball to attack." Lihua had already cursed the eighteenth generation of Yishu's ancestors several times in her heart, and she also chose to attack without saying a word when she saw Shinji Ryuzaki's murderous appearance.

Hearing the words, Goda duck spit out a strong water column and shot directly at Lihua's forehead, and behind Lihua suddenly appeared a Gengar exuding black energy, and a huge shadow that had been poised for a long time was released from his hand.

The huge shadow ball blocked the attack of the water cannon and kept advancing. Ryuzaki Shinji saw the purple awn in the mask flashing, and Gotha duck's eyes suddenly turned purple, and some black stripes began to appear on his body. The next second, the power of the water cannon exploded, pushing the huge shadow ball back at once.

Seeing that Gengar's shadow ball was actually beaten back, Rika's face changed suddenly when she wanted to use a pistol to sneak attack Ryuzaki Shinji, but she still showed the strength of a quasi-Tianwang trainer, even if she rolled to the side, in the While rolling, he did not forget to shoot Ryuzaki Shinji with the pistol in his hand.

Several bullets came at high speed with the exact thought of Ryuzaki Shinji's head, but all the bullets could not move when they approached Ryuzaki Shinji's forehead more than ten centimeters, and all the bullets were wrapped in a layer of purple superpowers. All were suspended in front of his eyes.

"Useless props, give them back to you." Ryuzaki Shinji thought, and all the bullets immediately turned around and returned according to the shooting trajectory of Quanlai, but the power of the bullets blessed by superpowers has been enhanced several times.

The next moment, a few enchanting blood flowers appeared under the weak light, a strong black Luga stood in front of Li Hua, and several blood-colored holes appeared on his body, but the power of the bullets was not enough. Killing this powerful elf, on the contrary, aroused his ferocity, a black light skyrocketed on his body (the trick was activated), and then a large black hellfire spurted out of his mouth (burst burning).

Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji's condition, Gotha duck immediately used a wave of water mixed with super powers to force Genggui back, and then a teleport movement blocked Ryuzaki Shinji's going, his hands clasped together, his eyes skyrocketed, A huge spiral water polo quickly took shape. Then, Gotha duck made a Tai Chi gesture with both hands and pushed it forward. The spiral water polo turned into a spiraling water shield under his superb mental power and water control ability.

Trick + Burst Burning VS Water Fluctuation + Spiritual Power

Boom! !

Two powerful skills collided with each other~www.readwn.com~ The duel between fire and water, the two abilities of mutual restraint suddenly caused a huge explosion, a large amount of water vapor swarmed out, and a violent shaking appeared nearby, surrounding The building was severely damaged.

"Cough cough cough~, so strong, Kazuki, if you don't compensate me for my losses, I'll be with you." Lihua, who was in the water vapor, was in a state of confusion. Attractive snow-white, with extremely messy hair.

Ewha distressedly took back the Poké Ball with Heluga, who was still by her side at the last moment, and then took advantage of the water vapor to confuse her vision, she quickly used the ability of Gengar's incarnation to cover up objects and began to slowly retreat. The ace Black Luga was completely defeated, and she no longer has the slightest idea of ​​going down with Ryuzaki Shinji.

Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck, who were in the water vapor, were intact, and a purple superpower shield protected him, but at this time Ryuzaki Shinji didn't get the slightest bit from the confrontation just now. Joy, the other party took the opportunity to use a strange ability to hide.

"Come on, it's there, you can't let anyone go, kill everyone who's doing things inside." A murderous voice came from not far away, and then there were a lot of hurried footsteps.

"You're lucky, let's go." Knowing that the explosion just now had angered the nerves of the forces here, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't dare to stay here any longer, and left with Gotha Duck.

More than ten seconds later, a group of people in uniform came quickly. However, at this time, the two culprits had already left one after another, leaving only a pile of ruins.

To be continued......................

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