Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 41: : Divine Organ

The dazzling white light that constantly flickers and crisscrosses the entire fairground is riddled with holes. When life and death are at stake, these elite trainers show their unique means of escape. It can be said that the Eight Immortals cross the sea and show their magical abilities. Flying moves quickly flew high into the sky, some people used the ground elves to use the digging skills to escape, and some people gathered together to release the elves to use various life-saving skills together.

One minute has passed, two minutes have passed, and three minutes have passed, but the strange thing is that the huge explosion that everyone has been anxiously "awaited for a long time" did not appear.

Although the dazzling white light has been bursting out of the Foretos in the trade fair, they just couldn't make a big explosion for some reason.

"What's the situation? Why hasn't it exploded!" This question was highlighted in the hearts of everyone and the elves in the trade fair.

Gradually, after the dazzling white light continued for a few minutes, the four Foretos seemed to wither away, and the white light that erupted from the body gradually disappeared, revealing Jun Shalan and the divine organ in the center of the white light. It was completely intact and nothing happened.

At this time, a dull-looking dark blue elf appeared in the eyes of everyone. This elf was the ordinary elf Swamp King of the water and ground system. Some well-informed trainers saw this elf after seeing this elf. Immediately I understood the reason why Foretos was so slow to blew himself up.

In any case, the big bang crisis this time is over. The trainers and wild elves present sighed to relax their nervous emotions, but then a surge of rage flooded their hearts, and they all sighed in unison. Looking at Chakra with a malicious look on his face, he even hated Oka next to him (the King of the Spear).

"What! It's actually the Swamp King with moisture characteristics, **** it." Chakra, who was hidden behind a huge steel snake head, said with gnashing teeth when he saw the elf beside Jun Shalan.

"Oh, oh, oh, I didn't expect it. This is the weakness of your dwarf. As long as there is the Swamp King with the characteristics of moisture, your little elf bombs will be useless, little dwarf, accept justice!" Jun Shalan touched the smooth head of the Marsh King beside him, and proudly said to Chakra with a leather whip in hand.

"So it turns out, it seems that the elves with moisture characteristics can block the occurrence of the big explosion. This dangerous factor must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise it will suffer a lot in the future." Ryuzaki Shinji on the side nodded after hearing this. thought secretly.

"Don't be too proud, the big steel snake used the destruction to kill these two bitches..., uh~, let me go, Oka, I'm going to kill her!!" Hearing Jun Shalan Once again, he said that he was a dwarf, and the enraged Chakra immediately gave instructions to the big steel snake beside him, but he was easily stopped by the dumb big man Oka next to him.

"Idiot, don't run fast, big steel snake, don't listen to him, take us away quickly." Oka, who was next to Chakra, saw that Chakra was still going crazy, he stopped his behavior immediately, and then took one hand As he climbed up the flat part of the big steel snake's head, he quickly ordered the big steel snake to take them away.

If the big steel snake uses the destructive light, even if Jun Shalan and the Divine Organ are killed by the big steel snake, the two of them will not be able to escape. Will be torn to shreds by the furious trainers and wild pixies present.

The big steel snake is also very aware of the current situation. Although the master's order cannot be disobeyed, but feeling the strong hostility emanating from the trainers and elves around, the big steel snake still obeyed Oka's order for the master's safety. With the two of them, they quickly drilled into the ground and escaped, and the five Fletos around Jun Shalan also used their digging skills to drill into the ground and escape at the same time.

"I want to run when I pretend to be forced, I dream, Boscodora, Dazai North nose, teach them a lesson with earthquakes."

"It's not that easy to run, come out, King Nido, use the most powerful earthquake."

"Come out too, Long Longyan, and kill them with an earthquake."

"Using Earthquake, Kirby."


Those trainers and elves who escaped the catastrophe saw the big steel snake escape with the culprit Chakra, they immediately released their various elves that could use earthquake skills in anger, and they would make earthquakes when they cooperated with them. The wild elves of the move jointly used the earthquake skills, and dozens of heavyweight elves jointly used the earthquake. The power was comparable to a turning movement of nature.

For a time, the entire trade fair venue was shaken, and the mountains and the ground were cracked. Huge cracks appeared on the ground, and large pieces of rock burst out from the surface. Fortunately, everyone was ready to deal with it this time. They used their means to leave the ground in a short period of time, so this time, no one was seriously injured except for Chakra and Oka, whose lives and deaths were unknown.

After the wicked left, the entire trade fair venue became a mess, but these were not difficult problems. After some elves teamed up to prepare the ground, the entire trade fair venue returned to normal again, and the trade fair continued.

The trade fair will continue, but Ryuzaki Shinji has no intention of continuing the trade. He was able to get a precious poisonous orb at an unexpected cost. This trade fair has been worthwhile. He is now I'm more curious about what the old ghost will use as a condition to cooperate with him.

"Your Excellency, please stay, our transaction has not yet started, I hope you can reluctantly give up your love and exchange the dragon for me." A voice like the sound of nature came from behind Ryuzaki Shinji, making Ryuzaki Shinji, a man with a cold heart, couldn't help but stop and look back.

The veil has been removed, and the person who comes is wearing a beautiful blue dress, a face with a melon seed, the skin is like the top ivory white, the lips are red and the teeth are white, a pair of big red phoenix eyes, a delicate Qiong nose, a waist-length black and beautiful hair, with a princess. Wearing a petite and exquisite crystal crown on her head, Yiren came with easy steps, and a classical beauty with a beautiful face (refer to Daji in Wu Geng Ji) fell into Ryuzaki Shinji's house. In his eyes, he was so lost and intoxicated, and the purple awns in his eyes could not help shrinking suddenly.

"Hmph, another big pervert, look at it, this is the daughter of the Kamikaze family, not a commoner like you can afford." Jun Shalan, who was beside the Kamikaze, looked forward playfully. Ryuzaki Shinji, who was a little crazy, said to the male trainers around him, but his tone was a bit sour. This eldest lady from the Junsha family is also a beautiful beauty~www.readwn.com~ But in The eldest daughter of the Kamikaze family was still eclipsed in front of her, like the ratio of fluorescent light to bright moon.

The amazing Divine Organ really made Ryuzaki Shinji dazed, but it only took a few seconds. Ryuzaki Shinji, who was back to normal, first glared at Jun Shalan, and then made a plate with a distance of one centimeter from the ground. , with a thought, a nearby blue cloth strip was wrapped in a layer of purple superpowers, a few shakings shook the dust off his body, and then flew in front of him, followed by a flash of purple light on the blue cloth strip, The four Poké Balls containing the Elite Water Pokémon appeared neatly on the cloth strip.

After doing all this, Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the two women in front of him with one eye under his mask, and his eyes flashed with purple light again.

"What about your exchange items, take them out, as long as I am satisfied, Chenglong is yours." Ryuzaki Shinji said telepathically to the Divine Organ in front of him.

At the same time, Jun Shalan, who was attacked by Ryuzaki Shinji's mind power, looked a little pale, and then a word came to her mind, which suddenly made her face ugly.

"Put your arrogant face, this is not the territory of your alliance, if you dare to offend me, I will kill you." A cold and biting voice appeared in Jun Shalan's heart.

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