Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 63: : important partner

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Sea Storm Harbor, the sunset is about to sink into the horizon, a man and a woman are having a heated argument in a room in the center of the elf.

During the argument, this beautiful woman, who has always maintained restraint and majesty, is now like a shrew who is scolding the street in the street. He kept hitting the ground in front of the man, as if he was going to rush up and beat the man in the next second.

But the man did not move like a mountain, and he was calm in the face of all kinds of abuse from women. He seemed to have completely pinched the woman's point of death. Whenever a man said something, it made a woman's face pale, and whenever a woman almost ran wild. , as long as he swayed a golden scale in his hand in front of the woman, the other party's whole person was shriveled like a deflated ball.

Women have no choice but to accept the shameless conditions offered by men in the end.

"Hahaha~, Miss Jun Shalan is so straightforward and generous. Here, this extremely precious fast dragon scale is now yours. Please cherish it." Jun Shalan, who looked at him for one more second, said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the purple awns in Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes were slightly bright, and the fast dragon scales placed on the table were wrapped by a layer of purple superpowers, and then the fast dragon scales were under the influence of Ryuzaki Shinji's mind to move objects. , instantly turned into a golden light, and quickly made a few sharp turns in mid-air to fly from the living room to Jun Shalan who was about to walk out of the door.

"Hmph, how come you, a greedy fellow, suddenly became so kind. I didn't even give you what you wanted, yet you were willing to give it to me. Aren't you afraid that I would break my promise? What's a bad idea?" Jun Shalan unceremoniously copied the fast dragon's reverse scale in front of him, then turned his head and frowned, wanting to see the big bad wolf in the room and shouting loudly at Ryuzaki Shinji in the room said.

This extremely greedy vampire actually took two three-leaf resurrection grass from her hands. That's not enough. She actually asked her to add other things. As if she was out of her bottom line, she squeezed her tolerance limit just right, and then took away the good things in her hand one by one.

"I don't have any bad ideas, I just trust Miss Jun Shalan's behavior, and those additional things are just a drop in the bucket for you, Miss, it doesn't matter if you don't give them, just treat me as the wrong person. Well, but, when some gossip will appear, I am afraid it will damage the positive image of Miss Jun Shalan, I am such a nobody, it doesn't matter, hehe~~" Hearing Jun Shalan's sarcasm, Ryuzaki Shinji just ignored it, but instead continued to communicate with the other party through telepathy with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, I, Jun Shalan, do what I say, so I won't be as greedy and shameless as some people, Katie, let's go." After Jun Shalan left this sentence, she left angrily.

"Wang **** wang~" The Katee dog standing behind Jun Shalan heard the words, and immediately barked a few times at Dai Ruby, who was staring at him behind him, and then quickly followed up with Jun Shalan who had walked away in front of him.

After Jun Shalan walked away, the superpower wrapped around the door appeared again. Then, the door that was kicked by Jun Shalan was lifted up by Ryuzaki Shinji with his mind, and then slowly moved from the door. The living room flew to the door and closed the door again

"Uuuuu~" Dairubi ran to Ryuzaki Shinji, lowered his head and murmured unwillingly. Just now, Jun Shalan's humiliation to his master made him very uncomfortable, especially just now. He was humiliated by the catty dog, which was simply unacceptable to him.

"Don't be angry, as long as we can live and be scolded as greedy and shameless villains, what is it? As for humiliation, if we can't take revenge immediately at this time, then keep it in our hearts, as long as we can live, and Keep getting stronger, and one day you can give it back tenfold." Ryuzaki Shinji gently touched Dairubi's little head and replied seriously with telepathy.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy" The newly born Daere ]Rubi Ryubi can't fully understand the meaning of the master, but after feeling the care for him, he still raised his head and nodded to Ryuzaki Shinji.

Seeing that Dai Ruby regained his fighting spirit, Ryuzaki Shinji's face under the mask showed a smile, and then he stood up from the sofa, the purple awns in his eyes were slightly bright, and he used his mind to move the two resurrection grasses on the table. hands.

"I hope this so-called resurrection grass is effective." Looking at the two three-leaf resurrection grasses floating in front of him, Ryuzaki Shinji thought to himself.

Although it was known through spiritual prying that this was the real resurrection grass, the other party had never used it, so Jun Shalan was just anecdotal about its efficacy.

But no matter what, Ryuzaki Shinji can only be a dead horse and a living horse doctor now. The current situation of gas bullets is not optimistic. As his biggest trump card and the core of the poison lineup, as well as Wugas bullet's loyalty to him, Long Saki Shinji must find a way to restore the gas bullet to health as soon as possible, but Ryuzaki Shinji is willing to pay whatever the price.

With an uneasy mood, Ryuzaki Shinji returned to the bedroom step by step with two resurrection grasses and a pot full of water with his super power.

Looking at the gas bomb that was still unconscious on the sofa, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. No one is ruthless. But at the most critical moment, he always stood up to help him. He was able to take a stand in the Rockets in the light red city, and then grow to this step step by step. Gas bombing is indispensable.

Ryuzaki Shinji carefully picked up the gas bomb from the sofa with his hands, and then used his superpower to break off a leaf of one of the three-leaf resurrection grasses. Put the leaves of Resurrection Grass into a glass filled with water.

As soon as the leaves of the three-leaf resurrection grass glowing with gentle green light entered the clear water, they instantly melted in the water. Emitted from the water.

"Recover your health, gas bomb, my good partner." Seeing Shimizu turn green as Jun Shalan said, Ryuzaki Shinji nodded, and nervously took out the poison from his hand. Orb's gas bombs are dropped into the clear water.

As soon as the gas bomb entered the clear water, a dazzling green light instantly radiated from the clear water, dyeing the entire bedroom with a layer of green. Then, a layer of green energy wrapped the entire body of the gas bomb, and the green energy slowed down. It slowly penetrated into the body of the gas bomb, and the life breath that had left the poisonous orb and quickly weakened began to slowly increase.

When a plate of clear water returned to a puddle of clear water, and the green energy on the gas bomb disappeared, the life breath of the gas bomb suspended on the water also stabilized, and there was no sign of weakening, but the gas bomb still did not wake up. .

"Great, this resurrection grass really lives up to its reputation, but it seems that one piece of energy is not enough, so let's take another piece." Ryuzaki Shinji was overjoyed when the gas bomb's life aura had stabilized, and then without hesitation A cloverleaf leaf is placed in clear water.

The same scene reappeared, but this time the gas bomb's life breath had completely recovered as before and even improved a lot, but the gas bomb still didn't wake up, but if you look closely, the corner of the gas bomb's mouth unknowingly It's bent a little bit.

"Two pieces are not enough, so let's take another one." Ryuzaki Shinji saw this strange phenomenon, his eyes flashed slightly, his brows furrowed, and finally he decided to put the last three-leaf resurrection grass leaf in the in clear water.

The same scene appeared again and again, but this time the speed of the green energy penetration dropped sharply. It seemed that the life energy contained in the body of the gas bomb was already full, and this rich life energy could no longer be integrated into the gas bomb.

A minute later, the sleeping gas bomb's expression began to appear unnatural. When the water in the plate turned into clear water again, the expression on the gas bomb's face was exactly the same as that of the gas bomb.

"Oh, it seems, it still doesn't work, then I'll add a leaf to it." Seeing the expression of the gas bomb~www.readwn.com~ Ryuzaki Shinji is still not clear, this guy has already woken up , I must think that the effect of the clover resurrection grass is very good, and then this guy's greedy temperament has been committed again, and he deliberately pretended that he has not recovered, so Ryuzaki Shinji said this with a convulsive expression on his face. words come.

Sure enough, when Ryuzaki Shinji said that he was going to put another leaf of the three-leaf resurrection grass into the water, the gas bomb, still pretending to be unconscious, suddenly flew out of the water, and then showed a smile that he usually pleases. Nodding and revolving around Ryuzaki Shinji, he looked like he had as many dog ​​legs as he had.

"Gas~" Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji raising his hand, Gasdan thought that Ryuzaki Shinji was going to punish him, and immediately closed his eyes and waited obediently for Ryuzaki Shinji's reprimand.

"What should I do if it bursts, you idiot, but you'll be fine, this time it's hard for you, gas bomb." Ryuzaki Shinji took off his mask, and then gently stroked the uneven gas bomb with his hand. He said with a happy smile on his face.

Without being reprimanded or knocked **** the head, only with sincere concern, Gas looked blankly at Shinji Ryuzaki in front of him, and a drop of crystal tears fell from his eyes unconsciously.

At this moment, the minds of the elf and the trainer are connected again.

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