Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 65: :distribute

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Shirona's strong performance immediately made the hearts of the strong men in the living room tighten, and their faces became serious. These people were more or less invited by Shirona through coercion and inducement.

Therefore, they all know more or less about the strength and temper of this eldest lady from the temple, so they don't dare to make trouble in front of this powerful woman.

After Shirona saw everyone's performance, a faint smile appeared on her face, she nodded with satisfaction, and then sat down gracefully again.

But after Shirona sat down, most of the strong people just looked at me and I looked at you, and then lowered their heads and pondered, not the first to introduce themselves, and now there is a cold scene, The atmosphere was in a very awkward situation.

"Hey~, I knew this would happen. These people are really slick guys, Shirona is really, and I want to come to the rescue again, Shi Lan, please." Sitting on Shirona Cattleya next to her sighed when she saw this situation, and when she found that her best friend's face was starting to look ugly, she immediately used telepathy to respond to the man standing behind her who had been keeping her eyes straight.

The man in the black housekeeper's uniform was named Shi Lan. He was the bodyguard sent by the Cattleya family to protect Cattleya. His strength reached the peak of the quasi-celestial king.

"Okay, miss." A Shi Lan who was standing upright behind Cattleya heard the words, and immediately bowed slightly to Cattleya, responding to Cattleya's order in her heart.

"Since you are all shy, let me introduce myself first. In Shilan, I am Miss Cattleya's bodyguard. Thank you very much for getting to know you. Personally, I am good at protective work, and I am still a junior. Elf cultivator, if you need it, I can also do some logistical work." Shi Lan obeyed Cattleya's instructions, first walked out and bowed slightly to everyone, and then took the lead in doing some simple things to everyone. Self introduction.

After the first person introduced, the awkward atmosphere quickly eased, and then a young man with a fiery red explosive head couldn't help but speak.

"My name is Daye, and I am from the Shenao region like Miss Shirona. I am very honored to be invited by Miss Shirona. I specialize in fire elves, and my goal is to become a master of fire elves. Apart from fighting, there is nothing else. I'm good at it, so leave it to me to take the lead in the charge, by the way, if possible, I hope to have a **** elf battle with all of you here, hee hee hee hee~" Daye said. The young man pushed aside the obstruction of his companions, stood up and looked at everyone excitedly, especially when facing Shirona, the fighting spirit in his eyes burned like a flame in an instant.

"This idiot, how could anyone recommend himself to be the vanguard, isn't this courting death?" The blond young man sitting next to Daye saw his introduction, and immediately covered his head and thought.

"Pika Pika~" Pikachu, who was lying on the head of the blond young man, felt his mood, and immediately looked at the fool next to Da Ye, and shook his head and sighed.

Sirona sitting on the main sofa saw Daye's unexpected introduction, her face became better, and then nodded to Daye, and at the same time, she also defined Daye's position in the team as a pioneer in exploring the way players.

That's right, this so-called self-introduction is to facilitate Xirona to assign the positions of the team members. A complete group needs not only combatants who are good at combat, but also team members who are good at reconnaissance, protection and logistics. This time she invited Among the powerhouses, each of them was personally selected by her, but she only knew a rough outline of their abilities, so they needed to introduce themselves to allow her to assign positions.

Except for Daye, the powerhouses present are almost all human beings, so they are well aware of Shirona's arrangement, so they are secretly thinking about organizing their own introduction content, so that they can get the best results in the team. a more favorable location.

"My name is Electromagnetic, and I am a pair with this idiot. The stormtroopers are also counted as me. I am good at electrical elves, and I am very proficient in mechanical repair work. If the machine is damaged, you can ask me to repair it." This companion volunteered to be the pioneer. As his important companion, Electromagnet was naturally worried about his safety, so he also introduced himself after Daye sat down.

And the reason why the two of them were favored by Xirona was precisely because the cooperation between the two was perfect and their combat power was amazing. If they only had one person, both of them could only be regarded as an ordinary prospective Tianwang trainers, but once the two of them join forces, even if they face the elf of the Tianwang level, they will be able to deal with one or two or even defeat. Fame, so once Daye is confirmed by Shirona as a vanguard, he will naturally not be able to run away.

"Hey, Electromagnetic, how can you say something about me, and you yellow-haired mouse, what kind of eyes do you have?" After sitting down, Daye heard the introduction of his companion Electromagnetic and saw Pikachu's contemptuous eyes, immediately as usual Get angry, and then use language to frantically output to them.

However, in the end, the big leaf of the big nerve was still electrocuted by Pikachu as usual, and his whole body was paralyzed, and the whole body was emitting a weak current, and he froze on the sofa.

After everyone present saw the performance of this pair of living treasures, the somewhat lifeless atmosphere suddenly became active. The two blond beauties on the main sofa and the black-haired beauty on the single-seat sofa also pursed their little hands. Smile slightly.

"These two are not simple, and there is that Pikachu, the power of thunder and lightning in its body is clearly very violent, but the ability to control electricity is so subtle, the strength is probably stronger than Ma Zhishi's Pikachu. Ryuzaki Shinji still maintains a poker face that is flattering, but at this time, his eyes are slightly bright, and he carefully observes the Pikachu on the electromagnetic head, which is switching power Ford perfectly and freely, when he discovers the other party's secret After what he did, he thought secretly in surprise.

Through the detection of the superpower fluctuations that he secretly exudes, Ryuzaki Shinji has a clear understanding of the physical condition of Daye. The other party still has a few bruises on his body. Not only did Pikachu's electric shock not hurt Daya, And it is still using electric current to stimulate the rapid division of cells in the large leaf body to achieve the effect of treatment. Now these bruises are disappearing rapidly, this Pikachu actually has the ability to complete the electrotherapy alone.

"Hee hee~, the two of you are so interesting, my name is Christina, I come from the Fangyuan area, specializing in ordinary elves, I am not very keen on fighting, I should be good at medical treatment, if you elves If you're injured, come to me, and I can let my **** and Pikexi treat you little elves." After the electromagnetism stopped Pikachu's electrocution of Daye, the black-haired beauty sitting next to them stood there. He got up and said with a generous smile.

This brunette beauty named Christina is a mixed race~www.readwn.com~ is also a mature and **** big sister. The person's bust is fully exposed, and the body exudes the smell of mature women. At the same time, a kind of intellectual and gentle temperament is transmitted from her. The smile on the other side immediately makes Daye blush while lying on the sofa.

Christina was holding a Porkby with a happy smile in her hand. Porkby was looking at Pikachu above Electromagnetic's head with curious eyes. A pair of small hands swayed left and right in sync, and then her whole body exuded a kind of lethargy. The fluctuation of people's peace of mind, combined with this beauty's temperament, instantly expanded Christina's charm, making everyone present involuntarily have an inexplicable favor towards her.

After Christina's introduction, Ryuzaki Shinji finally began to introduce himself, but unlike others, he did not stand up.

But in the next second, except for Cattleya and Shirona, all the powerhouses present looked solemnly at this ordinary-looking and "ugly" man. heart.

At the same moment, a voice without emotional fluctuations appeared in their hearts.

To be continued...

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