Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 74: : bad frog

Dairubi was knocked into the air again, but this time he suffered a lot of damage and fell directly to the ground. He panted and struggled to stand up from the ground, but a purple awn suddenly appeared on his body, causing him to stretch his limbs. Soft fell to the ground again.

At this time, a deep purple dent appeared on the spot where Dairubi was hit by a sudden elf. There were also spider web-like purple veins around the purple dent. Obviously, Dairubi had been poisoned at this time. , and still poisoned.

However, the proud Cerberus did not choose to give up and surrendered because of this, and stood up from the ground again with a grin and a fierce look, and looked solemnly at the blue elf who was protecting the frog seed.

This blue elf is also a frog elf, but he is different from the wonderful frog seed. He is a humanoid frog elf with a pair of panda eyes and three hands and feet. Fingers, except for the **** which is yellow, the rest of the limbs seem to be wearing a black glove, and the lower body has two black and white stripes. At this time, he was standing up with strong hind legs. His hands were folded across his chest, and a wicked smile was always on his face as he looked at Dairubi, who was waiting for him.

This bad-looking frog elf is the poisonous fighter bad frog.

"Hum hum~, it's very interesting, he actually came out of the pokeball by himself, it seems that Jun Shalan specially gave me some pixies that gave me a headache, but this bad frog is quite suitable for me. The appetite." Looking at the bad frog who came out of the Poké Ball to rescue the seeds of the wonderful frog without authorization, Ryuzaki Shinji's face showed a smile under the mask.

The strength of this bad frog is not very strong, and the aura emanating from him is judged to be at the level of a quasi-elite, so the poison attack that contained the fighting power just now was almost defeated by Dairubi.

"Don't panic, Dairubi, just use sleep," Ryuzaki Shinji responded to Dairubi's instructions with telepathy. Since Dairubi only has high-level ordinary strength at this time, he wants to rely on his own strength to defeat the enemy in front of him. Bad frogs are too difficult, so he decides to give Darubi a hand.

"Woooooo~" Dairubi was overjoyed when he heard the words, he immediately followed Ryuzaki Shinji's words and resorted to sleep, using his sleeping skills, a green healing energy began to quickly heal Dairubi's injuries, even at this moment The poisoned state was also eliminated.

"Frog~~" The bad frog saw his pupils shrink in his eyes. He first glanced at Ryuzaki Shinji with a bad face, and then quickly used a trick against Dairubi who was in an undefended state at this time. Poison attack.

However, Dairubi has the characteristic of getting up early. He was still sleeping one second, and woke up again the next second. At this time, Dairubi, who was expending energy in his body to speed up the healing by sleeping, was fully recovered.

Seeing the bad frog that had already been killed in front of him, the cunning color flashed in Dalubi's eyes. He spit out a dark smoke screen at the bad frog, blinded the bad frog's head, and used the bad frog's inertia to drive the smoke screen with his hands. time, and then a tooth of thunder bit the bad frog's thigh, and then threw the bad frog out.

"Zizzizi~" The bad frog hit by Thunder Fang was smothered by a layer of weak electric current. The paralyzed bad frog couldn't make evasive actions in the air. A green vine whip bound the bad frog, and then carefully held him down, and the seeds of the wonderful frog also helped at a critical juncture.

However, the bad frog didn't seem to be very interested in the help of the wonderful frog seeds. As soon as it landed, he violently cut off the vine whip on his body with a knife, and also turned his head and glared at the wonderful frog seeds.

"Frog~" the bad frog shouted angrily at the wonderful frog seed who helped.

"Seed Seed~" Frog Seed heard the words, like a child who did something wrong, and immediately nodded in frustration.

When the two elves were talking, Darubi had already arrived, and he repeated his old tricks. The fearful Yanjia roared again, and immediately shocked the two frog elves. However, the bad frogs are not the seeds of the wonderful frog after all. The weak-willed elf broke free from the shock in less than a second.

As expected of a poison-type fighter, the bad frog moved as fast as lightning in small movements, and his hands burst into white light. His right hand chopped tiles to block Dai Ruby's fangs of fire, while his left hand slashed fiercely on Dai Ruby's tofu waist, hitting him. The key, the effect is outstanding.

"Woooooo~~" Dairubi cried out in pain, and then his whole body flew out again, but this time he never stood up again, and fell to the ground in a circle, losing his ability to fight.

Seeing that Dairubi lost his ability to fight, the bad frog showed a hint of pleasure, and then turned his head to look at Ryuzaki Shinji with a bad look on his face, with hatred and bloodthirsty eyes in his eyes.

Although Ryuzaki Shinji feels very dangerous to bad frogs, this killer frog who has killed more than a dozen humans still doesn't believe in evil~www.readwn.com~ In his mind, as long as humans don't have these degenerate little ones who act like tigers Elves are not just weak chickens, so after hesitating for a while, he never hesitated to attack Ryuzaki Shinji.

As soon as the bad frog split the tiles, he cleaned up Ryuzaki Shinji as if he defeated Dairubi, but a sense of danger suddenly appeared, and he immediately gave up his attack on Ryuzaki Shinji, as if there were eyes behind him. The frog quickly twisted sideways, and then dodged the attack of a shadow ball that appeared out of thin air.

I don't know when, Gui Si has quietly disappeared from the outside and came behind the bad frog.

"Hee hee hee~, with me here, you big idiot can't even touch a single hair of your master." Gui Si said to the bad frog with a big tongue and a smile on his face.

Although Ryuzaki Shinji did not use telepathy to come to support him, but as an old ghost who has lived for nearly a thousand years, of course he will not let go of this good opportunity to make his presence in front of Ryuzaki Shinji. If not, he came back from stealth and came back to help.

"Frog~~" The bad frog looked at Gui Si with an ugly face. As a fighting type, the enemy he hated and least wanted to meet was the ghost type elf, and this guy with poison type and ghost type is in front of him. It was the enemy he least wanted to meet.

"Fall into a deep sleep, you stinky toad." Gu Si's eyes began to emit blue waves at the bad frog, and the strange waves attacked the bad frog.

But the determined bad frog was unmoved at all, and directly touched a certain part of his body with his hands, and then the two abilities of strength and speed, respectively, emerged from his body. Pedaling, it turned directly into a blue phantom and went straight to the ghosts.

To be continued......................

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