Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 76: : sharp teeth

Ryuzaki Shinji used mind transfer to hold the Poké Ball holding the bad frog in his hand, then turned his head and looked coldly at the wonderful frog seed with a nervous expression on his side.

The tragic state of the bad frog, the seeds of the wonderful frog are in his eyes, and now he is scared when he sees Ryuzaki Shinji focusing on him, and now he has no help from the bad frog, and treats him according to this terrible human being The performance of the bad frog, he knew that he would also be beaten badly. When he thought of the killing intent that this human had shown before, the seed of the wonderful frog couldn't help shivering with fear.

Just when Wonder Frog Seed was afraid of Ryuzaki Shinji hitting him, Ryuzaki Shinji was thinking about whether to give up this timid Wonder Frog Seed. Although the other party showed a desperate attitude at the juncture of life and death, this was still the case. Can't get into the eyes of Ryuzaki Shinji.

But in the end, Ryuzaki Shinji gave up the idea of ​​abandoning the seeds of the wonderful frog. This frog seed is just a little guy who was just born. It is very malleable. I believe that under my own training, this little elf may not be able to. He has become a unique elf, and his current elf team is lacking a group-controlled tank elf. If the seeds of the wonderful frog can grow up, they can completely make up for the vacancy in this position. The most important thing is, The wonderful frog seeds may be an indispensable part of the five poisons tactic he envisages.

"Come here." Ryuzaki Shinji said with telepathy to the flinching Frogseed.

"Seed." Frog Seed didn't dare to move when he heard the words, but after feeling Ryuzaki Shinji's increasingly cold eyes, he finally boldly walked in the direction of Ryuzaki Shinji step by step, and then, A large gentle hand was placed on top of his head, causing him to scream in fright.

"Remember, from today onwards, you are my elf Ryuzaki Shinji, show your backbone, just like your opponent Dai Ruby just now, is that clear?" Ryuzaki Shinji squatted down He touched the small head of the frog seed with his hand and said softly.

Frog Seed stared blankly at the terrifying human being in front of him. This time he was neither beaten nor abandoned. Although the other party's tone was still cold, he could feel the warmth from the big hand on his head and the kindness of this human being. , At this time, the fear of the wonderful frog seeds disappeared immediately.

"Have I been recognized by others? This human being recognizes my existence, and I can no longer be alone." After listening to Ryuzaki Shinji's words, Wonder Frog Seed looked at Ryuzaki Shinji blankly and thought. Thinking about it, the feeling of grievance broke out all the time, and a drop of tears flowed from his small eyes, and then two vine whips were stretched out from his body and tightly wrapped around Ryuzaki Shinji's hands on his small head.

"..." Looking at the frog seeds that suddenly started crying, Ryuzaki Shinji was silent, the purple awns in his eyes dimmed a bit. In fact, there is another reason why he left the frog seeds. , but for this reason he didn't want to admit it.


The wonderful frog seed fell asleep slowly after being tired from crying, and Ryuzaki Shinji also subdued him with another empty black elf ball. After doing this, Ryuzaki Shinji put his eyes on the box On the last pokeball.

"Come out, Orbs." Ryuzaki Shinji picked up the Poke Ball and pressed the middle button to emit the last Pokemon.

A white light appeared, and then, a petite orb spider appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji.


Among the additional conditions for the transaction with Jun Shalan, the elves that Ryuzaki originally wanted were the pincer-tailed scorpion, the centipede and the night thief salamander, but unfortunately these three elves were too far away from the Kanto region. And because Jun Shalan seems to be aware of some of his intentions, Jun Shalan has been delaying it for the sake of being unable to obtain it in a short time. In the end, after Ryuzaki Shinji had some wrangling with her, she had no choice but to take the three little ones. The sprites have been replaced by Frog Seeds, Bad Frogs, and Orbs.

Frog Seed is one of the three Kanto Imperial Households. The reason why Ryuzaki Shinji chose him is very simple, just considering the lack of field control in his formation and the elf as a tank. The recovery ability and stamina are almost among the best in the center of the poison elves.

The bad frog is Ryuzaki Shinji's spare to replace the pincer-tailed scorpion. The sub-regions of the two elves are Shenao, but the pincer-tailed scorpion is more rare and precious than the bad frog. Therefore, Jun Shalan finally agreed. In response to this request, in Ryuzaki Shinji's view, the bad frog's poison-type and fighting-type not only fit his identity as a poison-type specialist and a fighter, but also greatly enhance his current elf in terms of attack. In a situation where the lineup is not broad enough, the more important point is that the bad frog is still one of the five poisons in his mind.

As for the silk spider, he was replaced by Ryuzaki Shinji after careful consideration~www.readwn.com~ Although the racial value of the silk spider is not high, his practicability is very strong. The spider silk of the silk spider is not only It has an unparalleled and powerful effect in chasing down the enemy, and it is also one of the best tools for escape. Ryuzaki Shinji has seen the embarrassing situation after his teleportation ability is limited, and the addition of the silk spider may be able to give When it comes to his more diverse offensive methods and escape methods, after all, he has also seen the scene where Aju used Alidos to grab food.


This orb spider is different from the wonderful frog seed. It is not afraid at all after seeing Ryuzaki Shinji, and does not want to be hostile to Ryuzaki Shinji like a bad frog. However, this little elf makes Ryuzaki Shinji feel even more This little elf came out and met Ryuzaki Shinji, he climbed to the corner of the wall and started to make a web, and then fell asleep on the spider web. No matter how Ryuzaki Shinji called out in a very touching way, he was Ignoring Ryuzaki Shinji seems to have completely ignored Ryuzaki Shinji, the "master" who holds the Poké Ball.

"Hehe~, she's really a very individual elf. I don't know where Jun Shalan found these three troublesome elfs at once." Ryuzaki Shinji saw Yuansi After the spider's maverick appearance, he thought with interest.

However, at this time, Ryuzaki Shinji did not continue to disturb the beautiful dream of the silk spider, but focused on the last item in the box.

"I hope this is the right thing, come out and let me see your new form." Ryuzaki Shinji took out the Poké Ball that Sakagi gave him, and then released the Pokémon inside, and then, using The hand threw the sharp tooth in the box to the elf that just appeared.

To be continued.......

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