Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 2: : Affected pond fish

In the storm, on the gray sky, among the dark clouds covered with purple thunder, one head is pitch black, and the body is covered with mysterious patterns emitting dark red light, and the elf surrounded by dark red ribbons is roaring frantically. In the middle of the night, he wandered unscrupulously in the thunder, sometimes tearing the clouds and roaring loudly, sometimes traveling through the clouds to bathe in the thunder, and sometimes looking down at all beings from the sea of ​​clouds.

This dark elf looks exactly like an oriental dragon, but unfortunately the dark aura that pervades his body at this time and the scarlet giant eyes full of bloodthirsty, there is still a trace of the oriental dragon's fairy energy there. Doesn't mean it's an evil dragon.

Every roar from the black dragon made the whole world tremble, and the powerful coercion spread throughout the whole world with this roar. , or the surging huge waves, or the madly roaring violent thunder, all arrogant heads underground under the roar of this black dragon, bowing their heads in front of the black dragon.

Ryuzaki Shinji was also shocked by the deafening roar. It took three seconds for him to sweat profusely and break free from the pressure of the roar. Then, with a flash of purple light in his eyes, he immediately used it. Teleport to the deck of the Temple.

At this moment, except for the thick dark clouds that were still dense in the sky, whether it was violent storms, turbulent waves, or wanton roaring thunder, all disappeared at this moment, Ryuzaki Shinji was standing on the deck of the Shrine. Looking up at the head, the whole body suddenly softened and almost knelt down on both knees, the face under the mask was pale, and there was a trace of red blood coming out of the eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

On the top of the temple, the black dragon was sticking out his hideous head towards the temple in the dark clouds. Ryuzaki Shinji looked at his majestic eyes, and a thunder suddenly exploded in his mind. , his whole soul seemed to be hit by a huge hammer in the front, and there was a heart-piercing tearing feeling in the depths of his soul.

A strong man with strong mental power and willpower like Ryusaki Shinji is so unbearable, not to mention the other people on the temple. At this moment, except for Ryuzaki Shinji and Shirona, other people on the temple. All of them have already selectively entered a coma because their willpower can't bear this powerful coercion.

"Ha~, ha~, ha~~~" Ryuzaki Shinji knelt on one knee on the ground, gasping for breath, the eyes under the mask were bloodshot, he gritted his teeth and waited for his body to adjust to the pressure, then slowly He stood up from the ground and looked at the black dragon above his head with an unyielding expression.

"It's over, it's over, it's over, it's so unfortunate, I just came in and met the guardian, and it's still a dark cracking seat, these are over." The ghost in the shadow of Ryuzaki Shinji was not in this coercion. Falling into a coma, he was shivering in the shadows and complaining to himself.

"What happened, why is this monster staring at us." Hearing Guise's words, Ryuzaki Shinji's heart that had sunk to the bottom once again cast a shadow over it, but he didn't ask the first time. At this time, Gusi, who was clearly in a state of consternation, went to ask another person who could continue to stand on the deck at this time.

"This is not a monster, but one of the most powerful super-divine beasts in the sky and the sky. I won't go into details. I can only tell you that this black cracking seat was beaten by the creator **** Arceus. The evil mythical beast in the stormy sea, his mission is to destroy all creatures that enter the sky above the stormy sea, but according to the current situation, his goal is not us." Facing Ryuzaki Shinji's doubts, at this time, his whole body was wrapped in the power of golden supergram. Shirona said with a frown when she got up.

But even so, Hirona is actually confused. From the ancient scrolls hidden in the temple, she learned that this evil Rift Seat should have been severely injured by the creator **** Arceus, and used great power to fight it. The top of the sea of ​​​​clouds in the stormy sea area is right.

"Has he broken free of Arceus's power and can travel freely in the stormy sea? This again indicates that a huge disaster is about to come." Xirona thought secretly in her heart.

"Not us? No! There is also a huge creature under the sea. Our ship is on top of him. We must leave this sea area quickly." The terrifying coercion that came out spread out his own spiritual power, and he instantly gained insight into the situation hundreds of meters below the sea surface.

Ryuzaki Shinji used the information of spiritual insight, which is only a small part of this huge creature. He saw a pair of huge scarlet eyes, and there was deep disdain in the eyes.

Ryuzaki Shinji just said it.

"Pfft~~" A mouthful of blood came out of Ryuzaki Shinji's mouth, and then he fell to the ground. Then he held his head in pain and kept rolling on the wet deck. The creatures under the sea sensed Ryuzaki. Shinji's prying, immediately counterattacked with extremely powerful mental power. Fortunately, Ryuzaki Shinji cut off the spreading mental power immediately, otherwise, the one just now was far more than ten times stronger than Ryuzaki Shinji's mental power. Mental fluctuations can turn him into an idiot in an instant, but even the slightest touch has already made him miserable.

When Shirona heard this, her thought of wanting to keep an eye on the situation was immediately dismissed. She estimated that the real target of the Dark Rift Seat was probably the creatures below the sea surface of the Temple, and the whole group of them only affected Chiyu. So she acted immediately, even ignoring Ryuzaki Shinji who fell to the ground as soon as she finished speaking. She entered the cockpit quickly to replace Shi Lan, who had passed out, and then controlled the Temple to drive the maximum horsepower to escape this sea area. .

It's a pity that the power has been turned on to the largest ship. The temple has just driven a small distance. The violent storm that had disappeared appeared again, and the huge waves that came with it kept hitting this small warship, making the temple. The speed of it dropped sharply, and in the end it could only drift with the waves like a small leaf.

"Damn, come out, Goda duck help me resist this majesty, silk spider, please, use spider webs to fix them all." Ryuzaki Shinji, who stood up again, saw that he was swaying from side to side. The floating Temple, his eyes suddenly showed a look of anxiety. Seeing that Electromagnet, Daye, Christina and a group of elves who fainted on the deck were about to be thrown into the sea. With an idea, the silk spider was immediately released to save the field.

As soon as the orb spider came out~www.readwn.com~, he was almost fainted by the pressure of the Dark Rift Seat. Fortunately, he had the protection of the spiritual power shield created by the fusion of Ryusaki Shinji and Gotha Duck. Barely holding back this pressure, and then under the order of Ryuzaki Shinji, he spit out a spider silk with strong stickiness to fix a type of personnel on the deck on the deck.

"Boom~" Just when the silk spider was about to fight the big leaf's smelt ant with the spider silk bundle, the elf under the sea finally resisted the provocation of the dark cracking seat and came out from the bottom of the sea, and the huge body It emerged from the sea with the momentum of thunder, and directly knocked the toy-like warship in front of him.

The Temple was knocked into the air by a giant elf and started a 360-degree tumbling motion.

"Ah~~~" Shirona in the cockpit screamed like a helpless ordinary woman at this time. At this time, the fierce bite land shark, who fainted on the deck, opened her eyes instantly, and then turned into an afterimage. Violently smashed the hull into the cockpit and protected Shirona who was in the air.

In the tumbling warship, Ryuzaki Shinji, who used his superpower to move objects in mid-air in time, stared blankly at the huge figure in front of him. Under the mask, he looked stunned.

To be continued......................

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