Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 18: : Underwater Shadow

When Ryuzaki Shinji succeeded in subduing the electric firefly, Abo had already eaten the iron-clawed lobster, including the shell and meat, and he ate it clean. At this time, he was dragging the bloated snake body and walking along Little by little, he moved towards Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Come back and rest for a while, thanks for your hard work, Abo." Ryuzaki Shinji touched Abo's poisonous dragon's horn, then took out the Poke Ball and took him back. Great, at this time letting him rest is the best choice.


At this time, Ghost Stone was also very clever and invisible again, and then continued to lurk in the shadow of Ryuzaki Shinji.


In the wreck, under the leadership of the electric fireflies, the wild elves living in the wreck seemed to have disappeared, and Ryuzaki Shinji came to a section of the cabin at the bottom of the wreck unimpeded all the way.

This shipwreck has been in the shipwreck cemetery for a long time, but because the wood it is built has very good corrosion resistance to seawater, although part of the hull sank into the water, the structure of the whole ship is still very good. sturdy, and there is no sign of hull separation.

Of course, the exposed part of the whole ship has long been "remodeled" by wild elves beyond recognition, and there are traces of various elves' activities and battles everywhere.

The wooden floor is covered with a layer of black lacquer "mud blocks", which are said to be mud blocks, but these things are actually excrement left by various wild elves. The ability is suspended in mid-air, and the face under the mask is frowning at the strange environment in front of him.

Striking rays of sunlight shot into the cabin from the holes in the top floor of the cabin, bringing a touch of life and warmth to the cold and damp cabin here. Some tree fruits left in the cabin miraculously sprouted and grew up in this part of the cabin, and they were fruitful. At this time, the electric firefly was bringing Ryuzaki Shinji to their most important habitat. .

This cabin full of all kinds of fruit trees is the habitat for the electric fireflies to live on, but these fruit trees are not what Ryuzaki Shinji needs now.

"Although I'm glad you can bring me to this place, but these things are not what I want, the things I need are these liquids, little guy, do you have the impression of this kind of thing in your memory." Looking at this time With the Electric Firefly stuffed in his arms and asking for credit, Ryuzaki Shinji shook his head helplessly, took out a bottle containing engine fuel from his body, and said to the Electric Firefly with telepathy.

The first item in his search for materials this time is engine fuel, but these things that are very common on ships are not easy to find in this shipwreck graveyard, and most of the sunken ships are almost sunk under the water.

And these sunken ships were all severely damaged without exception. The fuel stored in them either leaked out or burned and exploded with the engine early in the morning.

Therefore, ships that can leave fuel behind are generally those that are relatively well-preserved wrecks.

The reason why this ship is very well preserved should be that after the ship accidentally entered the stormy waters, the people on board immediately abandoned the ship and fled, and there was no trace of battle damage, and Ryuzaki Shinji did not from beginning to end. A dead human bone was found here.

"Diandiandian~~" Electric Firefly sniffed the smell of engine fuel in the bottle, his face showed a thoughtful look, and after thinking hard, he suddenly called to Ryusaki Shinji with an ugly face.

"Oh~, remember? Then lead the way." Seeing the electric firefly like this, Ryuzaki Shinji knew that the other party must have seen the engine fuel.

"Dendenden~~" Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's order, the Electric Firefly had to reluctantly fly ahead to lead the way.

In the end, Electric Firefly took Ryuzaki Shinji in front of the underwater cabin.

"Is it under here?" Ryuzaki Shinji thought while looking at the part of the cabin in front of him that was submerged underwater. From the description of the electric firefly, this part of the submerged cabin is the area where the dye buckets should be placed, but inside It seems that there are very ferocious and terrifying water elves, and any elves that approach here at night will mysteriously disappear, so the wild elves living in this ship will hardly approach this area.

"Den Dian ~ ~" Electric Firefly saw that Ryuzaki Shinji wanted to go down, and immediately persuaded him anxiously, looking very reluctant to accompany Ryuzaki Shinji in.

"Don't worry, you just need to help, you don't need to take action, come out, Goda, use diving, take me down." Ryuzaki Shinji first patted the head of the electric firefly with his hand said, and then released Gotha Duck from the Poké Ball.

As soon as Godard Duck came out, he first glared at the electric firefly flying next to Ryuzaki Shinji, then followed Ryuzaki Shinji's instructions to dive into the water, and then immediately activated the water system energy to create a large enough bubble.

After Goda Duck created the bubble, Ryuzaki Shinji jumped into the bubble first, and the electric firefly also entered the bubble reluctantly under Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes.


The water was dark and filled with a gloomy aura. In the water, all the light seemed to be swallowed up by a certain force. Even with the flashing skills of the electric fireflies using the tail fluorescent lamps, Ryuzaki Shinji's The line of sight can only see the scene within a radius of one or two meters.

Soon, Ryuzaki Shinji reached the bottom of the cabin under the protection of Godard duck.

Looking at the messy objects around and the dead bones of various elves on the ground, Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes suddenly showed a solemn color.

"It seems that there is indeed a big guy living here, but why can't I feel his breath." After seeing the surrounding situation, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately spread his mental power to detect, but he and The results of the Godard duck detection were the same, and no other water elves were found in the cabin at all.

"Master, be careful, I feel a very powerful ghost energy fluctuation here. Although this guy hides the energy fluctuation very well, my perception is absolutely correct, he is near us." Stone took the initiative to show up at this time, and then said to Ryuzaki Shinji with a solemn expression.

"Den Dian ~ ~" Electric Firefly seemed to feel something, and immediately pointed to the left side of Ryuzaki Shinji and shouted.

Immediately afterwards, countless ghostly figures suddenly appeared from all sides of the bubble where Ryuzaki Shinji was located. These ghosts with violent ghost-type energy wanted to put Ryuzaki Shinji in the water for the first time. destroyed.

However, the ghosts had not yet arrived, and an invisible barrier immediately intercepted these ghosts, and the ghosts vanished as soon as they touched the invisible barrier.

At this moment ~www.readwn.com~ Gotha Duck exudes amazing superpower fluctuations all over his body, a blue mind ball appears in each of his hands, and the red gem between his eyebrows is flashing a dazzling red light.

"The guy who hides his head and shows his tail, do you really think that you can't do anything about me, Goda, use your see-through skills and get this guy out for me." Seeing that he was taken as prey, Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes flashed with evil spirits , and immediately used telepathy to give orders to Gotha Duck.

When Godard Duck heard the words, the ruby ​​in the eyebrows immediately released a red energy fluctuation, and where the energy fluctuations permeated, any invisible things were dyed with a layer of strange substances emitting red fluorescence.

The next second, a huge elf that almost covered most of the cabin.

Appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji.

"What kind of elf is this?" Ryuzaki Shinji thought with narrowed eyes.

To be continued......

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