Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 25: : The soul of obsession

Among the wreckage of the shipwreck, Ryuzaki Shinji quietly waited for the stinky mud to suppress the single scabbard. At this moment, the defensive power of his outer layer of mud is even several times harder than that of the best steel, and the sharp sword energy released by the single scabbard can no longer penetrate, and it is all blocked inside.

Although the single scabbard is blessed with the power of the steel element, and the blade is extremely sharp, almost reaching the level of slashing everything, but in the thick and corrosive mud in the stinky mud, his powerful slash is completely useless. It didn't work, he had the feeling of hitting a ball of cotton with strength, and it was indescribably uncomfortable.

He had forgotten how many swords he had swiped in this **** place, but when he used the holy sword to send out a sword energy to cut a slight crack and try to rush out, the mud sticking to the sword started to pull frantically. Following him, under the obstruction of layers of viscous mud, his movements became like a turtle's speed.

Two minutes later, with a sound of "Pfft~", Smelly Mud spit out the single scabbard in his body.

At this time, the single scabbard no longer had the sharp-edged power it had before, the entire sword body became pitted, and the breath became weak. The blade of the power blessing was also unable to resist.

"It's such an amazing treasure, it still has such a magical ability, but unfortunately, the outcome is already divided, only the scabbard, it's time to make your choice, surrender to me, or die!" Ryuzaki Zhen Er responded to the threat of the single scabbard with telepathy.

Even though the entire sword body shows signs of corrosion, the two marks on the front and back of the sword are still shining. As soon as the single scabbard comes out, the sword body is immediately inserted into the sea mud, and then the steel mark shines brightly. From then on, he was actually absorbing the iron element contained in the sea mud to repair his body. At such a speed visible to the naked eye, within a few minutes, his sword body would be able to return to normal.

"Young man, although you are very strong, you can't feel a trace of the potential of a king from you. You don't deserve me." The silver eye on the sword is staring at Ryuzaki Shinji. Overwhelmed by fear, in the face of the harsh choice given by Ryuzaki Shinji and the threat of four powerful elves in four weeks, he stated his choice. At the moment of touching Ryuzaki Shinji, he did not feel the other party's body. With the potential of being a king, he only felt endless malice, so he finally chose to refuse.

"The potential of a king? Hmph, it's really stupid to refuse my invitation for such a boring thing. You brought it on yourself. Anyway, I just want a sharp weapon. It doesn't make much difference whether I have consciousness or not, Ghost Stone. , I will allow you to devour your soul this time and eat his soul, can you do it?" Hearing the answer from the scabbard, Ryuzaki Shinji sneered, then turned his head and said to the eager ghost Stone.

"What a generous master, this is a piece of cake, I promise to complete the task." Ghost Stone was overjoyed, and immediately flew to the front of the single scabbard, stuck out his scarlet tongue, licked the single scabbard, and then Looking greedily at the sword in front of him, since he was subdued by Ryuzaki Shinji, he has never tasted the soul again. He is a vegetarian every day, and now he almost forgets the taste of the soul.

When Du Jianshe saw Ghost Stone approaching, just as he was about to do it, his body was swept up by a powerful superpower beam. This time, no matter how much he pushed the steel source power in his body, he couldn't break free, he could only helplessly. Watching the ghost Stone in front of him do whatever he wants to him.

Standing next to Ryuzaki Shinji, Gota Duck is fully exerting his powerful super power. Although he has released the mental fusion state at this time, a super power mark with pink light is emerging on his forehead. .

After obtaining a trace of the power of the source of the super energy system, Gotha Ya has never stopped comprehending the power of the source. Although he is still 108,000 miles away from full comprehension, after unremitting efforts and attempts, he can already He initially used the power of the source, and that's why his spiritual power has made rapid progress recently. The only pity is that the power of the source has been activated for too long and cannot be used in actual combat. It is very suitable for the single scabbard of the bundle at this time.

The severely injured single scabbard was completely unable to break free from the psychic force that was blessed with the power of the super energy system.

"I just like a stubborn little elf like you, let me taste your taste, don't worry, it won't hurt, hee hee hee~~" Ghost Stone smiled at the single scabbard. After speaking, two ghost claws condensed with ghost-type energy stretched into the single sword scabbard without hindrance, and then a soul exuding milky white light was pulled out from the single sword scabbard.

This soul struggled hard, trying to withdraw into the sword, but unfortunately, under the superb soul skills of Ghost Stone, it was all in vain, and was finally pulled out of the sword alive.

"How could this be, this is a holy soul! It hurts, ah~~" When the soul completely came out of the sword, the milky white soul immediately glowed brightly~www.readwn.com~ Under the light of these holy lights , Ghost Stone's body quickly melted, and immediately turned into a black shadow hidden in the shadow of Ryuzaki Shinji.

"So it is, no wonder you are so stubborn. It turns out that there is the soul of an ancient knight. Such a pure soul light must have been a noble knight in his lifetime. Do you have any last words now? Mr. Knight! "Looking at the holy soul wearing ancient armor in front of him, Ryuzaki Shinji felt inexplicable disgust.

The Knight Soul did not answer Ryuzaki Shinji immediately, but stared blankly at the sword that had lost its brilliance at this time, with endless vicissitudes and emotion in his eyes, and then turned into countless milky white light particles without a word.

In order to complete the task of the king, he held the sword to find the heir of the kingdom. Even if he died, he attached his soul to it because of his obsession, and waited. The endless years passed, and the sword changed hands several times, but still no suitable heir was found. , he was about to forget his human identity, but he did not expect to leave this world in this way in the end.

"Young man in deep obsession, although I don't know why you are so disappointed in this world, the sincere love for the elf in your heart is real, and the elf is not A tool used to use power, human beings always think that they control power, but they don’t know that they have already become puppets of power, I really want to lie on the beach and take a quiet look at the blue sky of Alola.” When the last particle of light When it was about to dissipate, a soul voice full of vicissitudes appeared in Ryuzaki Shinji's soul.

Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the silent sword in his hand with complicated eyes, and the voice of the soul still echoed in his ears.

To be continued......

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