Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 38: : Solved (more than 4,000 characters large)

At the critical moment, a steady voice appeared from not far away.

Immediately afterwards, a high-speed-firing spiral water polo broke through the pervasive poisonous gas and shattered the last shadow in time.

"Minas, water cannon, cough, cough." Seeing that the crisis was resolved, Shirona, who was a little weak, immediately seized the opportunity to give orders to Minas beside her.

As soon as Shirona finished speaking, Minas, who almost injured her master because of the loss of defense, was furious. A giant water column spurted out of her mouth, directly hitting the dark night demon who wanted to attack and flew a distance away. .

This is not enough, the white light in the eyes of Minas immediately covered the back dazzling, and then, a giant waterspout rose from the sea surface, and immediately involved the Night Demon who was still in the flying state.

As the waterspout swept the Dark Night Demon, a man in a butler's uniform hurried over from the poisonous gas, with an Emperor Nabo by his side.

"Shi Lan, how could it be you, Cattleya?" Hirona asked Shi Lan, who hurried over, with a deeply worried expression on her face.

"Don't worry, Lord Shirona, Miss is all right. Come on, this is the antidote. I heard Miss Christina who came to deliver the antidote said that this antidote was specially made by Mr. Ryuzaki. Miss and I have already taken it. The effect is very good." Shi Lan first showed a reassuring smile to Shirona, and then immediately took out a small cockroach filled with white liquid from her body and handed it to Shirona to explain.

"I knew it was him that came back, which is great." Without hesitation, Shirona drank the antidote in the cockroach directly.

As Shi Lan said, the effect of the drug is very significant. After a few seconds, Shirona clearly felt that the toxins in her body had been eliminated, and her face turned rosy.

In the sky, the Bite Land Shark spread its wings and quickly approached the Flying Dragon in the sky at the speed of a jet fighter. The dragon claws with both hands were stretched out, and a pair of huge energy claws appeared, and then fiercely hit the person who had no time to dodge. On the body of Storm Flying Dragon, there was an angry blow, and the dragon's claws contained great strength in this move, which directly hit Storm Flying Dragon for a distance.

Lucario's whole body fighting energy surged out, and his fighting power rose to the top in an instant. His feet actually stepped on the air and quickly attacked the three-headed dragon. The freezing fist in his hand finally hit the three-headed dragon heavily. On the dragon head in the middle of the dragon, the opponent directly caused a 360-degree follow-up in the air.

"Damn, as expected, reinforcements came. The Flying Dragon used the dragon's tail to send him flying. The three-headed dragon used jet flames to create a wall of fire to cover the retreat." Seeing Xirona being rescued, the hunter's face was very ugly. , Knowing that the battle plan had completely failed, he didn't want to fight, and immediately ordered the two elves in his hands to evacuate.

Fighting with the fierce biting land shark and the violent flying dragon heard the words, the tail was instantly wrapped by the powerful dragon energy, a beautiful air maneuver flexibly escaped the dragon claws of the fierce biting land shark, and the flexible tail was drawn like lightning. The somewhat inflexible flying in the air bites the land shark, and then the blood-red wings spread, and an acceleration takes the hunter to a higher sky.

The three-headed dragon also obeyed the order. The three ferocious dragon heads released raging flames in the air. The three huge columns of fire joined together to form a huge wall of fire. Lucari, who wanted to step on the air and use the speed of sonic freezing fist again. O blocked it.

"Hmph, I only thought about running at this time, it's too late, the bite land shark uses the dragon wave, Lucario, you don't have to pursue close combat, you also use the dragon wave to counterattack." At this time, Shirona, who was restored to the original state Once again, she showed the attitude of a strong woman, and said to the hunter who wanted to escape.

A fierce battle broke out in an instant.

at the same time.

"Bang, bang, bang" came from the front. In the thin poisonous gas, ten meters away from the frontal battle between Wei Li and Yan Kai, Ryuzaki Shinji in a black mask restrained his breath. Hiding in the poisonous gas, he quietly wiped the simple long sword in his hand with a white cloth. Seeing this, the Abo monster and the bad frog beside him also restrained their breath and quietly watched the fierce battle ahead.

More than ten seconds have passed since Ryuzaki Shinji came to the edge of the battlefield. He did not immediately go up to intervene in the battle, because the battle between the two sides has entered a state of white-hot, and Yan Kai is obviously in a state of being suppressed. It was very obvious that he wanted to spend the least amount of money, and then waited for Yan Kai to launch a fatal blow when the shield in his hand failed, so he had always been consciously suppressing Yan Kai's strength.

Ryuzaki Shinji understands that if he joins rashly at this time, it is very likely that the opponent will launch a desperate attack on Yan Kai, although the shield in Yan Kai's hand is very magical, and can resolve the attack of the strange force that is obviously in a state of strength enhancement. Invisible, but careful observation found that the strength of this shield is also limited, and the fist marks that keep appearing on the shield are the best proof. Resisting it is a matter of two things.

Moreover, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't really want to rescue him, he wasn't so selfless enough to lose his strength for an irrelevant person, and now his strange strength is due to multiple muscle strengthening, his originally powerful strength has been It has been strengthened to an extremely terrifying level, and every punch is enough to crack mountains and rocks. If confronted head-on, Ryuzaki Shinji has no absolute certainty that he can easily kill the strange power at this time.

It's not without reason that Yan Kai has been in a suppressed state. It's not that the shield in Yan Kai's hand is not powerful. On the contrary, being able to take the strange arm force fist at this time and not die is enough to show how strong the shield in Yan Kai's hand is. Terrible, Ryuzaki Shinji secretly estimated that if it was his elf to confront Yan Kai head-on, he might be the one who was suppressed.

"I didn't expect this guy to hide such a powerful means. How did he achieve such a power comparable to invincible defense? I really want to take it for myself." Kai, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was hiding his breath, thought to himself, with deep greed and malice in his eyes.

Feeling the greed and malice in Ryuzaki Shinji's heart, "Ssssssssss", the Aboriginal who coiled his body around Ryuzaki Shinji excitedly spit out snake letters, and his eyes also showed deep greed and maliciousness.

"Don't worry, Abo, the battle will end soon, that's the best time for us to take action, okay, I know, if you can't help it, go and help Gotha Duck to remove the water. Let the guy who is doing the work be killed." Ryuzaki Shinji patted Aboguai's strong body to comfort him.

In addition to coming to support Yan Kai, he also asked Goda Duck, who is currently the strongest in combat, to support Electromagnetic. Judging from the situation of mental detection, the current situation of this young trainer from Shenao is not much better than that of Yan Kai. Going, thinking of the other party's ability to repair ships, Ryuzaki Shinji decided to help the other party.

"Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssedly nods, and then left him quickly, he's very hungry now, it's time to eat.

I really want to eat some special meat

After a minute.

After a loud "bang", the battle between the strange force and Yan Kai finally came to an end. It did not go beyond Ryuzaki Shinji's expectations. As a human being, Yan Kai was not the opponent of the strange force after all.

At the moment when the victory or defeat appeared, Ryusaki Shinji finally made his move. With a flash of purple light in his eyes, he immediately used teleportation to appear beside the strange force. In both hands, the blade of the crossed long sword in his hand slashed with all his strength against Wei Li's waist, and then, he used teleportation again to return to the original position.

"Tick-tock-tick" drips of hot blood dripped from the cross sword, the blood on the sword made this sword a little more evil.

In less than three seconds before and after, Norbarton's main elf monster was cut in half by Ryuzaki Shinji with a single sword, and the sneak attack killed him.

"It seems that the effect is very good. This sword is really sharp, hehe." Looking at the long sword dripping blood in his hand, Ryuzaki Shinji smiled with satisfaction, and then extended his malicious eyes to Norbarton, who sensed something was wrong.

The dark clouds passed, and the icy moonlight from the sky once again fell below the shipwreck graveyard.

"What's going on? My poison gas formation is actually dissipating. It's impossible. My four double-bomb gasses are still spraying poison gas. Flying elf, the poisonous gas shouldn't be blown away!" With the help of the moonlight, the hunter who was hiding outside was stunned as he looked at the Shrine, which gradually became clear in front of him.

But in the next second, his face turned pale, and an incomparably huge double-bomb gas slowly flew out of the poisonous gas formation. Wherever he passed, the surrounding poisonous gas was rapidly disappearing. The incomparable double-bomb gas flew along the poisonous gas to a double-bomb gas that was breathing the poisonous gas.

The hunter's double-bomb gas was also stunned when he saw this same kind of small mountain, and even forgot to release the poison gas. When comparing the two, it was like a child seeing an adult, and he felt the horror of the huge double-bomb gas. Breath, the hunter's double-bomb gas shuddered, a large black mouth slowly appeared in front of him, and then a powerful suction appeared, and then, he lost consciousness forever.

When Ryuzaki Shinji's double-bomb gas finished eating the little guy in front of him, he glanced at the hunter's direction thoughtfully, and then continued to fly in the direction of the next poisonous gas source, although the taste was not very good, But it's barely in the category of gourmet food.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this, he actually ate my double-bomb gas." The hunter thought with an ugly face after seeing his double-bomb gas being eaten.

Although he was very angry, the hunter had no intention of taking revenge in the past, and took the spoon snake to slowly back away. The experience of life and death over the years told him that the situation had undergone tremendous changes and it was time to leave.

Unfortunately, he froze before he took a few steps, even with the treacherous snake beside him.

"Hissssss" A snake sound suddenly appeared behind him, and a huge snake-shaped black shadow enveloped him and the Rice Spoon Snake, and two scarlet eyes were staring at them from the shadow.

When the hunter slowly turned around, a large black snake was looking at them greedily, "tick-tock" drops of black saliva dripped from the large mouth of the large snake's open blood plate.

The "Rice Spoon Snake" hunter tried to break free from the state of shock and wanted to order the Rice Spoon Snake beside him to launch a counterattack, but he hadn't finished speaking.

After the sound of "Shuh" appeared, his whole person disappeared in place.

Ryuzaki Shin took a blood-stained sword and walked in the direction of Nobaton step by step. At this moment, his killing intent was undisguised.

Looking at the long sword still dripping blood in Ryuzaki's second hand, Norbarton, who was caught by the psychic force, looked at Ryuzaki Shinji who was pressing step by step with disbelief. He never expected that the strange force would be directly The person who kills will be a human, although this human seems very frightening now.

Just when Ryuzaki Shinji was about to walk five meters away from Nobaton, Nobaton's originally terrified face showed a grin, and the two Pokeballs on his body were released spontaneously at this time.

First, a charem exuding fighting arrogance appeared after a burst of white light disappeared. She launched a sneak attack on Ryuzaki Shinji, and her fist wrapped in fighting arrogance attacked his head mercilessly. The ready-to-go dismount will be used.

At the same time, another elf disappeared from the white light and showed his true face. A rather fat super-power king appeared, following Charem's offensive, "Bang Bang Bang" walked with heavy steps , two huge palms glowing white like sunflower fans patted Ryuzaki Shinji towards the center.

"Hmph~www.readwn.com~ I'm still a long way from my life, Charem, the king of super power, kill this arrogant guy for me." Norbarton, who used a special method to break free from Ryuzaki Shinji's mental strength He said with a grim expression, although he didn't know how Ryuzaki Shinji attacked and killed his strange power, he knew that at this time, Ryuzaki Shinji would definitely die. Dare to appear in front of him like this is simply courting death.

Charem's sneak attack was as fast as lightning, and he was about to hit Ryuzaki Shinji, but when he approached Ryuzaki Shinji's head three centimeters, the lightning-like fierce attack suddenly stopped.

On the seemingly empty deck, two large white mud hands suddenly appeared, and then tightly grabbed Charem in the air.

At the same moment, a purple afterimage came out from behind Ryuzaki Shinji, and with a direct one-million-ton flying kick, Charem, who was caught by the bundle, was kicked away, and the super-power king behind him was kicked away for a distance. .

A bad frog with bulging muscles was looking at Norbarton with a sinister smile.

An emotion called despair emerged from his heart.

To be continued

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