Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 49: : rocket evacuation

In the shipwreck cemetery, a large ship shaped like a rocket is struggling to enter, and a large number of wild elves have emerged from all directions of the ship. These wild elves have red eyes, as if staring at the enemy. of large ships, recklessly attacking large ships.

On the ship, a group of human trainers in uniform black uniforms are directing their elf to resist desperately. Surrounded by a large group of desperate wild elves, they can only temporarily protect themselves, and can only passively choose to defend themselves. Therefore, the scars on the ship are still amazing. The speed of the ship is increasing, and it will not be long before this ship, which is covered with a layer of iron armor, will turn into a pile of scrap metal.

This ship, which was also attacked by a large number of wild elves, was the vehicle that Team Rocket and his party were riding. It had been 13 minutes since they were suddenly attacked by wild elves. Among them, three relatively weak members of Team Rocket had already They died one after another, and they were torn into countless pieces by the crazy wild elves. If it wasn't for the three powerful members of Team Rocket on the ship, I am afraid that the members of Team Rocket on the ship would have suffered heavy casualties at this time. .

A giant needle bee with an amazing fighting spirit burst in and out among countless wild elves, like a peerless warrior. Going back and forth, the double guns in his hands shot heavy gun shadows. Every time a raid, a bunch of wild elves fell powerlessly into the icy sea water. The two sharp iron spears had been dyed red with blood at this time, and the evil spirit on their bodies made these wild elves, who had already fallen into a state of madness, instinctively fear them.

Similarly, on the bow deck of the ship, a king Nido and a queen Nido were like a once indestructible city wall, blocking a large number of elves who were attacking from the front. The Giant Needle Bee, who has entered the Heavenly King level, is slightly inferior, and is only at the level of the quasi-Sky King's peak, but the two husband and wife team up, and the outbreak of combat power far surpasses that of the Giant Needle Bee.

If a sniper rifle of Big Needle Bee can kill the enemy in one move, then King Nido and Queen Nido will be a huge cannon when they join forces. The incomparable move directly prevented a large number of wild elves from attacking from the front without killing them.

It is with King Nido and Queen Nido, the two elves who act as strong walls for defense, and a member of the Rocket Team in the rear can safely command their own elves to attack.

These three powerful elves are naturally the temporary leader of the Rockets ship at this time, the elves held by Sakagi. At the critical moment, this amazing temporary leader stepped forward and fought in the battle group all the time. At the forefront, the Rockets and their team of Rockets elites have not collapsed and fled, and Sakagi undoubtedly played a crucial role.

If the hornet was an unparalleled general, and the king and wife of Nido were a strong fortress, then a hudi in the center of the ship was the strategist lining up the army. This hudi was the former Ryuzaki Shinji. Yongjila, but now under the careful training of Nazi, his strength has broken through to the level of the king, and he has also evolved into Woody.

The first impression of this Hudi is that of an extraordinary elf. He saw a golden superpower mark lit up between his eyebrows, and a blue superpower light wave wrapped his entire body, bursts of powerful waves. Unparalleled superpower fluctuations swept out of the light waves, showing his superpower power of the king level.

The wild elf wanted to besiege him, but the relatively strong one was fine. The relatively weak wild elf could not get close to him within 10 meters, and was pressed on the deck by a strong force of gravity. Then the body could not withstand the crushing of gravity and began to crack and die. So far, no wild elf has been able to approach him within 1 meter.

Hu Di, who is using the gravity technique, is still supporting other people on the ship without the interference of others. The powerful mental force spreads to every corner of the real ship, and at the same time, he also conducts weak communication with everyone on the ship. Spiritual connection, and then taking the overall situation to conduct all aspects of command exchanges with allies. It is indeed incomparable to consolidate the fragile line of defense, and every time when the companions can't cope with the wild elves in front of them and are about to attack and die, Hu Di will attack them. It casts teleportation to save allies from fire and water in times of crisis.

In addition to these relatively prominent elves on Team Rocket's ships, there are also Ma Zhishi's electric shock monster, Miyamoto Saburo's cross-shaped bat, Kanjuro's super iron tyrannosaurus, Yamanaka Kikui's nine tails, and Saatchi's. The cursed doll, Orka's shuttlecock brother.

It is precisely because the Rockets have these strong men who are the backbone and support the Nazi of Sakagi, and the Rockets have not suffered too many casualties.

"Nazi, how long will it take to complete the battle, the number of besieged wild elves still hasn't decreased, and if this continues, we won't be able to hold on for long, at most 5 minutes, if it's not completed within 5 minutes, we're all going to die. It's here." Sakagi said loudly, because he had been focusing on fighting, he didn't turn his head and said to Nazi, who was protected by the group's pattern behind him.

In addition to the Hu Di above the center of the ship exuding amazing superpower fluctuations, Nazi, who is in the safest captain's room at this time, also exudes superpower fluctuations that are not inferior to Hu Di. At this moment , A large number of super-power elves are gathered around her, the number is no less than 20, and each of them exudes not weak super-power fluctuations. At this time, these super-power elves are forming a circle and will be in the center. Surrounded by Nazi, five of the super-power elves with the strength of the quasi-celestial king were distributed in five corners of her in a five-pointed star formation.

At this time, Nazi's eyes turned into dazzling blue lights, the whole body was suspended in mid-air, and her black hair was also floating away because of the strong superpower fluctuations. At this moment, Nazi was interacting with the superpowers present. The elf is making a preliminary spiritual connection, and with the help of their super power, she gradually spreads her spiritual power to more than ten kilometers away. Although she already feels that her head is about to explode at this moment, she still insists on it. , it is still a little bit before she locks her superpower coordinates in the sea area more than ten kilometers away.

That's right, Nazi is the hope of all the members of Team Rocket on the whole ship at this time. She is in the hinterland of the shipwreck cemetery and is attacked by wild elves that are constantly appearing. Surrounded by crazy wild elves, therefore, this can put hope on Yu Nazi's powerful super power, as long as that child can teleport away the real ship, they can escape. sky.

But now, even with the help of more than 20 powerful super-type elves, to transport the entire ship to the sea more than ten kilometers away at one time, the difficulty of this task is really too arduous, even if She is Nazi, known as the strongest superpower in the future, and she can't easily complete it for a while.

"Shut up, I still need a little time to engrave my spiritual coordinates. If you don't want me to leave you all behind, just hold on for a while longer and don't disturb me." Facing the problem of Sakagi, who is the leader at this time, Na Tsuki spoke unceremoniously to everyone on board with telepathy.

Hearing those domineering words, the people on the boat did not feel angry at all. Instead, their faces showed a strong hope for survival, and their morale suddenly rose. Facing the wild elves who were attacking wildly in front of them, they all began to risk their lives. To fight for Nazi time to survive, there is a tendency to drive away the incoming wild elves for a while.

Finally, after Team Rocket sacrificed the lives of six more elite members of Team Rocket, Nazi finally finished imprinting her own mental coordinates, and a wave of unparalleled blue superpowers suddenly agitated from the captain's room. The surroundings of the ship turned blue in an instant, and then, under the influence of this powerful super-power fluctuation, all the wild elves that came in trembled, and their movements became stiff for a second, while in the Within this second, a blue beam of light shot from the entire ship to the sky. When the beam of light disappeared, Team Rocket and the ship disappeared in place.


Just as the Rocket Force was fighting to the death with the wild elves in the shipwreck graveyard, the Shrine where Ryuzaki Shinji was also in the midst of life and death.

The stinger jellyfish, which has undergone the most enhanced five attributes, has transformed into a terrifying sea monster at this moment, overturning the river and the sea in the sea, and the waves close to 20 meters high are charging against the temple one after another. horn.

"Bite the land shark, destroy the dead light, Lucario, the grating gun." Seeing the huge wave hit again, Xirona immediately ordered the two main elves, who were already panting, to attack.

As soon as Shirona's voice fell, two powerful energy columns smashed away the incoming giant waves, but that was all, and the giant waves behind attacked fiercely again.

At this time, it has been three minutes since the Abo and Minas Immediate Temple. During these three minutes, the giant stinger jellyfish on the sea seemed to enter a no-man's land, taking advantage of the continuous physical strength brought by the characteristics of the rain plate. , urging the energy of the water system in the body, and the countless giant waves that began to control carried out kite-flying tactics against the Temple in the distance.

Hirona and Ryuzaki Shinji both hated the way of fighting against the huge stinger jellyfish. At this time, the stinger jellyfish is undoubtedly in the strongest state, and as the strongest ace of Hirona Under such a fighting environment, the Bite Land Shark had nothing to do with this giant sea beast. Even if he could fly and fight, as long as the opponent dived into the water, he had nothing to do.

"Miss Shirona, please hold on for a while longer, and if you persist for a while, there will be a turnaround." Facing the dangerous situation at this time, Ryuzaki Shinji's face was still in a calm state, seeing Shirona's face showing The color of anxiety, immediately responded to it with telepathy.

The Aboriginal had already followed his instructions, secretly moving in the direction of the stinger jellyfish. Accompanied by Minas, who had a strong ability to control water, he was quietly sneaking into the stinger jellyfish's side.

"I understand, bite the land shark, Lucario, continue to break these incoming waves." Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's words, the anxious expression on Shirona's face eased slightly, although it was not clear. Ryuzaki Shinji's plan, but he also generally understood the other party's intention to let the Abo monster sneak into the stinger jellyfish, so he had to continue to patiently block the stinger jellyfish's offensive.

Under the influence of the characteristics of the rain plate, the scary wound on the head of the huge stinger jellyfish has disappeared now, and not even a trace of injury can be seen. The whole body felt refreshed.

He obeyed the command of the great sea **** and came to block all the ships with human beings, as long as he destroyed the human ship in front of him that he first boarded~www.readwn.com~ obtain the power of the source of water from the sea god, the advanced king Just around the corner, thinking about it, he pushed the abundant water energy in his body to use his surfing skills even more, and used the huge waves to destroy the ship in front of him with a life force like Xiaoqiang.

Just as he was thinking about it, a black mist slowly appeared around him. After his body was touched by the black mist, the boosting power of the five attributes on his body was actually passing quickly. After a few seconds, the boosting power on his body disappeared. Without the blessing of the special attack power, the huge wave that was close to 20 meters in height suddenly shrank like water, and became less than 10 meters high. The waves that appeared also began to diminish.

This is not the most deadly. A sharp pain suddenly came from the spikes behind him. Then, the body that had been receiving the gift of rain could no longer feel the refreshing feeling. The power was pinched and interrupted, and the water system energy that had been replenished in the body became rootless water. In the case of driving a large number of huge waves at the same time, it began to decay rapidly. In seconds, the water energy in his body was reduced by more than half.

"Hehehe, it's finally done, Miss Shirona, it seems that my Abo monster and your Minas have cooperated quite successfully. Now it's time to fight back." The sudden weakening of the stinger jellyfish's power naturally cannot be concealed from the temple. Shirona and Ryuzaki Shinji who had been watching the battle on the number, Ryuzaki Shinji saw this and immediately said to Shirona, who was also smiling beside him.

However, an accident happened.

The stinger jellyfish whose strength has been greatly reduced actually...

To be continued......................

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