Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 53: :Brontosaurus

The ships of the two hostile forces are getting closer and closer. The Rockets’ ships are already considered to be large ships, but the Alliance ships facing this matter are like the difference between children and adults, as long as the Alliance ships hit it with a little force, saying Maybe Team Rocket, the already scarred ship, will be crushed to pieces.

At this moment, Jun Shalan has been restraining her urge to order the pilot to ram the ship into the broken ship in front. Intuition and hatred whispered in her ear like a demon. As long as she made this order, Team Rocket's The ships must have sunk to the bottom of the sea, and the Rockets' personnel involved in the battle for the origin of the slate will definitely be reduced by more than half, but the consequence of doing so is to face the Rockets' violent counterattack before they die.

"Follow my orders, as long as the other party doesn't attack, no one is allowed to act without authorization. Those who violate the order will die!" Jun Shalan said solemnly to the announcer beside her, even though she knew that the final victory would definitely belong to them , but Jun Shalan finally resisted the urge that she longed most in her heart. After experiencing an unforgettable lesson, this unruly and willful Junsha daughter finally grew up.

The words of Jun Shalan, the high-level alliance leader who holds the real command power, just fell, and all the alliance powerhouses who were tense around suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The opponent was the Rockets, not some dark organization of cats and dogs. Even if the other party seems to be weak at this time, they really want to do it with real swords and guns, regardless of their superiority in numbers, but after the same experience of the wild elf sneak attack on the shipwreck cemetery, they really have combat effectiveness now. The number of personnel is only one or two layers in number, and the rest are not auxiliary personnel and will be wounded. Once a fight occurs, it is impossible to say that without self-inflicted damage.

Moreover, Rujian seems to be facing the pursuit of the guardians of the storm sea area. At this time, fighting with the Rockets is no different from seeking death. Therefore, Jun Shalan's decision made all the members of the alliance present with admiration. After all, the daughter-in-law of the Junsha family who manages Haibaogang is notoriously jealous of hatred, and can do anything when he is crazy. At this time, his mind is hot, and he directly orders them to rush up to fight with the Rockets. Nothing but normal.

On the Rockets ship, Sakagi and a group of Rockets elites were also tensing their nerves to deal with the attack of the rear alliance. The hatred between the two forces could not be solved for a long time. Once they met, they would be separated from life and death. He had already prepared for the worst, even if he was about to die, he had to rip a few pieces of meat out of the Alliance.

Similarly, Sakagi, as the temporary leader of this Rocket Team ship at this time, also made an order similar to that of Jun Shalan.

In the end, the Alliance's ships surpassed Team Rocket's ships a little bit. Under the restraint of their own commanders, the members of both sides survived this coincidental encounter without any risk.

It's a pity that even if both sides chose to strike at the same time, there are other factors that came out to focus. When the ships of the two sides pulled a short distance away, a huge beam of light suddenly appeared from the sky, and it would be dozens of times in front of the alliance ship in an instant. A huge wave exploded in the waters of meters, and a huge wave with a height of 50 meters appeared, which turned into a tsunami and began to rush towards the alliance ships quickly.

But the accident is not over yet. This sudden destruction of death light is like a signal. Before the people from the alliance can react, a huge shadow quickly emerged from the sea. Suddenly, a direct line of more than 20 meters. The giant water column appeared from the rough sea immediately after the destruction of death light, and then went straight to the sky, and finally hit the user who used the destruction of death light in the sky with unparalleled accuracy.

"What the **** happened here, this, what is this? Everyone has it, immediately defend, and hurry up to break up the coming giant waves!" Jun Shalan stared blankly at the huge water column in front of her, and then looked again. Facing the coming huge waves, there were shocking and frightening eyes in her eyes. The sudden and terrible crisis made this alliance police officer with a very firm heart also feel extremely small, but she still quickly suppressed the shock and fear in her heart, and then said to him. said most of the members of the alliance who are still short-circuited.

"Come out, fast dragon, destroy the death light."

"Water arrow turtle, the hydroelectric cannon is attacking."

"Fire-breathing dragon, enter the state of fierce fire, and use it to burn out."

"Miaohuahua, the most powerful energy ball."


As soon as Jun Shalan reminded, a large number of alliance members immediately reacted, and immediately released the strongest elf with combat power in their hands, and then worked together to disperse the coming huge waves in front of them.

Countless moves of various attributes were released from the alliance ships, and then mixed together to form a huge multicolored energy beam. Finally, a small part of the middle of the huge wave in front of them was smashed away in a thrilling manner, thus resolving the annihilation by the huge wave. crisis.

"This, is this also an elf?" Sakagi didn't show any sympathy or gratitude for the alliance's disaster and the rescue, but quickly ran to the railing of the ship to look at the shadows appearing under the sea, and then raised his head to look Looking at the clouds where the water column was shooting, there was a frenzy and incredible look in his eyes.

"Boom~" Thunder snakes flashed past the dark clouds, and the continuous short-term brightness of the sky made everyone flying in the air dazedly see a huge figure in the high-altitude dark clouds. The owner seems to be very annoyed that he was hit by the huge elf under the sea, and his whole body was covered by a giant dragon-shaped energy, and then he used the dragon **** to swoosh to crush the huge water column all the way back, and rush towards the giant elf under the sea unstoppable. .

"Bang~", when the giant elf was about to reach the sea, a head several times bigger than him jumped up from the sea, and the giant elf under the sea came directly with the giant elf in the sky. A tough collision, the final result was that the giant elf was heavily shot down into the seabed, while the sky behemoth was firmly docked in mid-air. Obviously, with the help of the powerful diving force, the sky behemoth this time prevail in the collision.

With the help of the thunder that kept falling in the sky, at this time, the human trainers who had just reluctantly resolved the giant waves finally saw the appearance of the sky raider. When they saw the appearance of this huge elf, everyone couldn't help but think. The word "quasi-god" appeared, and at the same time, there was an extremely incredible color in their eyes.

The entire body of the sky raider is covered with fine golden scales, and these scales exude a golden light, which sets off the mysterious color of the sky beast. It has two pairs of huge and strong limbs and sharp claws all around. In Lei Guangxia, shining with a metallic luster, a long giant tail kept swinging in mid-air, and every swing was accompanied by a sonic boom.

The huge dragon wings stretched out behind it, and every time it was fanned, a strong storm would appear, directly repelling the countless rainwater falling on the body, and the top of the huge head had a sharp dragon horn and two The long white tentacles and the baby fat on the whole face looked a little cute, but unfortunately, this cuteness was completely destroyed by his fierce eyes at this time.

The little elf that was facing the giant elf below the sea with fierce eyes, after these characteristics were formed one by one, it was a fast dragon that was praised by many human trainers as the quasi-divine beast of Kanto.

But different from ordinary fast dragons, the size of this fast dragon is too large, at least ten times or more larger than ordinary fast dragons~www.readwn.com~ In the same way, the huge fast dragon emanates from the body. His aura is extremely powerful, he is undoubtedly a elf with champion-level power, and with his terrifying body shape, the strength of the giant fast dragon is probably several times stronger than that of the average champion-level elf.

There was no sign at all. After the sound of "roar~", the huge fast dragon flapped its wings, and the whole body flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters in an instant. During the ascent, the terrifying energy fluctuations continued to agitate from the body, and the whole body was once again enveloped by dragon-shaped energy. After wrapping it up, the thunder in the sky within a kilometer range around the huge fast dragon seemed to be summoned, all wrapped around the dragon-shaped energy in an orderly manner.

In the end, one move combines the combined skills of flying, dragon dive and thunder.

A Thunder Dragon broke out!



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