Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 63: : Dark Lugia VS Dark Primal Kyogre (Part 1)

When the giant fast dragon retreated, the dark Lugia stopped confrontation immediately, and suddenly launched a sneak attack on the dark primitive Kyogre.

Dark Lugia flapped her black wings, then opened her mouth of blood, and bursts of powerful airflow appeared from all directions and rolled together, forming a huge funnel in front of Dark Lugia's mouth, less than a second. , an air bomb compressed to the extreme condensed from the front of Dark Lugia's mouth.

The huge air bomb also **** in a large number of dark clouds around it, and a large amount of thunder power contained in the dark clouds surrounds the air bomb. The fluctuations were also combined, and the last black energy ball containing the energy of flight, thunder and evil appeared.

Under the control of Dark Lugia, the black energy ball directly turned into a black beam of light and rushed down from the sky. After the energy beam dropped to a certain distance, it suddenly changed from one to countless, forming dense scattered rays. The attack range of the scatter rays covers almost the entire battlefield, and most of them follow a specific trajectory, lasing from the area where the dark primordial Kyogre is located.

Dark Lugia's sudden attack can be said to have been poised for a long time. From urging to launching, Dark Lugia took no more than 3 seconds to use this move, and it showed a scattered shooting trend. Evasion is almost impossible, and these energy beams fall in front of the dark primordial Kyogre within 1 second, so the time for the dark primordial Kyogre to evade is less than 3 seconds.

This move can be described as a combination of three powerful moves, air explosion, thunder and wave of evil. In addition, the initiator is Dark Lugia, the owner of a super-powerful super-divine beast, temporarily created by Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Compared with the created three-attribute energy combination technique, the gap can be described as the difference between clouds and mud.

Is 3 seconds enough to resist the combination machine of Dark Lugia, which combines three attributes of energy? This question may be the answer for ordinary elves. The huge fast dragon, in the state of the whole province, may be able to be reluctantly resisted by the characteristics of mysterious scales, but it will definitely end in a serious injury. However, the opponent Dark Lugia faced this time is not an ordinary elf. .

In the eyes of Dark Primitive Kyogre, the power of this combo of three-attribute energy is indeed amazing, but it is far from the level of fatal threat to him, especially when the power of some moves is given up in order to increase the attack range. , Compared with his old opponent, the power of the moves used in the warm-up exercise of the Dark Super Rift Seat is much stronger than this.

Nearly three seconds, it was enough for the Dark Primordial Kyogre to defend. With a thought, the surrounding sea water moved like an arm. Then, a move that was once used to resist the thunder of the Dark Super Rift Seat was activated, a The huge protective barrier of ice protects the dark primordial Kyogre in all directions.

"Bang bang bang~~~" The energy rays like shotguns kept hitting the ice protective barrier, and pieces of shattered ice burst out from the ice protective barrier, but unfortunately in the dark primitive Gaio Maintained by the huge freezing light ejected from the water jet on the back of the card and the continuous falling rain from the sky, the gap on the ice protection barrier was restored to its original state in less than 0.2 seconds.

Compared with the stable defense of the dark primordial Kyogre, others on the battlefield seemed a little chaotic.

Those scattered energy beams that did not focus on attacking the dark primitive Kyogre did not randomly fall into the sea, but intentionally or unintentionally attacked the three ships carrying humans on the battlefield. Among them, the Temple was the focus of attention. There are a full eight energy beams with a diameter of 5 meters that shoot rapidly.

"Sure enough, it's still here. The Electric Firefly used the firefly skill, and then used the baton and help for the double-bomb gas. The double-bomb gas accumulated power and destroyed the light*3." Ryuzaki is always watching the battle between the two super beasts. Second, when Dark Lugia launched an attack, he felt that something was wrong, and immediately issued an order to the electric fireflies and double-bomb gas that were guarding him.

Electric Firefly, who has never felt safe since he appeared on the battlefield, nodded when he heard the words. He had prepared his fluorescent skills early in the morning. After Ryuzaki Shinji gave the order, he immediately used the baton to send the firefly that had been used twice. The fire effect was transferred to the double-bomb gas, and then, he used a special trick to help the double-bomb gas.

The double-bomb gas is no exception. He has not yet reached the strength of the king. He can't spiritually merge with Ryuzaki Shinji like Goda duck to confront these powerful enemies head-on. He has to do his part and cooperate with the stinky mud general Ryuzaki Shinji is well protected and ready to fight at any time.

The three heads opened their mouths, and the three purple-gold energy **** quickly gathered together. After receiving the two firefly effects from the electric fireflies, the special attack of the double-bomb gas instantly intensified to the maximum, and the three energy **** skyrocketed in an instant. When they got up, each one reached a diameter of 3 meters. Finally, the help of the electric firefly was like a strong needle pierced into the heart of the double-bomb gas, and four purple-gold destructive rays with a diameter of 4.5 meters suddenly disappeared from the double-bomb gas. The three heads were released.

Three powerful destructive rays of death were released from three angles, and finally successfully offset the three dark Lugia energy beams. However, after doing this, the double-bomb gas and electric fireflies were powerless. In the face of the remaining five energy beams, Ryuzaki Shinji is also helpless. He has done everything he can do, and the rest depends on the performance of the angel beside him.

Shirona lived up to Ryuzaki Shinji's expectations. Facing the remaining five energy beams, she released Lucario, and then, several colored beams were released from a mysterious stone on a necklace on her chest. , and then all the colored light entered Lucario's body. In an instant, Lucario was enveloped by the light of evolution. Under the cover of the light of evolution, his body became taller and taller, and the whole person became imposing. At the moment when the light of evolution ended, a colorful spiral mark appeared in front of him Lucario.

Lucario completes millions of evolutions and evolves into Super Lucario.

Super Lucario, who has completed the spiritual connection with Hirona, did not need Hirona to issue an order, his eyes narrowed, and five wave missiles compressed to a certain extent appeared in front of him in an instant, and then Super Lucario used both hands and feet, A burst of afterimages of hands and feet appeared, or slapped or kicked, using hair force and flame kick, to hit five wave missiles as volleyballs and footballs.

"Bang bang bang bang bang." Five waves of air sounded, and five wave missiles were fired like a laser cannon, and then accurately scattered the five dark Lugia energy beams, and continued at an astonishing speed. Shoot into the dark Lugia in the sky.

The scene of Lucario evolving again, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was on the side, was stunned. According to his current knowledge, it was impossible for Lucario to evolve again, but the living example was right in front of him. He doesn't believe it.

"Is it because of that gem? By the way, I have also obtained similar stones from the shipwreck graveyard before, but the DNA-like patterns inside are a little different." Ryuzaki Shinji thought secretly, and at the same time also Fascinated by the power that Lucario gained by evolving again.

The double-bomb gas was an energy beam that was barely offset by the power of the electric fireflies~www.readwn.com~Super Lucario not only resisted it, but also had the strength to defeat it. This is the naked gap between the strengths.

In Ryuzaki Shinji's perception, this Lucario, who originally only had the strength of a low-level king, evolved again, and the energy fluctuations in his body were close to that of a high-level king, otherwise he would not be so easily able to destroy the dark Lugia. The released three-attribute energy beam is defeated.

At the same time, the situation of cannibalism continued on the ships where the alliance forces were located. A small number of sensible people were extremely restrained in the face of a large number of companions who had fallen into control, and it was too late to protect themselves. Where else? Kung fu frees hands to tackle the incoming energy beam.

At a critical moment, the Divine Organ, who had been deliberately eliminating the sense of existence, stepped forward again. Under the powerful ability of her Lightning Bird to control lightning at will, and with the help of the almost endless lightning power in the dark cloud, a huge Thunderbird spread its wings and appeared. The lightning-fast speed resisted 5 dark Lugia's energy beams.

Similarly, there were also people in the Rockets who came forward at this time. Nazi, who subconsciously felt the threat, regained consciousness temporarily. Hu Di, who was guarding her side, finally obeyed the order. The super mark on his forehead appeared again, surrounding him. The five spiritual light **** around the body radiated a lot of light, and in an instant, five solid huge walls of light closed the Rockets' ship. With the help of the elf power of Sakagi and others, they finally successfully resisted this crisis.

Come and not indecently, the attack of the dark primordial Kyogre has come.

The rain that fell on the entire battlefield stayed still in mid-air, and a faint ice-blue light emerged from the rain, like a series of street lamps lit up in sequence, lighting up the entire battlefield.

In an instant, the entire battlefield turned into a sea of ​​light

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