Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 3: : minimum standard

"Ow~~" A sad dragon roar appeared, and the desert dragonfly also ushered in the final end of its life. Her slender neck was bitten off alive by Dairubi. Healing ability, in this fatal injury situation, is also powerless, she can only take a last look at the boundless desert in front of her, and her incomparably nostalgic eyes will eventually dim ~www.readwn.com~ge www.readwn.com. ΩkanΩshuge. la

"Ouch~~" Dairubi, who was bathed in dragon blood, stood on the corpse of the desert dragonfly, and then let out a loud and long howl. In an instant, his aura also reached its peak in an instant, and he continued to slowly grow. Rising, the might of a Cerberus emanated from him. Although this power was still very weak, it had already begun to take shape. It leapt to kill a strong enemy, making this proud Cerberus proud, and even from the desert dragonfly. He has gained a lot of non-attribute energy, and his own strength level has also been improved.

"Seed seeds~" The harvest of the seeds of the wonderful frog is also not low. With the help of the energy absorbed by the parasitic seeds from the desert dragonfly, all the scars on his body due to the sandstorm have disappeared, and his mental state has become more energetic.

The seeds of the wonderful frog also obtained a part of the non-attribute energy from the desert dragonfly. The seed plant on the back emits a faint green light, and the gap in the center of the seed is gradually expanding. If it is not expected, the seeds of the wonderful frog will meet again. to its own evolution.

"Hold on, wonderful frog seeds, your body can still store more energy, and evolution is not in a hurry. If you want to become stronger, then follow my orders." Ryuzaki Shinji is attentive The inductor said to the wonderful frog seeds, with praise in his eyes.

"Seed Seed~" Frog Seed nodded, closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. He slowly digested and stored energy from the desert dragonfly. Finally, the seed plant on Frog Frog Seed's back stopped glowing, but the green color It has also become deeper, and one of the leaves has become as green as the finest emeralds, and a strong breath of life naturally emanates from the seed plant.

Compared with the state obtained more than a month ago, the size of this wonderful frog seed has grown several times. The milk made by Christina's large milk tank is not only more nutritious than ordinary milk in a large milk tank. , and has a good effect on promoting the growth of elves.

Frog Seed has been able to become Dairubi's younger brother. When he was on the boat, he was often dragged by Dairubi to Christina to ask for milk. The effect of physical development was even better than that of Dairubi.

Not to mention anything else, the size of the seeds of the wonderful frog is similar to that of Dalubi, and the size is equivalent to an adult Lada, but the weight is twice as large as that of Dalubi. fat.

Frog Seeds, like Dairubi, are only elves born less than three months old, and their physical development is far from over. That is to say, their bodies can continue to grow. The level of two elves In fact, he has already reached the level that can evolve, but just like Ryuzaki Shinji cultivated double-bomb gas and Abo monster before, he wants to use their full potential in their current form before letting them evolve through double-bomb gas. The experiments of the two elves and Aboguai have proved that only in this way can greater progress be achieved after evolution.

Today's Ryuzaki Shinji is also looking for a natural treasure that can strengthen the two elves. The double-bomb gas and the Abo are both evolved after eating the fruit of the poisonous demon tree. Similarly, Ryuzaki Shinji is also looking forward to the evolution of these two elves in this way, after all, he has already gained the sweetness from the double-bomb gas and the Abo monster.

Before Dairubi wanted to eat one of the hind legs of the desert dragonfly, Ryuzaki Shinji took out a large space bag from the enemy, and used it to put away the remaining body of the desert dragonfly, thick and bloody. The smell has spread with the wind, and other carnivorous elves will soon come to smell the wind. After ordering the two elves to remove the **** smell from their bodies with sand, he took the two elves and quickly left the original place. land, and walk in the direction of the Gobi.

"It's been two weeks. Forget it, keep practicing. For now, let's think about how to survive in this harsh environment. Without enough strength, it's impossible for me to get out of this desert." Ryuzaki Shinji raised his head and looked at the scorching sun reappearing in the sky, thinking with a serious face, and began to recall the various experiences after he came to the island in the center of the island.

In fact, Ryuzaki Shinji is still not quite sure how he came to this final destination. At that time, the Dark Super Rift Seat responded to Hirona's call and attacked the Dark Primordial Kyogre, because the Dark Primordial Kyogre had previously Due to the fact that the station has been weakened due to the battle with Dark Lugia, the Dark Primitive Kyogre, who was originally weaker than the Dark Super Rift Seat, will naturally not be an opponent. After a fierce battle, the Dark Primal Kyogre was defeated. forced to evacuate.

Immediately afterwards, the Dark Super Rift Seat put the name of the temple in his mouth, obeyed Shirona's instructions, and took the temple group across the storm and brought them to the final destination, the central island. When they were informed by the Dark Super Rift Seat that they had reached the sky above the central island, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately looked down, but found that there was nothing below.

Then, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't remember anything. When he regained consciousness, he had already arrived in the great desert west of the central island. He searched around for a long time, but did not find Shirona and others. .

According to Ryuzaki Shinji's speculation, the entire central island seems to be shrouded in some incredible power, and all of them were sent to other areas of the central island by this mysterious power.

However, compared to being temporarily separated from other teammates, what makes Ryuzaki Shinji feel the seriousness of the matter is that the four quasi-kings of double-bomb gas, Abo monster, stinky mud and Gotha duck in his hands After the high-level elves came to this place, for some unknown reason, they fell into a deep sleep one after another. No matter how he used telepathy to call and use various drugs to relieve sleep, the four elves could not wake up.

Fortunately, the four elves did not show signs of life-threatening danger due to the interruption of eating. On the contrary, as time went on, the energy fluctuations in their bodies became stronger and stronger. This strange sleep was obviously heading for a good direction. developed.

Naturally, Ryuzaki Shinji also asked the well-informed Ghost Stone about this kind of strange thing. Unfortunately, Ghost Stone didn’t know what was going on. However, he was envious of Ghost Stone’s kind of envy and hatred. Judging from their eyes, the double-bomb gas and the others should have obtained something incredible from the mysterious power of this central island.

All in all, Shinji Ryuzaki at this time is facing a sudden drop in combat power, and the level of the elves on this island is generally one level higher than that of the elves in other parts of the Elf world. Elves have elite power.

And the elves of the quasi-king level, in the nearby oasis, Ryuzaki Shinji can meet every day for a few days. Among them, I have encountered the elves of the heavenly king level several times. If he has the magical skill of teleportation, In such a place where there are many powerful elves everywhere~www.readwn.com~ If you were an ordinary human being, you would have been eaten by wild elves long ago.

Up to now, Ryuzaki Shinji still remembers the scene of being chased and killed by a high-level king-level Bangira. In a place like the desert, the fighting power of a Yangsha-like Bangira is too terrifying, even if he Possessing the ability to move instantly, he was almost forced to the point where he had nowhere to go.

In the end, Ryuzaki Shinji used Bangira's arrogant character to lead him to the territory of a group of sand hippos, and then barely escaped when Bangera was stopped by the sand hippo.

Now, with the temporary loss of the four main elves, the only thing that Ryuzaki Shinji can do is to improve the strength of the other elves as soon as possible.

Ryuzaki Shinji has deeply understood why those who can survive from the central island have achieved a rapid improvement in their strength, and why have they all entered the level of heavenly kings without exception.

Because, if you want to survive on this central island, the minimum standard is to step into the heavenly king level.

To be continued....

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