Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 108: : Fight away

On the ancient streets, figures of clay puppets and giant clay puppets appeared one after another on the front, back, left, and right sides. For a time, members of the Freeman Alliance were surrounded by the awakened clay puppet corps.

The eyes of the two giant clay puppets flashed red, and a group of clay puppets around them immediately formed a phalanx to block Yan Kai and others, while the parts of the two giant clay puppets' legs were deformed and indented into the leg tubes. Then, with the help of the strong air jet from the leg tube, it flew into the air and intercepted Yan Kai and others from the air. At this moment, the members of the Freelancers Alliance had no one else to escape except for the ground. way.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" They raised their hands, condensing the ghost energy in their bodies, and small shadow **** shot out of their hands continuously, and the hands of the mud puppet giants parked in mid-air also deformed and indented their arms. Inside, several large shadow **** sprayed out from the hollow arm at Yan Kai and the others below.

There are dense shadow **** in all directions, and it is an extravagant hope to completely avoid them.

"Bang bang bang~~" A loud explosion sounded, and soon, under the dense shadow **** of the mud puppet army, casualties appeared, and another member of the Liberty Alliance who died in action was the first to speak sarcasm just now. Pierce's puffy woman, before she could release her strongest elf, she tripped over a small stone under her feet because of a small mistake, and was shot by a shadow ball. Then, she was gone. , was directly smashed into **** by the shadow ball that was shot later.

Once accidentally hit by a shadow ball without reacting immediately or without other means of life-saving, the subsequent shadow **** will immediately follow up. At that time, unless your HP and special defense force can reach the Happy Egg (egg). God), otherwise your end will only be smashed into **** by endless artillery fire. This is just a small microcosm of the mighty force of the mud puppet army. The mud puppet army contends.

"Damn, it's no wonder Pierce was so scared that he ran away as soon as possible. I expected this situation, everyone saw it, and now it's a dead end if you keep your hands. Everyone is doing their best. The vanguard rushes forward." Yan Kai waved the shield of the backbone sword monster in his hand to block the many shadow balls, and said to the equally embarrassed companion who was dodging the shadow balls.

As soon as Yan Kai finished speaking, the sword body of the Sword Shield Sword Monster in the right hand was immediately covered by a layer of extremely pure ghost-type energy.

"Come with me, ah!!" Yan Kai shouted loudly, holding the sword monster's shield in his left hand across his body, holding up the sword body of the sword monster and dashing towards the mud puppet formation on the right .

"If you guessed correctly, the head is the weak spot of these clay dolls." During the charge, Yan Kai instantly compared the situation of the clay dolls they had knocked down and the clay dolls who stood up again. After making a comparison, I immediately found out the difference between the two, and the eyes flashed. The energy ghost claws on the fitness stretched out and grabbed the head of the nearest clay puppet like lightning.

With a sound of "snap~", the shadow claws launched by the sword monster with a strong shield at the peak level of the quasi-day king successfully captured the head of an elite-level clay puppet, and the clay puppet whose head was caught also responded. Falling down, the mud body also began to shatter, and finally turned into a rotten dust.

The fall of a clay puppet did not make the other clay puppets feel the slightest fear. The clay puppets behind immediately filled the position of the dead clay puppets and continued to spray shadow **** at the people in front of them.

At this time, Yan Kai, who was charging with many shadow balls, finally came to the square formed by the clay puppets. The ghost-type energy on the sword cut open the heads of the three-headed clay dolls in front of them in one fell swoop, followed by a horizontal slash on the backhand, and cut open the heads of the three-headed clay dolls at the back again. The red light in the eyes of the six-headed clay puppet villain whose head was severely injured also extinguished immediately, just like the clay puppet villain whose head was caught by the shadow claws of the strong shield sword monster before, it turned into a rotten dust.

"Hahaha, okay, it turns out that the head is the weakness, come out, my ace, the rogue panda, hit the heads of these clay puppets with continuous punches." Seeing Yan Kai so brave, he followed behind Yan Kai. A burly man who was charging suddenly laughed, and then released a rogue panda with a bamboo leaf in its mouth.

"Boom bang bang~~" As soon as the burly and tall rogue panda came out, a quasi-king-level aura burst out from him. With the attributes of fighting and evil, he was obviously not afraid of the dense shadow ball in front of him. , a pair of iron fists one size bigger than sandbags suddenly shone with dazzling white light, and they used continuous punches, and a wall of fists suddenly appeared in front of him,

Obviously, this rogue panda has the characteristics of courage. He leaned against the wall of fists to knock all the shadow **** into the air, and then rushed all the way to the square of mud puppets in front of him, and then, facing the crowd in front of him. The crazy bombardment of the clay puppet's head almost killed a clay puppet with one punch.

"Come on too, Muke Ying, get rid of the two obstructing guys on the head, and use the brave bird to slam." Another female member also chose to take out her ace elf, and her target was the top of the head. The two giant clay puppets above who want to sneak attack on the rogue panda and Yan Kai~www.readwn.com~ You can't do it, I'll help you too, come on, Wang Yan, and also use the brave bird slam. "The next moment, another female member took out the ace she used to deal with the ghost-type elf, and she was also a king Yan with the characteristics of courage.

The two flying-type elves with general attributes completely ignored the attacks of many shadow balls, and a burst of cyan flying-type energy erupted from their bodies, and they fiercely attacked the two clay giants from the left and the right.

Under the obstruction of the two flying elves, the command of the clay puppet giant to the clay puppet villain suddenly appeared a little confusing, and other members of the Free Alliance also spared no effort to send their strongest elves to rush ahead. Yan Kai and Rogue Panda cover the rear.

With the help of many teammates, Yan Kai and the rogue panda, who were fighting with high spirits, also burst out with 200% of their fighting power. They all beheaded.

Seeing Yan Kai and the rogue panda successfully tearing out a hole in the encirclement, the members of the Free Alliance immediately rose in morale and commanded the elves around them to perform some powerful moves to break the back, and then quickly followed up with the team in front of them. Step to break through.

With the concerted efforts of all the members of the Liberty Alliance, after paying the price of the unfortunate death of two members, they finally managed to escape the pursuit of a group of mud puppets.

To be continued.......


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