Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 110: : Mutant blue orange fruit tree

At this moment, the two original seals hidden on the back of Ryuzaki Shinji's right hand and in the palm of his hand flashed out, and a kind of king-level aura also emanated from Ryuzaki Shinji's body.

Behind the mysterious Heavenly King-level elf below the ground with an angry roar, these two seals of origin automatically emerged, and after feeling the Heavenly King-level aura emanating from Ryuzaki Shinji, the mysterious The Heavenly King-level elf was also thrown into the trap in an instant, and the original thought of coming up to kill Ryuzaki Shinji and the others also disappeared in an instant.

"For the sake of a dozen subordinates that can be reborn in a few months, and two Heavenly King-level elves fighting to the death?" For such a stupid approach, it is impossible for a shrewd and cunning Heavenly King-level rogue crocodile to do so. Therefore, the original killing thought turned into a warning.

Those sand crocodiles who quickly disappeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji didn't retreat because they heard the order of the king-level rogue crocodile, but they were frightened after they felt the king-level aura emanating from Ryuzaki Shinji. The **** fled, and the sand crocodiles who fled back also warned their own kind not to provoke Ryuzaki Shinji and others, so there was a scene of Ryuzaki Shinji crossing the sand crocodile territory unimpeded.


At the same time, in the sandy area more than ten kilometers away from the west of the ruins, Sinor and others are making concerted efforts to kill some lonely wild elves, and then they kill the wild elves that were hunted. Cut out some edible parts and put them in their respective space bags.

Suddenly, Sinoer's shadow that appeared under his feet under the noon sun opened a pair of blood-red eyes, and a cold breath suddenly appeared, and the surrounding temperature also dropped ten degrees in an instant, the figure of the hostile Geng Ghost. Slowly drilled out of Sinor's shadow, then hovered in mid-air and looked in the direction of the ruins.

"Guru~, Lord Genggui, do you have any orders?" Seeing the sullen Gengar emerging from his shadow, Sinoer swallowed and asked with a pale face.

As for Card, Bud and Barre, their faces at the moment are similar to Sinor's, and they also look terrified. After the nightmarish experience last night, they have no doubts about this terrifying king-level ghost. The elves had a strong sense of fear, almost like a lamb seeing a big bad wolf.

"Hee hee~~, don't be afraid, I won't eat you, your souls are too complicated because of too many thoughts in your heart, the taste is very bad, it's not delicious at all, look Ah!!" Seeing the fearful appearance of Sinor and the others, the sullen Geng Ghost suddenly pulled out his big mouth with his hand, stuck out his big scarlet tongue, licked at Sinor and the others, and then again Make a few exaggerated grimace.

"Ah~~~" A few people screamed in fright at the terrifying grimace suddenly made by the sullen Geng Ghost. Barre, the most timid of them, couldn't stand such explosive stimulation, and his mouth was white. Mo rolled his eyes and fainted on the ground, as did Card's sluggish camel and several gophers from Sinor.

"Cut, I don't know how to play, I won't be scared at all, listen carefully, this uncle has something to do now, so I won't accompany you for the time being, I advise you to go back to the Gobi now, so as not to be caught by the heavenly king-level elves. Eat it, hee hee hee~~" The sullen Geng Gui saw a few guys who were stunned by him, and immediately laughed with satisfaction, after leaving such a sentence, he turned into a shadow again, and Sticking to the sand, he quickly moved towards the ruins where Ryuzaki Shinji was at this time.

The original seal of origin was touched, and he, the original person who gave Ryuzaki Shinji the original seal, naturally also felt it. Although he did not know what happened to Ryuzaki Shinji at this time, the touch of the original seal represented Ryuzaki. Shinji is facing a powerful enemy of the king level at the moment. For the safety of Ryuzaki Shinji, the hostile Genggui is quite concerned. After all, the moment he gave Ryuzaki Shinji the original seal, his fate was decided. He has been connected with Ryuzaki Shinji, and if anything goes wrong with Ryuzaki Shinji, his fate will not be much better.

"Lord Sinor, what should we do now?" Seeing the suffocating Gengar gradually moving away, Bud supported Barre, who was stunned by the suffocating Gengar, and asked with a blue face. Little by little, he was also frightened to faint.

"..." Card, who was also frightened, looked at Bud with a frown, but he remained silent in the end.

It stands to reason that Bud should ask him for his opinion. After all, he is the first person to follow Ryuzaki Shinji among the people here, but unfortunately, in terms of current strength, Sinoer has passed him a few streets, and strength is supreme This rule applies everywhere.

"What else can we do? Listen to Lord Genggui's words. Without his protection, once encountering a Heavenly King-level elf, it will be a dead end. Let's go back. Anyway, the food we have collected is enough for the next few days. I believe Long who understands the situation. Qi-sama won't blame it either." The sullen Geng ghost left her shadow, and Xi Nuo suddenly felt that his whole body was relaxed, and it didn't have much effect on the fright of the sullen Geng ghost just now. After thinking about it, she still chose to obey. Advice before the grumpy Gengar leaves.

Card and Bud looked at each other and nodded. Since Sinor, who is the strongest here, said so, the two of them naturally have no objection. After waking up Barre, a few of them cleaned up. After finishing things, I started to walk in the direction of the Gobi base.


When the hostile Geng Ghost rushed over, Ryuzaki Shinji and Sinor were looking for traces of wild elves on the periphery of the ruins.

Although the sandstorm was quite serious and was wantonly destroyed by the roots of the vegetation, the general appearance of the entire ruins is still well preserved. Covered by many buildings and vegetation, the entire ruins are like a huge maze, with dead ends everywhere. , and there are often some dangers or surprises in these dead ends.

No, the two came to a dead end again, but this time there was a little surprise in the dead end.

"God, it's incredible that this row of blue orange fruit trees grows here. The vitality of plants is so tenacious." Christina looked at the row of blue orange fruit trees growing in the shadow of a tall wall in front of her, her face was amazed. said

Although these fruit trees are very short~www.readwn.com~ only less than one-third of the height of normal blue orange fruit trees, these fruit trees still bear some small blue orange fruit at this time. Obviously, in order to adapt to In the harsh living environment of the desert, these blue orange fruit trees have also undergone some variations. Not only are the trunks and roots much thicker than ordinary blue orange fruit trees, but the shimmering leaves are also covered with this layer of wax-like protection. membrane.

Seeing so many blue tangerine fruits, Christina was also interested. The large amount of tree fruits that Ryuzaki Shinji gave her originally, due to the large amount of physical recovery potions provided by Ryuzaki Shinji for fighting or training, is also about to bottom out at this time. Now, these blue orange fruits in front of you can just solve the urgent need.

However, when Christina was about to approach within ten meters of the blue orange fruit tree.

"Dududu~~" A dozen or so leaves with air blades were inserted into Christina's path like steel knives.

To be continued...

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