Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 135: : Temple of Darkness (16)

"Boom~~" The purple light beam and the ghost fire shadow ball both hit the huge crystal lamp, and then a huge explosion occurred on its body, and in an instant, his body that was about to become virtual was forced out of the purple flame.

"Ah~~~" In the big explosion, the huge crystal lamp Huoling let out a painful roar, and the purple flame on his body dimmed for a while.

And the giant shadow ball on the top of the huge crystal lamp Huoling also had an accident. It actually stopped the trend of detonation and gradually stabilized, and the energy fluctuations emanating from it were also gradually weakening.

The huge black energy slash disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the Big Mac shadow ball also made a sound of "boom~". It was divided into two at a 30-degree angle on the right, revealing that the middle one was cut open by the black energy slash. A space crack, a huge suction force came from this space crack, and it sucked its huge energy into the twisted void space inside the giant shadow ball.

"咻咻咻~~" As the Big Mac's shadow ball splits more and more, the space crack in the middle also begins to absorb the outside air because the absorbed energy gradually decreases. Formed, curved and long air trails gradually appeared.

About ten seconds later, the terrifying energy contained in the entire giant shadow ball was sucked into the space crack by the airflow vortex formed by the space crack, and the space crack did not cause the entire giant shadow ball to be absorbed. It was swallowed up and started to heal, and the edge of the wound in the space was attached to a layer of dark energy, which made the healing speed of the crack in his space very slow.

The result of this is that the airflow vortex has become larger and larger because the space crack has not been closed for a long time, and the suction force it brings is also getting stronger and stronger. A large number of gravel and the remains of the mud puppet soldiers on the ground began to leave the ground. Dao was swept away by the vortex of airflow, and finally submerged into the space of twisted nothingness.

The huge crystal lantern Huo Ling, who was the closest to the airflow vortex, was swept away by the huge suction beam in the airflow vortex, and a large amount of purple flames on his body were sucked into the airflow vortex. The huge but light body was also bit by bit. Get closer to the vortex of air.

The slashing power of the golden figure is so terrifying. It not only completely disintegrated the crisis of the giant crystal lamp and fire spirit that wanted to use the giant shadow ball to destroy the temple, but also wanted to use the power of space cracks to completely destroy the huge crystal lamp and fire spirit. .

The huge airflow vortex formed by the cracks in the space not only brought a huge crisis to the huge crystal lamp and fire spirit, but some creatures who were struggling to survive on the battlefield also affected Chiyu at this time, and once again faced a life-and-death crisis.

"No~~~, save me, save me, save me, ah~~~" Mecca, who was flying in mid-air, let out a mournful wailing, and Mecca, the thinnest and lightest, was beside him. The Hu Di finally couldn't hold it anymore, and their entire bodies were swept away by the powerful suction of the airflow vortex.

Even though the blue light in Hu Di's eyes has been pushed to the maximum (the mind-shifting move is activated), the two of them are still only struggling in the air for a few seconds before being caught in the vortex of air, and Mecca's voice stopped abruptly. , This quasi-king trainer who played a vital role in the battlefield died like this.

"Ding ding ding~~" A series of utensils were pulled out. Hattori Daizo, who inserted a few kunai into the ground and then fixed his body with iron cables, became the second victim to be affected by the pond fish.

Kunai's grip was finally unable to withstand the strong suction of the air vortex, and they rose up one after another. When he was about to die, the masked ninja who didn't speak much from the beginning to the end remained silent and calm.

At this time, to say who the air vortex caused the least pressure, it must be no more than the wild goose armor wearing a knight's armor. Like a heavy and heavy rock, no matter how strong the suction of the airflow vortex is, it is difficult to shake him in the slightest.

Aiya and Pierce, who were recently in Yanjiao, were also quite discerning. When the air vortex gradually formed and became bigger and bigger, the two immediately hugged Yanjiao's big thick leg and hugged Yanjiao tightly. This big thick leg, thus avoiding the tragic end with Mecca and Hattori Daizo.

"You traitor is really shameless. You are an enemy and still want Lord Yan Kai to rescue you. Hurry up and let go. What are you trying to do, you pervert." Aiya blushed while hugging Yan Kai. She yelled shamefully at Pierce, who also hugged her left thigh tightly, and then kept kicking his face with another beautiful leg.

Even though his face was bruised and bruised by Aya's kick, Pierce was holding onto Aiya's thigh tightly, and his strength was still increasing. He simply closed his eyes and endured Aya's kick while using his silently......

"Don't want to use this method to beat me, ah~~" The huge crystal lamp fire spirit that was getting closer and closer to the airflow vortex finally recovered from the explosion just now, he stabilized his body, and then released it against the airflow vortex in front of him. A huge purple flame, unfortunately, this purple flame was swallowed by the airflow vortex in an instant.

However, the purpose of the huge crystal lantern was indeed achieved. Some purple flames touched the edge of the space crack and burned the dark energy attached to the edge of the space crack.

Without the suppression of dark energy, the repair speed of the space crack also returned to normal, and it was quickly repaired. After a few seconds, the huge airflow vortex disappeared, and the space crack disappeared.

If it weren't for the fact that the battlefield that had been "cleaned" was still narrating the horrible things that had just happened, the crisis seemed to have never happened.

The huge crystal lantern gasped in midair, his purple flames were still illuminating most of the battlefield, but after he used a fire-type move with huge power but equally huge sequelae to "overheat", the purple flames on his body "overheated". The flame was also dimmed again, and the flame on one of the candlesticks was also extinguished. At this time, the flames of the remaining three candlesticks were still burning.

"Dong, dong, dong, dong~~" Before waiting for the giant crystal lamp to rest for a few seconds~www.readwn.com~ Heavy footsteps appeared from a dim area in the distance, and a dazzling golden light was dazzling. Out, a giant clay puppet giant with golden whole body came out from the darkness. It was holding a saber that was even taller than him. The saber, step by step into the battlefield.

As he gradually entered the battlefield, the aura of the golden clay puppet giant also rose steadily. When he was 10 meters away from the giant crystal lantern, an aura of the peak of the intermediate heavenly king was released from him, the same as the same The giant crystal lamp and fire spirit whose breath was stable at the peak of the intermediate heavenly king confronted each other.

At the same time, in the dark passage connecting the battlefield, a large amount of rubble flew out from the entrance of the collapsed passage with a "Boom~" sound. As the dust gradually disappeared, a black-robed man with a pale mask also walked step by step. Walking into the battlefield, behind him are a unicorn serpent exuding the aura of the peak of the low-level Heavenly King and a Gengar exuding the aura of the peak of the low-level Heavenly King.

The two latecomers each took one side of the battlefield and surrounded the huge crystal lantern in the center of the battlefield.

To be continued.....

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