Pokemon Dark Giant

: End of volume testimonials

Before I knew it, the dark giant of Pokemon has written more than 900,000 words, and the distance of 1 million words is only more than 60,000. To be honest, I really did not expect that I could persist for so long and write so long. .

The original plan for this book was to write more than 800,000 yuan, but it was written all the way, only to find that it was less than two-thirds written. It may be because I am a newcomer, I have no experience, and I don’t know much. To meet the needs of readers, I may have written too much in some places, making some people think that I am dragging the plot, but to be honest, I personally feel that I have written less in some places, but in order to meet the needs of readers, I still listen to everyone. Proper pruning is recommended.

But it doesn't matter, I don't have a glass heart, and I persisted all the way.

Some people gave up the book when they saw the beginning and felt that it was not suitable for their worldview. Some people saw the previous part and never saw it again. Some people are still "raising the book", and some people accompany me all the way. Really, very I am very, very, very grateful to the book friends who accompanied me all the way. Without you, it is impossible for me to persevere. It is very likely that I will enter the palace on a pilgrimage like the author from zero.

I hope you can continue to support the dark giants in the future. By the way, those book lovers who "raise books", you can click on this book and read it. It has 930,000 words and is very fat.

Okay, that's all,

In the next volume, the "Origin Slate" opens.

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