Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 84: : Fighting the stinger bee by Kira

With one move of mental sharp blade (trident slash, with freezing damage) and one move of mental strength, the ace elf in Dian Yidi was defeated by Gotha Duck in an understatement. The head is shattered everywhere.

"Okay, don't be stunned, hurry up and treat your elf. Although Goda Duck is very measured, if you don't treat it quickly, you will still suffer irreversible dark wounds, Goda Duck's spiritual blade The strong thoughts of the spirit are not only harmful to the body, her spirit is also seriously injured now." Seeing the victory and defeat, Ryuzaki Shinji also used telepathy to remind the person who is still in a state of confusion. Dian Yi.

This time, Dian Yi finally came to his senses. He first looked at Ryuzaki Shinji in awe, and then ran quickly in the direction of the Snow Maiden.

"My lord's Goda duck is as strong as a monster. This level of mental power is stronger than that of an ordinary king-level super-power elf."

"Yeah, I heard that this is not the strongest state of Lord Goda Ya. Lord Ryuzaki can merge with Goda Ya. No, it seems to be called spiritual fusion."

"That's right, it is spiritual fusion. At that time, Lord Goda Ya was more than several times stronger than now. I have personally seen him defeat five heavenly king-level elves with his own power, including two intermediate-level heavenly kings. "


Seeing that Ryuzaki Shinji didn't even have a command, Gotha Duck had already won the victory, and all the members of the shadow team in the audience also showed their awe, and some members who admired Ryuzaki Shinji even began to glow in their eyes (spiritual). implying success), began to discuss each other.

Ryuzaki Shinji just smiled slightly at the private discussions of his subordinates without paying special attention. He turned his head and pointed at Christina behind him. .

No matter whether she wins or loses and agrees or not, Dian Yi who has passed two levels has been recognized by Ryuzaki Shinji. She is now a member of the shadow team, the opponent's fighting style has been formed, and she is an extremely rare ice in the desert. A strong person, he will definitely be a good helper in the next trip to the secret realm of trials.

An hour later, the sky gradually dimmed, the desert turned into darkness, and on the open-air training ground of the temple, a fierce battle was going on inside.

"咻咻咻咻~~" A large number of missile needles were released from the double guns of the large needle bees moving at high speed in mid-air, and then lashed away from Yu Kira on the ground from all directions.

It's a pity that these missile needles that break through the speed of sound can't break the defense of Yukira's green goose armor at all, and Yukira seems to be too lazy to dodge. Gone are the stingrays.

After a series of "ding ding ding~~" sounds, all the missile needles that touched Yu Kira fell to the ground.

Seeing that his missile needle didn't work, Big Needle was not discouraged. The two guns in his hands were crossed, and a golden light surrounded him. In an instant, the momentum on Big Needle's body suddenly rose, like a sharpened war gun. At the same time, he also danced the battle dance in mid-air, using the sword dance trick, greatly improving his attack ability.

Gathering Qi and Sword Dance, for a time, the output ability of the big needle bee suddenly increased by several grades.

Immediately afterwards, the double spears of the big needle bees covered a layer of pure poison energy, and the wings flapped wildly, leaving an afterimage in the air, and used a poisonous attack against Kira at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

"Yuki Yuki Yuki~~" Seeing that the big needle bee finally gave up the boring kite flying tactic and chose a head-to-head confrontation, Yu Kira suddenly let out an excited cry, and then condensed the ice energy in both hands, a freezing fist The impact hit the ground, and in an instant, several sharp icicles mixed with sand appeared on the passage where the giant needle bee flew over quickly.

Facing the icicle formation that suddenly appeared in front, the compound eyes of the giant needle bee flickered, and the worm wings on the back that had been flapping at a high frequency increased the flapping frequency again, the speed increased instead of decreasing, and then used several gorgeous swallows. The return trick safely crossed the icicle formation, and immediately, the two spears whose hands had turned into purple stabbed towards Yu Kira, who had lost the shield, like lightning.

Seeing that the giant needle bee evaded the icicle array he carefully designed with speed and agility, Kira immediately pouted and became a little unhappy. His strong calf was slightly raised, and then he suddenly stepped on the ground and made a The rock collapsed trick, and in an instant, a thick rock wall appeared in front of him.

After completing this step, Yu Kira's eyes showed a wicked look, staring at the center of the rock wall in front of him. Then, fire energy suddenly condensed in his left hand, and a golden flame immediately wrapped his little hand. Unleash a fire fist.

With a sound of "Boom~", the extremely fast stinger bee, whose poisonous stabs are extremely powerful, can directly use one of the poisonous spears to break the face, and instantly the thick rock wall made by Kira will be created, and if there is any Just like his heart and eyes, under Yu Kira's somewhat surprised gaze, through a clever body twist, he avoided his flame fist by a tiny margin~www.readwn.com~ Another poison gun was as accurate as purple lightning. He stabbed Yukira between the eyebrows.

next moment.

"Clang~", a sound of the collision of gold and stone sounded, and the poisonous attack of the big needle bee successfully hit Yu Kira's forehead.

However, the rock armor covered by Kira's forehead is extremely hard, and its hardness is almost comparable to that of diamonds. The iron spear of the big needle bee can only leave an indiscernible white spot on it, and then it is no longer difficult to move forward. cents.

The huge impact of his own rapidity, coupled with the amazing weight of Kira, the big needle bee's shot is like stabbing a heavy steel block, the pain caused by the terrifying reaction can't help him. The right hand of the gun made a painful tearing sound, and the whole body trembled.

At this time, Yu Kira's head also felt a little pain and dizziness because of the huge force from the big needle bee iron gun. The original playful eyes suddenly became fierce and a little angry. The original flame was extinguished. The right hand ignited a golden flame again, and when the big needle bee was trembling with fear, he punched the big needle bee's chest.

With a sound of "咻~", the large needle bee was instantly shot out at the speed of sound, and a small fist mark with severe burns appeared on its chest.

In the end, the big needle bee slammed into the rock wall outside the training ground, and the whole body was embedded in it.

Seeing that the giant stinger had lost its ability to fight, Kira rubbed the still aching eyebrows with her small hands. The eyes of her small eyes were still quite fierce, and she seemed to be unhappy. A green rocket shot at the giant needle bee, who had been unable to move, and the sharp corner of the head pointed directly at the head of the giant needle bee.

To be continued...

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