Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 88: : polluting organisms

In an instant, in just an instant, two trainers and their elf who possessed the strength of the quasi-celestial king were hit by the giant Bibi Bird's ordinary whirlwind trick, and then were hit by a large number of wind blades in the tornado. Cut into pieces.

It was as simple as a human stomping two ants to death on the ground, and the giant Bibi bird easily killed the two testers.

"It's amazing power. This trial site is not a place to stay for a long time. You must find Christina and the others as soon as possible. Otherwise, with their strength, it would be difficult for them to persist in this harsh place for a day." After Huge Bibi bird lightly killed two good trainers, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was standing on the branch with nothing to watch, his face became a little serious, and at the same time he was a little worried about his precious subordinates.

"Bi~" After killing the two ants at will, Bibi Bird immediately turned his attention to Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha duck on the branches of the giant tree. I felt it when I just landed.

However, Bibi Niao's original relaxed eyes changed, and she became a little scared. Her wild intuition was reminding him that the two "little ants" in front of him were different from the "little ants" he killed with ease just now. Facing these two "little ants" is full of danger.

It's just that while he was a little scared, Bibi Bird also had strong greed in his heart. He also felt amazing energy from the two "little ants", and his wild intuition was also telling him that as long as these two "little ants", He will be able to evolve into a more powerful form, and even get out of this **** "cage".

When Bibi bird wanted to eat Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck in his heart, a longing instinct in his blood began to drive Bibi bird, and a voice that he couldn't resist began to echo in his heart. Echoing in his mind, the owner of the voice was ordering him to kill the "little ant" in front of him.

Soon, Bibi Bird's gaze towards Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha duck completely changed from fear to greed and bloodthirsty,

"What's the matter, I was still afraid of us just now, why did I suddenly want to smash us into tens of thousands of pieces, forget it, it's just a slightly bigger stray bird, kill him Come on, Goda duck." Ryuzaki Shinji ordered.

The abnormality of Bibi bird made Ryuzaki Shinji feel a little uneasy, and the surrounding environment seemed to become a little weird, a feeling of being hostile and repelled by everything around him appeared in his heart.

Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's order, Goda duck also immediately acted, and he stretched his right hand forward and grasped it. The trident of ice appeared in his hand, and then swept a horizontal slash at Bibi bird below, instantly slashing. A huge spiritual blade that was enough to slash Bibi Bird in half.

The giant Bibi Bird, who was in a bloodthirsty state, sensed the hostility between Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha duck, and immediately went berserk. The tornado came out, and then pushed the tornado in the direction of Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck.

However, the power of the huge spiritual blade made by the Gotha Duck is obviously much stronger than the giant tornado made by the giant bird. The ice blue spiritual blade not only contains the ability of the super energy system, but also contains a small amount of proportion. of water and ice energy.

In the face of the spiritual blade formed by the fusion of three attribute energies, the huge tornado composed of a single flight-type ability was instantly cut in half like a melon and fruit that was easily cut by a sharp blade.

After the huge spiritual blade cut through the tornado, the speed remained unabated, slicing towards the waist of the giant Bibi bird like lightning.

At this time, the giant Bibi bird did something that surprised Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck. He didn't dodge or dodge, and rammed straight into the huge mental blade created by Gotha Duck.

As a result, the huge spiritual blade did cut the giant Bibi bird in half and penetrated through his huge body, but the moment the giant Bibi bird was cut by the giant mental blade, his body that was cut in half turned out to be It was closed again, and then it seemed that there was no damage at all, and it continued to really fly in the direction of Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck.

"Unbelievable, I thought it was really a giant elf. It turned out to be just something composed of pure flying energy. It seems that he can't be treated as a normal creature. This guy doesn't have the fatal weakness that ordinary creatures have. , Goda duck, water fluctuations, coupled with the freezing light, try to freeze him." Ryuzaki Shinji said in shock.

Although it was only for a moment, Ryuzaki Shinji, who relied on the diffusion of mental power to observe every move in the battle, still clearly observed what appeared on the cross-section of the body when the giant Bibi bird was cut in half. An extremely rich cyan flight-type energy.

However, the nature of the flight-type energy leaked from the body of the giant Bibi bird is somewhat different from the flight-type energy that Ryuzaki Shinji observed from ordinary elves. They are like a sticky clay that will rebond together.

After receiving the order, Gotha duck acted quickly, and a water ball with a high-speed spiral of internal water flow quickly condensed on his left hand. At the same time, the trident in his hand instantly burst into an amazing ice blue light, and the ice energy in the body and a lot of space between heaven and earth. The ice-type energy of 's gathered in the trident.

When the giant Bibi bird's body was glued together again and was about to collide with the two, Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes flashed with purple light, and he instantly used teleportation to bring Gotha Duck to appear behind the giant Bibi bird.

Seizing the opportunity, Gotha Duck threw a left-handed water polo at the giant Bibi bird under him~www.readwn.com~ and the water polo just detached from Gotha Duck's left hand, it suddenly soared at an alarming rate and turned into a water polo. A giant water polo large enough to completely engulf a giant Bibi bird.

The next moment, the giant Bibi bird was engulfed by the giant water polo, and the Gotha Duck also aimed at the giant Bibi bird in the giant water polo with a trident emitting an amazing icy blue light, an ice that instantly condensed the moisture in the surrounding air. Blue beams lasing from the Ice Trident.

The ice blue light beam hit the giant water polo, and then instantly froze the giant water polo into an ice ball, along with the giant Bibi bird inside.

The next second the giant water polo was frozen, Gotha Duck again mercilessly waved the trident of ice in his hand, and slashed several giant mental sharp blades at the giant Bibi bird frozen in the ice puck.

This time, the giant Bibi bird was never able to bond back together again, and was directly cut into pieces by the giant spiritual blade that froze the energy of the flight system.

After the ice cubes melted, the flight-type energy inside quickly merged into the energy between heaven and earth, making the surrounding air-type energy between heaven and earth instantly become richer, and a strong wind blew through it also appeared in an instant, sending the surrounding woods away. Blowing "唦唦唦~~" sounded.

And at the moment when Ryuzaki Shinji successfully killed the giant Bibi bird, the cold mechanical sound that appeared when he just woke up appeared again, and he couldn't help showing a smile on his face under the mask.

The content of the voice is as follows: "Kill the mid-level polluting flying-type energy creatures, shorten the completion time of the first trial by 2 days, and reward one-half of the original flying-type objects. The tester will settle after completing the trial."

To be continued.....


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