Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 90: :deceased

The original jungle area is very large, and because everything here is huge, it is very inconvenient to walk in the dense jungle, and you have to beware of the sneak attacks from the huge elves and other testers from the dark, so , Ryusaki Shinji's current walking speed is abnormally slow.

"What's going on? We've already traveled several kilometers. Why haven't anyone seen it yet? Besides, what's going on with those giant elves, why can't you see any of them?" Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't help frowning at the flowers and trees that were the same all over the place, thinking a little depressed.

Ryuzaki Shinji has maintained a mental power detection range of thousands of meters and walked for several kilometers, but so far, the things that have appeared in front of him are flowers and trees other than flowers and trees.

Fortunately, he left mental coordinates along the way to provide him with a general direction mark. He knew that he had been moving straight forward, otherwise he would have thought that he had unknowingly been blindfolded and had been going around in circles.

"Gah~~" When Ryusaki Shinji crossed a giant tree again, he had been suspended in mid-air by moving objects through his mind, and Goda Duck, who followed Ryuzaki Shinji, opened his eyes against the blue light, and then passed the The telepathy communicates with Shinji Ryuzaki.

"Have you sensed a huge energy fluctuation ahead? So it is, it seems that there is a fierce battle going on ahead, let's go and have a look, but it must be passed quietly, please, Geng Ghost." After listening to Goda Duck's words, Ryusaki Shinji suddenly became energized, his eyes narrowed, and he spoke to the hostile Geng Ghost in the shadow under him.

"Hee hee hee~~, no problem, leave it to me, and make sure no one can detect it." Ryuzaki Shinji just finished speaking, and a pair of scarlet eyes and a big mouth suddenly opened in the shadow under him. After spitting out the words, he swallowed Ryuzaki Shinji and the Goda duck next to him into the shadows.

Just when the savage Gengar used shadow camouflage to hide both Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck, it was above the grass that was a thousand meters behind them.

The giant armor that was flying suddenly stopped, and then looked around blankly. Just now, the smell of the enemy suddenly disappeared, so that he could no longer locate the enemy's position.

"Wow~~" Finally, the giant armor had to let out a huge roar angrily, and then chose a path that was slightly deviated from the original direction, and continued to roll over all the obstacles in front of him like a bulldozer.

And when the giant armor was blindly looking for Ryuzaki Shinji, the tester who had killed the giant elves, Ryuzaki Shinji was under the cover of the savage Geng ghost and the guide of Gotha duck. Next, he also quietly came to a battlefield in the middle of a fierce battle, and also found a few "old friends" here that he hadn't seen for a long time.


If the gigantic Bibi bird that Ryuzaki Shinji dealt with before was just an elite-level monster, then the gigantic circle bear that appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji at this time was a monster that belonged to a small boss.

In fact, before Ryuzaki Shinji was completely close to the battlefield, he heard a huge roar from the battlefield not far away.

"Roar~~~" A circle bear with a height of five or six stories is roaring wildly. Every time his huge bear paw slaps the ground, the nearby ground shakes violently, as if alive Like an earthquake of magnitude 4 or 5.

At this time, there were a total of 16 testers fighting against the giant circle bear like this monster, including three Heavenly King-level powerhouses, and the rest were quasi-king-level trainers.

And when Ryuzaki Shinji was a little bit unexpected, these three king-level powerhouses were Ryuzaki Shinji's former "good teammates", Kanjuro, Miyamoto Saburo and Ma Zhishi.

However, with three Heavenly King-level Rocket Team members and thirteen quasi-king-level trainers, this temporary "powerful" team is still at risk in the face of the gigantic, raging bears. in a deadly situation.

From the perspective of energy fluctuations, the strength of this huge circle bear is that of an elf at the level of an intermediate peak heavenly king. If you add his terrifying and unparalleled strange power, the strength can be increased a little bit further.

However, after some observation, in Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes, the threat level of this huge ring bear is not very high, it is probably equivalent to three times the strength of the giant steel snake in the desert before. A fraction or so, not too difficult.

Of course, these judgments on the strength of the giant circle bear are only limited to one person like Ryusaki Shinji. For the testers who are fighting the giant circle bear, this huge circle bear The level of terror is no less than that of an elf at the level of a high-level king, and even a lot.

Although it is said that the movements of the giant circle bear are a bit slow, and the skills that seem to be used are only the most common slap skills, but his attack power can be said to be extremely powerful, coupled with the huge power of the bear, once he is used by him The huge bear paw hit, even the king-level elf, will immediately be shot into meat sauce.

In addition, the thick layer of bearskin on the giant Huanhuan Bear's body is also very terrifying. The combined attack of three Heavenly King-level elves plus a dozen quasi-kings' peak-level elves is only a slight Let him scratch a little bit of skin, which makes this temporary team feel a little desperate.

However, the strange thing is that in the face of this somewhat desperate situation, these temporary team testers did not escape, but continued to grit their teeth and persist, which immediately made Ryuzaki Shinji feel very strange.

"I didn't expect to meet them here. This is also a kind of fate." Looking at the three "old friends" who were desperately fighting against the giant Huanhuanhuan bear, Ryuzaki Shinji thought to himself, and double-fired the gas. He was still haunted by the fact that he almost died by self-destruction. Now that he met these accomplices, he naturally did not intend to let them go.

However, from the current point of view, now is not the best time to start. If the revenge can be made simpler and easier, Ryuzaki Shinji doesn't mind continuing to wait patiently on the side, and then watch thoughtfully. The giant tree behind the giant circle bear.

Since Ryuzaki Shinji observed from hiding on the edge of the battlefield, he has noticed a strange behavior of the giant circle bear, and the opponent never leaves within a hundred meters of the giant tree.

"Damn, this giant bear is endless. You all cover me, Raichu, the electric monster, and prepare to use the powerful Thor's Spear to kill him." Ma Zhishi, who was on the ground and turned some distance away, stood up from the ground, spit out a mouthful of **** phlegm~www.readwn.com~ and then shouted with a grim expression.

Hearing Ma Zhishi's voice, Kanjuro and Miyamoto Saburo looked at each other and nodded, then commanded their own King-level Scythe Helmet and King-level Fork Bat, attracting the attention of the giant circle bear in front, while the other The testers at the peak level of the Heavenly King were also very cooperative and assisted the two Heavenly King-level trainers.

The Heavenly King-level Raichu and the Quasi-Tianwang Peak-level Electric Monster who were fighting in front of them heard the words, and after looking at each other, they quickly approached each other. During the process of running, Raichu used a crazy volt, while the Electric Shock Monster attacked each other. To resort to thunder tricks.

The two have a powerful ability to control electricity, one controls the golden thunder, the other controls the black thunder, in the process of approaching each other, the two different colors of thunder are intertwined, and finally form a lightning shape. The black-gold Thunder Spear.

The energy fluctuations emanating from the Thunder Giant Spear are extremely violent, and the surrounding space is slightly distorted, and there are even slight cracks in the spear tip, showing its incomparably powerful attack power and penetrability.

The power of electricity is the same as the energy of fire, which is extremely violent energy. At the same time, the lethality of these two attribute energies is also the top of all attribute energies.

When Ma Zhishi was a quasi-celestial king trainer, the combo skills that the two little elves jointly displayed possessed the power of a heavenly king.

Now that the strength of Raichu and Dengeki Warcraft has increased again, the Thunder God's Spear jointly displayed at this time is as powerful as the full blow of an elf at the peak level of the intermediate king.

In an instant, the black-gold thunder giant spear penetrated the body of the huge Huanhuanhuan bear.

To be continued....()

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