Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 93: : 2nd

Ryuzaki Shinji stared at the former enemy in front of him. It was him and his bat that nearly killed him, but now nearly half a year has passed. Although the opponent has also become stronger, now he has been able to use it without using it. If you use your full strength, you will eat the opponent to death.

It has to be said that, the fortunes are different, and their achievements are also very different.

Of course, what Ryuzaki Shinji has experienced these days is not something that ordinary people can survive. Just the experience of surviving and evacuating from the battle of the two great supernatural beasts is enough to make an ordinary person blow for a lifetime. The deep-sea battle in the shipwreck cemetery, and then the tiger's mouth in the Super God War.

After each incident, Ryuzaki Shinji's experience, vision, and soul have grown tremendously. These are priceless wealth, enough to benefit him for life, plus the harvest after each incident. , so that his strength can be amazingly improved in a short period of time.

Now, Ryuzaki Shinji looks back and thinks about his experience from the light red city all the way to the central island, and he can't help feeling a little emotional. He really had a thrilling and extremely hard adventure, but this adventure The journey is equally wonderful, and perhaps no one else's life-long adventures add up to the adventures he's been through during this period of time.

"A dying person, do you have anything else to say? If not, then I'll do it." Ryuzaki Shinji squinted his eyes with purple awns and stared at Saburo Miyamoto. .

After the initial surprise, the other party quickly calmed down, and then maintained the current cold look of completely disregarding his own life, although Ryuzaki Shinji intentionally wanted to obtain it from Saburo Miyamoto through spiritual prying. A little bit of information about the current Rockets, but the opponent's willpower is simply incredible, like a sealed iron can, his mental power can't invade the opponent's spiritual world no matter what.

Faced with this situation, Ryuzaki Shinji could only admire in his heart: "It is indeed a real ninja."

"It's useless, Ryuzaki Shinji, your mind reading can't work for me, I feel that your super power is very strong now, but compared with today's Nazi, you still give me a bad feeling. One point, even Nazi's mind-reading technique doesn't work for me, you just give up, you can't get even a little bit of information about the organization from me." Saburo Miyamoto said.

Facing Ryuzaki Shinji's bizarre eyes, his expression remained unchanged, and he glared back with his eyes without showing weakness.

"Hahaha~~~, it's amazing, that guy Aju is really worse than you." Saburo Miyamoto's tough performance did not anger Ryuzaki Shinji, but made him laugh out loud.

Ryuzaki Shinji very much appreciates Saburo Miyamoto's absolute loyalty when faced with a desperate situation. However, the enemy is the enemy. As soon as Ryuzaki Shinji finished speaking, the Goda duck on the side used the trident of ice to face Saburo Miyamoto. Swipe, a tiny spiritual blade appeared in an instant, and the next moment, Miyamoto Saburo and the cross-shaped bat, who were imprisoned by the strong thoughts of Goda duck, turned into two broken corpses.

"It's a pity, it would be great if you could be loyal to me." Looking at Saburo Miyamoto, who had lost his breath of life, Ryuzaki Shinji sighed with regret.

Immediately afterwards, Ryuzaki Shinji took the useful things from Miyamoto Saburo, and after burying him, he used teleportation to leave with Goda duck, but continued to chase and kill another Rocket team member who had a revenge against him.


On the other hand, due to his weakness in speed, Kanjuro also successfully evacuated from the battlefield after a hard fight, and then, under the protection of the King-class sickle helmet, he has now thrown a distance of several kilometers to the north of the battlefield. .

"That person is very familiar, and it feels very dangerous to me. I seem to have seen him somewhere." While running, Kanjuro generally followed behind the sickle helmet who opened the way in front, while thinking about someone who had just performed the fisherman's behavior. King-level trainer.

Although the other party's killing intent is very secret, Kanjuro is now an intermediate-level fighter whose facial features are far more sensitive than ordinary people. He still instantly perceives Ryuzaki Shinji's killing intent towards him, so he has been evacuating just now. Beware of the mysterious man with a Gotha duck by his side, but until now, the other party has not followed.

Like Saburo Miyamoto, in Kanjuro's impression, Ryuzaki Shinji was a dead person long ago, so he didn't think of Ryuzaki Shinji through the one-eyed goda duck for the first time, so that he Now I'm thinking about the Heavenly King-level trainer that I offended in the Death Swamp recently.

"Uh, stop, Scythe Helmet." Suddenly, Kanjuro felt a crisis, and immediately ordered the Scythe Helmet in front of him to stop through telepathy, and at the same time immediately released all the elves in his hands.

For a time, the Boss Cordola at the peak of the quasi-king, the super-armored rhinoceros at the peak of the quasi-king, the big rock at the peak of the quasi-king, the lava snail at the peak of the quasi-king, and the rumbling rock at the peak of the quasi-king appeared one after another, and then Together with the King-class scythe helmet, Kanjuro will be protected.

Just as Kanjuro and Scythe Helmet stopped, a conical spiral water polo suddenly appeared, and then hit the grass in front of the two. In an instant, the grass and the soil cut into a smooth circular dent.

"Who, get out of here, come together, destroy everything around you, and force the enemy out." Seeing the crisis, Kanjuro immediately directed all the elves around him to conduct indiscriminate actions against the surrounding environment. attack.

The next moment, Boscodora used the destruction light, the super armored rhino used the rock cannon, the big steel snake used the iron tail trick to sweep, the lava snail used the jet flame, the rumbling rock used the rock blast, and finally the sickle. Helmet tightly protected Kanjuro behind him.

"Bang bang bang~~" A series of explosions appeared. Under the continuous attack of Kanjuro and the elves, the surrounding vegetation was immediately destroyed, and a large number of explosions also caused a small-scale deep forest fire. , waves of fire and billowing smoke appeared quickly, obscuring everything.

The deadly sense of crisis still hasn't subsided~www.readwn.com~ Kanjuro knew that the enemy had not left, and the flames and thick smoke obscured the surrounding environment, making him unable to detect the enemy's location, so he just Even more dare not act rashly, in order to prevent the enemy from taking the opportunity to plot a sneak attack.

"What! Quick, Scythe Helmet, use the water cannon." Seeing that the flames in front of him suddenly gathered together quickly and turned into a wave of fire that swept towards him, Kanjuro immediately ordered the Scythe Helmet beside him to use the water cannon to put out the fire.

Hearing Kanjuro's order, a jet of high-pressure water shot out from the mouth of the sickle and helmet instantly, tearing a large opening in the surging sea of ​​fire.

However, after the high-pressure water column of the sickle helmet tore the fire wave, it could no longer continue to advance a little bit. There seemed to be an invisible barrier in the air ahead, blocking the high-pressure water flow, so that it could only be turned into a large number of tiny particles. The torrent continued to spray out around.

In the face of this strange situation, Kanjuro also decisively let the sickle helmet cut off the supply of high-pressure water, and then stared at every move in front of him.

At this time, in the tearing mouth of the fire wave, a huge Abo monster and a huge double-bomb gas appeared in front of Kanjuro and his group of elves little by little. The mighty power made them terrified.

"Why don't you obediently bury yourself in the sea of ​​fire you created, Kanjuro?" Just when Kanjuro and his group of elves focused their attention on the Abo monster and the double-bomb gas, a sentence came from behind him. The voice suddenly appeared.

I don't know when, Ryuzaki Shinji appeared behind them.

"Uh! How could it be..." Before Kanjuro could turn his head, an ice trident stabbed out of his heart.

To be continued.....

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