Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 95: : go all out

Long-lost sense of oppression, apart from Shirona, Nazi, Orina, and Argus, Ryuzaki Shinji once again felt oppression from others, and this sturdy young man in front of him gave him more than that. The latter three are much stronger.

Although Ryuzaki Shinji is not quite sure what position this sturdy young man named Sakagi is in the Rockets, but judging from the fact that he was able to compete with the mighty Sakagi Ryo before, he is definitely one of the Rockets. key person.

In addition, the opponent was a strong man who had advanced to become a Heavenly King-level trainer long before him. He was extremely impressed by that Heavenly King-level giant stinger, which belonged to him at that time and could not compete with it. exist.

However, Ryuzaki Shinji is now completely different from the previous self. For the strong young man, he has no fear, and some are just burning fighting spirit. He wants to see himself from the strong young man Sakagi. Where is the younger generation now?

"Yeah, let's fight. Only by defeating me can you be qualified to take him away!" After the two faced off for a long time, Ryuzaki Shinji said these words abruptly.

The next moment, the ice-blue light of the ice trident flashed in the hands of Goda Ya, who was beside Ryuzaki Shinji, and then immediately swept a horizontal slash at Sakagi in front of him. Sakagi cut across the middle.

"Keng~" sounded, Sakagi hardly moved half a minute, some just opened the Poké Ball in his right hand in a flash, and then, at the critical moment, a sturdy, terrifying giant stinger bee all over his body. Appeared and blocked the spiritual blade released by Gotha Duck with a single gun.

"Senior Heavenly King!" Ryuzaki Shinji said involuntarily after feeling the amazing power emanating from the giant needle bee in front of Sakagi.

When Ryuzaki Shinji was a little out of his mind, the giant stinger was like a teleportation, instantly crossing a distance of more than ten meters, and suddenly appeared in front of him without a sound, and the two guns in his hands were aimed at his head, eyebrows and heart. The parts were stabbed like lightning.

In front of the double spears of the big needle bee, the superpower shield protecting Ryuzaki Shinji and the stinky mud's green shield that guards the ultimate move are like paper paste, and they can't hold on for even a second. , was pierced and cracked by the double spears of the giant needle bee, and stabbed Ryuzaki Shinji's head and heart unabated.

Fortunately, at this time, the stinky mud that the protector was eager to do once again made a contribution, and the two big white mud hands grabbed the double guns of the big needle bee in time.

Although it was said that the stinky mud's big hand could not completely stop the attack of the giant needle bee, it also succeeded in slowing down the lightning-like attack of the giant needle bee, so that the Gotha duck beside Ryuzaki Shinji had enough reaction time.

Taking advantage of this buffering time, the ice trident in the hands of Gotha Ya who reacted to it appeared without delay between Ryuzaki Shinji and Big Needle Bee, and then suddenly raised his hand, and finally succeeded in destroying Big Needle Bee's body. Double gun stopped.

If it misses a hit, it will travel a thousand miles. Like a top assassin, the giant needle bee appears in front of Sakagi like lightning, and then waits for the new order from Sakagi.

"Hahaha~~, it's really amazing, you were able to survive under the double spear stab of the giant needle bee. Since I came to this island, you are the first training to successfully survive under the double spear of my giant needle bee. Home." Sakagi turned his head to Ryuzaki Shinji and smiled slightly after he touched the slight scar on the big needle bee's double spear with his hands.

The sturdy young Sakagi just finished speaking, the scars on the big needle bee's double spears disappeared strangely, and the previously weakened breath returned to its peak state again.

On the other side, Ma Zhishi has quietly bypassed this big circle and came to the place behind Sakagi.

"Cheat, cheat, he's actually so strong, even the big stinger bee of the high-level king level of Lord Sakagi can't kill him." At this time, he was looking at Ryuzaki Shinji in disbelief.

Ma Zhishi has been with Sakagi for a while, and he is naturally aware of the power of this new leader.

In the battle for the leader, Ryo Sakagi, who had almost taken advantage of the time and place, lost his life at the hands of the big stinger just like just now. He didn't even have time to release the elf, and he was already dead.

In the end, Sakagi miraculously fought back and seized the position of the new leader.

And those who were on the wrong team, they also disappeared from this world one by one.

For Ma Zhishi, the giant horn bee in Sakagi's hand is equivalent to the existence of the **** of death. Whether it is a trainer or a elf, a shot is a lore, and it is absolutely impossible to survive. Now Ryuzaki Shinji is alive, which makes He was shocked.

With a sound of "tick~", blood appeared from Ryuzaki Shinji's eyebrows, and then a drop of blood dripped down the chin to the ground.

Although the lore shot of the giant hornbee was cracked, Ryuzaki Shinji was still injured. A tiny hole appeared in the pale mask and on the clothes. The burning pain between his eyebrows and chest made his face under the mask also hot. , and extremely hideous.

"Almost, I almost died, what a terrifying stab. I haven't felt death at such a close distance for a long time. In order to repay you, I decided to repay you with the strongest posture. Don't die. "Ryuzaki Shinji said to Sakagi with telepathy.

The next moment, an astonishing wave of superpower suddenly appeared from Ryuzaki Shinji's body, and waves of tyrannical purple superpower waves spread around in a ring.

For a time, several untraceable ray of spiritual power flew out from the pores between Ryuzaki Shinji's eyebrows, and plunged into Gotha duck's body like lightning.

In an instant, Ryuzaki Shinji completed the spiritual connection with Gotha Duck, and the spiritual powers of the two merged together. The next second, a wave of superpower energy fluctuations representing the level of the Heavenly King suddenly radiated from Gotha Duck's body. .

Immediately afterwards, a purple-blue energy beam exuding terrifying superpower fluctuations shot from Godard Duck into the sky, the thick clouds were instantly torn by him, and the dressed sky was also rendered into a purple-blue color.

After a few seconds, the purple-blue energy beam gradually disappeared. After the end, a colored superpower mark appeared in front of Gotha Duck~www.readwn.com~ After the same few seconds, the colored superpower mark gradually dissipated.

At this time, Gotha Duck's body became slender and straight, with purple lines engraved on its blue body, the ruby ​​between the eyebrows became the purest amethyst, and a purple-blue sapphire appeared in both hands. Super power mark.

The ice-blue ice armor that originally covered Gotha Duck turned purple-blue and became even more gorgeous, and the ice trident in his hand continued to emit purple-blue light.

"Unbelievable, the superpower and the elf have completed the spiritual connection, and the two spirits are combined into one. Sure enough, as Nazi said, you are also very special. In fact, we don't need to fight to the death or the death, it is better that we join forces How, now you have this qualification, as long as we join hands, everything in the entire Trial Secret Realm is ours." At this time, Sakagi no longer had the calmness before, and looked at Ryuzaki Shinji with an unusually solemn expression.

While speaking, Sakagi's left hand quietly pressed on the now scarred Big Needle Bee, and his right hand grabbed a Poké Ball that had slipped from his sleeve.

As a Heavenly King-level trainer with rich combat experience, he would naturally not let Ryuzaki Shinji complete this change.

In fact, at the moment when Ryusaki Shinji made a spiritual connection with Gotha Duck, his order to Big Needle Bee was already given.

But what troubled Sakagi was that before the giant stinger was able to get close enough, it was shocked and flew out by the powerful superpower that was instantly released in the purple-blue energy beam, and also suffered very serious injuries.

Unfortunately, the one who answered Sakagi was indeed an ice trident in front of him.

The breath of death came in an instant.

To be continued...

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