Pokemon Dark Giant

Chapter 44: : Death of the Demon General (5)

Come out, Arbo Snake, Orochi Stare, Ghost Stone, Hypnosis. At the moment of the close call, a familiar voice sounded from behind Ryuzaki Shinji.

As soon as he finished speaking, an Abo snake sprang out from the ground in front of Ryuzaki Shinji. The eyes of the snake in the sturdy snake head were bright red, and all the ghost-type elf who focused on the suddenly appeared Abo snake. Immediately, his body froze, unable to move.

After Abo Snake did all this, an invisible ghost Stone also appeared suddenly, with hypnotic fluctuations in his eyes and hypnotic gestures with his hands. among.

In just a few seconds, Ryuzaki Shinji's crisis was solved by the joint effort of Abai Snake and Ghost Stone. Without hesitation, seeing someone help, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately made a move after Abai Snake took action. In response, when the ghost-type elf focused on Abo Snake, he first broke through the siege of the ghost-type elf, and quickly merged with the double-bomb gas and black stinky mud that rushed over.

"Kill them all for me, double-bomb the gas, and use a jet of flame, stinky mud, and mud waves." After Ryuzaki Shinji joined his two elves, his eyes were full of coldness, and the huge killing intent in his heart poured out. out, and immediately ordered the double-bomb gas and stinky mud to kill the group of ghost elves.

"Gaswas~" As Ryuzaki Shinji's most loyal dog-leg, double-bomb gas was furious at these ghost-type elves who attacked Ryuzaki Shinji. Without Ryuzaki Shinji's command, he took the lead in attacking, and the three were furious. His head immediately spewed out a large amount of green poisonous fire, and then formed a huge green fire column under his control, aggressively attacking the group of sleeping ghost elves.

"Smelly~" Smelly mud let out a cry, and the surrounding stinky mud split bodies were all re-fused with him, his body size returned to its original size, and his strength also returned to its heyday. He who has the best black sludge will soon die. The energy lost by the stinky mud split body was replenished, and the two big mud hands slammed on the ground, and a large stream of purple mud slurry emerged from the ground, rushing towards the group of sleeping ghost elves like waves.

The purple mud slurry seems to have super glue to stick all the ghost-type elves to the ground, even some ghost-type elves who have woken up quickly cannot move because of this, and can only watch the huge green fire column coming.

After 1 minute, all the ghost-type elves were burnt to ashes by the jet flame that was fully motivated by the double-bomb gas.

"I didn't expect that the person who pulled me at the critical moment would actually be you, shouldn't you be the one who fell into trouble, Aju." Ryuzaki Shinji slowly turned to face the enemy after the previous enemy was eliminated. A black-clad ninja who was protected by Abo Snake and Ghost Stone not far away said.

"Hmph, I just don't want you to be killed by these **** people. I am the only one who can kill you, Aju. However, it's a shame to be disgraced by a group of ghost elves, Ryuzaki Shinji." In the face of Ryuzaki Shinji's ridicule, Aju unceremoniously taunted Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Hahahaha, this time I really took care of myself. I forgot that these ghosts are not afraid of ordinary physical attacks. My fists can't hit them." Ryuzaki Shinji laughed and laughed at himself, but his eyes gradually became colder. Now, he and A Ju are not old friends, and the two are still hostile.

"You can rest assured, I won't beat the drowning dog. When I recover my full strength, I will still choose to assassinate you after you recover my full strength. You'd better be ready to be killed by me at any time in the future. , Ninjas have never been dignified enemies." Feeling the hostility coming from Ryuzaki Shinji, Aju snorted coldly and explained to Ryuzaki Shinji coldly.

"Hehe, according to what you said, I would like to thank you, but have you made a mistake? Even if I only have double-bomb gas and stinky mud, I am your invincible existence. ." Ryuzaki Shinji laughed immediately after hearing A Ju's words, and then, his fighter's aura and murderous aura all pressed down on A Ju's body.

"Hmph, do you want to fight between life and death? I'll accompany you at any time." A Jutou said coldly, in a cold sweat. Smelly mud, he can't be provoked by the current Aju. If he can't assassinate Ryuzaki Shinji through various despicable means, rely on the strength of Ryuzaki Shinji's fighters alone, and fight him head-on, Aju will only be defeated. Along the way, there is no choice.

After the two faced each other for 1 minute, Ryuzaki Shinji took the initiative to dissipate his momentum and murderous aura. He did this just to beat and beat Aju. Even if he could kill Aju now, he would kill a thousand enemies and self-destruct. Eight hundred, in today's crisis-ridden nightmare black market, the gains outweigh the losses. Now the most important thing is to find a way to escape, and everything else has to be put aside.

Ryuzaki Shinji came to the Shinigami Hall and the Crystal Lantern who were still lying on the ground. After the spirits of these two elves were destroyed by Ryuzaki Shinji, they seemed to be indulging in indulgence for ten days and ten nights, withered and lay dying. on the ground.

"Say, where is that dark night demon of yours now? What is his purpose?" Ryuzaki Shinji asked coldly as he stepped on the death hall.

"Uh~, human, kill me. You can't get any information about the leader from me. I will never betray the leader." The painful death hall opened his eyes and said very stubbornly.

"Hehe, okay, then I'll do it for you, double-bounce the gas, let him taste the taste of being slowly roasted, remember, roast slowly." Ryuzaki Shinji sneered when he heard the words, and also No nonsense, directly ordered the double-bomb gas beside him to torture the death hall.

"Ah~~~~, you can't die, human, the leader will definitely avenge me." The green flame spit out from the double-bomb gas instantly covered the whole body of the death hall, and the smell of burning began to come from the death hall. The pain that radiated out and was gradually scorched by the flames made the Shinigamikan unbearable, but he was still very hard-hearted, cursing Ryuzaki Shinji all the time, until the moment of death, he did not choose to betray.

"It's a pity, what a loyal little elf, but it's a pity that I followed the wrong person. Next is you, Crystal Lantern, what is your choice!" There was a hint of admiration in Saki Shinji's eyes, but it was fleeting, and he turned around and asked with a playful expression on Crystal Lantern, who also witnessed the tragic death of the Shinigami Hall.

"I said, I said, I said everything, please don't kill me, respected powerhouse." After witnessing the death experience in the death hall, the only remaining loyalty in the heart of the crystal lamp was quickly shattered. Fifty-one tested the information he knew about Shinji Ryuzaki.

"That's all, I advise you not to hide from me. After I subdue you, if I find something wrong, I can still play you to death." Ryuzaki Shinji listened to the information from Crystal Lantern, His face was extremely ugly, and he continued to threaten Crystal Lantern with a sullen face.

"There's only so much I know. There's really only so much. I absolutely dare not hide from you, Lord, please spare your life." Crystal Lantern sees Ryuzaki Shinji's murderous aura. Teng Teng's face immediately said anxiously, he has indeed said everything he knows, after all, his current life is in the hands of this human being in front of him, for the sake of his life, he absolutely dare not do anything to hide .

"Very good, you did a good job, double-bounce the gas, you can let him go on the road easily." Seeing the anxious appearance of Crystal Lantern, Shinji Ryuzaki finally made sure that he had told all the information, Then he turned around and pushed it, and let the double-bomb gas do it.

"Ah~~~~, you actually lied to me, human, I curse you, ah~~~~." The crystal lamp Huoling covered in flames wailed in pain, he hated, hating his own characteristics not to start fire, hate himself He actually believed in human beings and hated this **** human, but his hatred could only be burned to ashes by the poisonous fire of double-bombing gas.

"Pass the news of the mini dragon secretly, lead away the main force of the light red gymnasium, the light red city alliance and the rocket team, and then lead the undead army to attack the light red city, plunder the soul, forge the soul gem, and then break through the beast barrier~www .readwn.com~ What an astonishing conspiracy, it really deserves to be an old ghost who has lived for thousands of years." Ryuzaki Shinji murmured after sorting out the information of the Crystal Lantern, he knew that at such a time , The Night Demon's plan has been completed most of the time. He must have led a large number of ghost-type elves to attack the light red city. Now the strong people in the light red city are almost all gathered here, and they are also trapped. Light red The city's defenses were too weak to resist the attack of the army of elves led by the Dark Night Demon, who was close to the power of the beasts.

"You heard it too, Aju, the light red city must have turned into a sea of ​​fire now, if we still want to survive and don't want the light red city to become a ruin, we must unite all the forces here, we must as soon as possible. Get out of this **** place." Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head and said to Aju, whose face had also changed drastically and was breaking out in cold sweat.

"Damn, these abominable ghost-type elves, my family is still in the light red city. Damn, I have to notify the teacher as soon as possible." Aju didn't say anything, and directly released a supersonic bat, and then quickly followed. he left.

"Next, I'm going to inform Caesar. As long as I pass the information to him, there must be hope to leave here, but now I must restore my strength as soon as possible, Soul Treasure Jade, if it's not enough strength, I also want to **** one. Fan, the treasure that allows the elves to break through the gate of the beast, I really want to see it." After Aju left, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately came to a hidden corner, released the dying Abo, and then took it out from his body. Toxic Orb, put it into the mouth of the Abo.

On the other hand, the battle between Miyamoto Musashi and the Cursed Doll is over.

But the result was unexpected.

To be continued ................................

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