Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 105: : Successfully drank the soup

Victory, when Ryuzaki Shinji saw Shirona's expression on the shore of Kojima, he knew that Gotha Duck had defeated Super Lucario.

At the moment of winning, Ryuzaki Shinji felt amazing, with joy and excitement at the same time, as if he had crossed a giant peak, the things in front of him suddenly became bright and cheerful.

When Ryuzaki Shinji once again looked at the blonde beauty in front, he felt that the other party was no longer an aloof and invincible goddess.

He no longer has to look up at each other. He is now standing at the same height as the other party, and it is enough to just look directly.

"Is this the joy of victory after defeating the strong, it feels really good, hahahaha~~~" Ryuzaki Shinji raised his head and looked at the sky that was gradually starting to clear above his head, and suddenly burst out laughing, and it was hearty Laugh out loud.

Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji burst into laughter, at this time, the few testers who were still around the edge of the lake just woke up from a dream and showed shocked expressions.

Things are moving too fast, like a roller coaster, one moment is still low, the next moment has reached the cloud.

It felt like a blink of an eye. Super Lucario, who was originally considered invincible by them, had already defeated Super Lucario in less than two minutes.

"Damn, I didn't expect this sinner to become so strong after absorbing the power of that evil god, together with his elf, to be able to defeat Lucario, the warrior chosen by the gods, this is really a great shame. Since Lucario has failed, then you will kill this blasphemous sinner." Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's bursts of laughter, Hirona's heart was cut like a knife, her heart was extremely angry, and her face showed an angry look, Immediately gave an order to the fierce bite land shark beside him.

However, Lie Bite Lu Shark just wanted to move, but he seemed to sense something, put his raised right foot back, and immediately turned around.

Shirona was also shocked when she saw this, resisting the pain in her head, she stood up immediately, and then flew towards the center of the island with the fierce bite land shark.

At this time, the golden beam of light that pierced into the sky on the small island in the lake seemed to be running out of energy at this time, and the golden light radiating from his body had already dimmed.

The green stone slab that has been hidden in its body has now begun to be vaguely observed.

"If you guessed correctly, that's the treasure this time, Goda duck, grab it, we don't have much time left." After seeing Shirona and the fierce biting land shark beside him, Ryuzaki Shinji was also the first to notice the abnormality in the golden beam of light, and found the grass-type slate through mental power detection. After a moment of confusion on his face, a burst of ecstasy appeared.

Although the breath is restrained, after Ryuzaki Shinji's mental power probed the grass-type slate, he still felt a vast and boundless breath of life from him.

And after looking at it, a mysterious feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, so that he almost lost his mind and fell into a state similar to epiphany.

Hearing this, Goda Duck nodded, his eyes flashed with purple light, and he used a teleportation to quickly approach the golden beam of light, but when he was about to approach the grass-type slate in the golden beam of light, a terrifying murderous aura of special coercion suddenly emerged from the golden beam of light. The forest below erupted, causing his body to sink and his body to be icy cold.

The next moment, countless stubble branches of trees were knocked away, and a dragon god, who was in a state of full body, swooped down towards the impact like lightning.

"Sure enough, it's still here. This guy is much stronger than Lucario just now. We are in a very bad state now, so we won't fight him for the time being. It's enough to grab the slate." Ryuzaki Shinji When sharing the vision with Gotha Duck, seeing the strong bite land shark coming to block it, he immediately ordered Gotha Duck.

After Gotha Duck competed with Super Lucario, especially using the final ice dragon's roar as a finishing move, the three forces of mental power, water energy and ice energy in his body were at a low point in front of him.

At this time, the Gotha Duck was no longer able to fight the fierce bite land shark in its heyday, so avoiding the battle was inevitable.

Godard Duck masters teleportation, while Strong Bite Land Shark is the strongest, but he does not have a teleportation move like Lucario's Speed. If Godard Duck wants to avoid the battle, Strong Bite Land Shark can't stop it. living.

On the other hand, when Shirona and Ryuzaki Shinji both started to move, the testers who stayed by the lake were also eager to move.

Among them, some of the testers who have some strength have already gone to the central island on the water-type elf or riding the flying-type elf.

"Hmph, a bunch of idiots who are overly self-sufficient, well, let's go, it's good to attract that woman's attention for me." Watching these guys who have been ill-intentioned by the lake start to come over and try to get a bargain, sitting on the double bomb Ryuzaki Shinji, who was motionless on Gas, sneered in his heart.

On the north shore of the lake, Banmu still stayed on the fossilized pterosaur. With the power of Vivian, he clearly felt the boundless breath of life coming from the grass-type slate, and he was also quite greedy, but he finally held back. .

As a thoughtful person, Sakagi is still very aware of the current situation.

After seeing the thrilling and fierce battle just now, I also have a clear understanding of my own strength.

He knew that he didn't have super powers, and he couldn't move instantaneously. Even if he could grab the slate, he wouldn't be able to escape the pursuit of a land shark that was obviously stronger than Lucario just now.

"Aren't you going? If you want, I can do my best to help you. You only need a small piece as a reward afterward." Sakagi turned his head and said to a black-haired girl who appeared behind him at some point. , with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

"No, I don't want to grow up with that terrible big sister, I want to get it myself." In the next second, a clear voice appeared in Sakagi's heart, not only causing a wry smile on his face.

"I didn't expect you to have grown to such a level, and how you became so handsome all of a sudden, it's really surprising, hee hee hee~~, it's so interesting, you who came to another world." Hei The young man didn't look at Sakagi, but secretly looked at the cool and handsome guy above Shuangdan Gas's head. An intriguing smile appeared on Sister Bai's face.

On the south bank of the lake, Jun Shalan, Qiao Yiqing, and the alliance powerhouses behind them did not act rashly, and stayed in place to watch the other testers approach the small island in the lake step by step.

"Sister Qing, did we just give up? That's Arceus' grass slate." Jun Shalan asked anxiously to Qiao Yiqing, who seemed to be indifferent to everything at the moment.

"If you want to go, you can go by yourself, if you have the confidence to escape." Qiao Yiqing said this to Jun Shalan with a flat face when she heard the words.

The next moment, Jun Shalan's face suddenly collapsed, and she finally gritted her teeth and issued an order to retreat to the alliance powerhouses behind her.

After experiencing all kinds of things from Haifenggang to the central island~www.readwn.com~ This young lady who used to be unruly and willful has also matured a lot. After seeing the fierce battle just now, the least foresight is still there. of.

Whether it's Shirona or Ryuzaki Shinji, she can't afford to offend either one now, maybe she might get a little advantage now, but correspondingly, she will face the danger of offending both of them.

And the trial of the trial secret realm is obviously far from over, and it is still 108,000 miles away from being able to escape.

Therefore, no matter how unwilling she is in her heart, she can only bear it now.

Sure enough, when the testers who couldn't stand their greed came to the island, and then they all joined the ranks of competing for the grass-type slate, the resistance of the Gotha Duck was greatly reduced by the fierce bite of the land shark.

In the end, Gotha Duck was also a neutral position for catching Zhonglie and biting the land shark to deal with the other tester elves. The ice trident in his hand hit the grass-type slate, and successfully caused the grass-type slate to collapse with a missing corner. .

Seeing this, Gotha duck also quickly held the missing corner, and then returned to Ryuzaki Shinji through teleportation under the helpless and furious eyes of the fierce biting land shark.

"Okay, since you're the first to go to the island, I'll give you the meat, I'll just drink some soup, see you next time, my captain." Ryuzaki Shinji took the grass element from the Gotha duck. The fragments of the slate, and then used telepathy to respond to Shirona, who was in a rage at this time.

As soon as he finished speaking, a purple awn flashed in Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes, and the ancient token closest to him on the battlefield behind him was immediately wrapped in a layer of purple superpowers, and then flew towards him.

After Ryuzaki Shinji took over this ancient person token, he and his group of elves immediately disappeared into the trial grounds as a beam of white light.

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