Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 9: : First, then soldiers

Like a gang of fist and axe gangs who were timid and retreated, after Ryuzaki Shinji walked into this nightclub where he bought flesh and blood, the usually ferocious thugs in it all timidly bowed their heads and stood aside, not at all. Dare to make times.

In this way, Ryuzaki Shinji walked unimpeded in this nightclub, and finally stopped in front of a room on the top floor.

At this time, an enchanting woman who had been following him from a distance also immediately came up.

The enchanting woman has a lovely face, a pair of charming eyes, a body that bulges forward and backward, and is wearing a black tight evening dress with a split front.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu00000" Unfortunately, the enchanting woman has not been able to get close to Ryuzaki Shinji within 2 meters, He Lu Jia's grinning appearance stopped her.

"My lord, I have no ill intentions, I am just the key to open the door for you. This door is made of special materials. If it is not opened with a specific key, a big explosion will occur. This is the key, please accept it. Come on, please don't destroy this place." The enchanting woman gritted her teeth, took a step forward boldly, and said loudly.

When Ryuzaki Shinji heard the words, he also made a gesture to calm Heruga, and then turned his head to look at the dusty woman with some surprise.

The other party's courage is commendable, and he is the only person who has been following his **** since he entered this nightclub. Judging from the respectful attitude of the people in the store along the way, he should be the person in charge of this nightclub.

"Don't be so nervous. I don't mean to tear it down. I'm here to find someone. If I take someone away, I'll leave. I'll take the key. Go down. It's very annoying." Ryuzaki Shinji responded with telepathy. Said the enchanting woman.

As soon as she finished speaking, the key in the enchanting woman's hand was wrapped in a layer of purple superpower, and then released from the woman's hand, flying to Ryuzaki Shinji in her surprised eyes.

The sound of "click, quack~~, bang~" sounded, Ryuzaki Shinji opened the door with the key, and then closed the door again after entering with Heruga.

When the enchanting woman saw this, her eyes flashed and her face showed a look of embarrassment. In the end, she obeyed Ryuzaki Shinji's warning and turned to leave.

At the same time, she also quickly opened a room near the stairs with the key, then went to the phone in the room, picked up the phone and dialed a certain number.

After hearing the door open, an old man wearing only a pair of underwear immediately jumped off the big pink bed, and then, under the screams of the two girls who covered their bodies with quilts, took out a strangely shaped pair of pants from the floor. pistol and a black pokeball come out.

And when the old man got off the bed, Ryuzaki Shinji had brought Black Lugar to this peach-colored room.

Looking at the old man Sato who was pointing a gun at him in front of him, and the two girls on the bed who were looking terrified, Shinji Ryuzaki's eyes flashed with purple light, and a wave of superpower suddenly radiated from him.

The next moment, under the shocked gaze of the old man Sato, the two girls on the bed foamed at the mouth and rolled their eyes and passed out.

"Surrender, I surrender, don't, don't kill me, as long as you don't kill me, as long as I have what you want, you can give it to you." Seeing this, the old man Sato immediately threw the gun and the Pokeball in his hand. On the ground, he raised his hands to give up his resistance.

Old man Sato is someone who has seen strong winds and waves, and at a glance, he knows that Ryuzaki Shinji is someone he can't fight against. Therefore, I immediately chose to give up the needless resistance.

However, his heart was still calm at this time. Seeing that Ryuzaki Shinji didn't use a mysterious method to stun him like two girls, he naturally knew that the other party had no intention to kill him for the time being.

Judging from his many years of experience, the other party does not seem to be here to collect debts or seek revenge. It is very likely that he is here for something in his hands, so he still has bargaining chips in his hands.

"Stay safe, Mr. Sato. By the way, you don't know this face, so you should have some impressions. Also, your after-sales service warranty period is really short." Ryuzaki Shinji was very satisfied with his behavior, and put on a pale mask as soon as he finished speaking.

"You, you are the one who asked me to make a false certificate a year ago, I remember you, scared me to death, I thought it was an enemy, it turned out to be an old customer, listen to me, that fake passport is My masterpiece over the years, I haven't cut corners at all, as long as I don't meet the real top leaders of the alliance, it will never be seen through, if it fails, it can only be considered unlucky for you, and I will not refund the money."

Ryuzaki Shinji put on the mask. After old man Sato looked at it for a while, his eyes suddenly brightened, his heart dropped sharply, and his hands immediately covered a pocket of his trousers, and then he said these words very numbly.

Because the list of Ryusaki Shinji was the most profitable list since the old man Sato sold the fake certificate, and because of this, for a period of time after that, he lived a happy life.

Therefore, he also remembers Ryuzaki Shinji, a "big water fish", more than once, and boasted to others about his capture of "big water fish" more than once.

"Don't worry, Mr. Sato, I didn't come for that little money, I came here specially for you. I appreciate the ability of the old man very much. This time, I came here specially to take the old man to be the chief scientist of my shadow team. Yes." Ryuzaki Shinji took off his mask and smiled in a very kind tone.

Unfortunately, the old man Sato didn't seem to be interested in the appointment of Ryuzaki Shinji. He used his tail finger to scour his left ear, and after carefully looking at Ryuzaki Shinji from head to toe, his face still showed an expression of disgust.

"Shadow Team? I haven't heard of it, sorry, I'm working for the Rockets now, and I'm doing pretty well, so I don't want to change jobs for the time being. You should know about the Rockets, although you seem to have become a lot stronger, but The Rockets are not something you can afford. For the sake of you being my old customer, I will kindly tell you that this nightclub is the property of the Rockets, and I think someone has almost come to save me at this time. I advise you to leave quickly." After listening to Ryuzaki Shinji's words, the old man Sato calmed down completely, and he also put on the stinky air of a scientist, and was a little arrogant towards Ryuzaki Shinji. said.

Knowing that Ryuzaki Shinji is begging him, the old man Sato is very calm now, although he doesn't know what kind of organization the Shadow Team is.

But in his opinion, Ryuzaki Shinji is now the same as the organizations that once invited him to be a scientist, and must show the utmost respect to him, and take care of him as a matter of course.

But the ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, and the past experience has made old man Sato miserable this time~www.readwn.com~ Ryuzaki Shinji is not as swayed by him as he expected this time, and the dragon Saki Shinji's next reaction was a big surprise to him.

As soon as the old man Sato finished speaking, an icy murderous aura enveloped him, instantly making him feel the breath of death.

"Did you think something wrong? I don't mean to negotiate with you at all, you just need to follow me a little bit and it's enough. If your performance is not satisfactory to me later, your end will be the same as this thing. ." Ryuzaki Shinji said, looking at the old man Sato with cold eyes.

To be honest, since Ryuzaki Shinji became the leader, his temper has been restrained a lot, and his people have become a lot smoother, at least not as unreasonable as before.

However, Ryuzaki Shinji is still Ryuzaki Shinji, when he wants something, the robber thought of grabbing it directly will appear in his mind for the first time.

Now he has "first salute" old man Sato, but since the other party doesn't know what is good or bad, then he has to "be the soldier".

At this time, Kuruga, who was in sympathy with Ryuzaki Shinji, spit out a small black fireball directly at the pistol at Old Man Sato's feet.

After the small fireball landed on the pistol, the pistol instantly turned into a pool of molten iron and burned a hole in the floor.

"You, you can't do this, I..."

The old man Sato, whose hands and feet were a little cold, looked at Ryuzaki Shinji, and the arrogance just now disappeared without a trace.

Screaming badly, he just wanted to move to pick up the black Poké Ball on the ground, when his entire body was beaten up by a layer of purple superpower beams.

In the next second, his eyes darkened and he lost consciousness.

To be continued...

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