Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 17: : New identities and chance encounters

More than two months later, in Kanto Continent, Kuye City, a huge cruise ship from the distant Carlos area began to slowly approach the harbour terminal in Kuye City from the distant sea.

After more than ten minutes, the huge cruise ship smoothly entered the pier under the instructions of the pier staff and stopped in a berth.

With the cooperation of the terminal staff and the taxation on the cruise ship, a longboard connecting the terminal ground and the cruise ship deck was successfully established, and the passengers waiting on the cruise ship deck also walked from the cruise ship to the terminal in an orderly manner under the instructions of the sailors above.

Ten minutes later, the passenger door on the cruise terminal had basically left.

At this time, a young man with Miaomiao and Laluras standing on his shoulders also came out of the stairs leading to the deck with a travel bag on his back, and then walked in the direction of the longboard without haste.

The young man has a handsome face, with a face that is obviously from the Western Carlos region, blond, with lustrous golden medium-length hair, wearing a black and white alliance cap, and also wearing a suit. A trainer outfit for travel (similar to Ash's outfit).

Judging from the appearance of the youth at this time, it is completely the appearance of a young trainer from the Carlos region.

The full name of this young trainer from the Carlos region is Werther Van Trieff. He is a native of Carlos. He is 18 years old today. The previous year, the mother of the last family member in the family also died of illness, so he began to travel.

Although Werther's travel time is short, his trainer talent is very powerful, especially because he is a self-awakened superpower, he has an unparalleled talent in training superpower elves .

In just one year of performance, Werther has cultivated 6 super-power elves with good strength, and successfully obtained 8 gym badges. Unfortunately, due to his civilian background, he has little training in his hands. The resources of elves are limited, and at present they can barely support 6 elves.

After breaking into the top 8 all the way, in the 6 vs 6 match between the top 8, although Werther won, but because the strongest elf in his hand, Hu Di, was seriously injured in this round of battle, he could only stop with hatred in the end. powerful.

This time Werther left his hometown and went to Kanto. The purpose is to challenge the Kanto League competition, which is known as the most valuable in the world.

Of course, the real Werther Vantrief actually died two days ago. That's right, he was killed by Ryuzaki Shinji himself, and now this Werther is naturally Ryuzaki Shinji through the Variety Monster. Made of human skin masks in disguise.

Yes, Witte Vantrief is the new identity that Ryuzaki Shinji disguised as a new identity. Ryuzaki Shinji chose him because he was also a superpower user and a super power expert. The identity of the wizard.

At the same time, he was a civilian with no background, and even if he died outside, he would be considered dead at the hands of wild elves like most civilian trainers.

These conditions add up, and Werther Van Trieff has become the best choice for the new identity in the eyes of Ryuzaki Shinji.

A few days ago, after more than two months of special training by Ryuzaki Shinji, the Variety Monster finally reached his goal, which can maintain the transformation time of the human skin mask for more than 6 hours, while monitoring Werther. The members of the shadow team sent a message saying that Werther was going to the Kanto region by boat.

As a result, Ryuzaki Shinji hurriedly brought the dying old man Sato back to Shuijing City, and then based on the information provided by the members of the shadow team who tracked Werther all the way, he successfully found the ship that Werther was on. Kill him and all his elves with little effort and no trace.

Today, the real Werther Van Trieff in the world is dead, and Ryuzaki Shinji's new identity, Werther Van Trieff, is born.

"Is this what it feels like to be a new student, hum, is it still the same, it's no different." Ryuzaki Shinji stood on the pier, took off his hat and looked at the hot sun above his head and pondered.

"Meow meow~~" After a few seconds, Ryuzaki Shinji put on his hat again, and walked towards the exit of the pier along the flow of people, but when he was about to leave the pier, the man standing on his left shoulder suddenly called out .

When Ryuzaki Shinji saw this, he also looked in the direction Miao Miao pointed, and found that there was an ice drink shop on the far side of the exit.

Since it was midsummer at this time, the weather was very hot, and the sound of the ice drink shop was very hot. Many passengers who had just finished their long-distance voyages went inside to drink a bottle of delicious ice drinks before leaving.

"Lululu~~" Laluras also looked in the direction Miaomiao pointed, and when she found the ice cream in the store, she also showed a foodie look on her face. Shinji acted coquettishly.

"I really can't do anything with the two of you, so let's go inside and rest for a while. I happen to be thirsty too. Remember, don't be lazy when training." Seeing the appearance of the two superpower elves on the shoulders, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't say much and agreed to their request.

At this time, I came to Kanto again, and the elves currently in Ryuzaki Shinji's hands are only Miao Miao, Laluras and Gengar hidden in his shadow. Yu Kira and Tian Xi were left in the base camp of Shuijing City by him.

In the more than two months of practice, in addition to the changeable monster completing the goal given by Ryuzaki Shinji, Kira, the problem child, finally spent 1 year plus 5 under the training of Ryuzaki Shinji Emperor. After more than a month, the first evolution finally appeared, and it successfully evolved into Shakira.

After evolving from Kira to Shakira, he urgently told Ryuzaki Shinji that he needed to find a safe place to sleep, and stipulated that it was best to place him deep underground.

Fortunately, Ryuzaki Shinji used the Poke Ball to put him away, otherwise he might have burrowed into the underground in the suburbs of Light Red City by himself and fell asleep.

In order to let Shakira fall asleep in the safest environment, Ryuzaki Shinji also chose to bring him back to the underground base in Shuijing City, let him sleep underground in the base camp, and let Ti, who is very adaptable to underground survival, fall asleep. An Xi continued to take care of him.

Even if he didn't eat or drink, the breath of the sleeping Shakira gradually increased. On the sixth day of his sleep, Shakira successfully crossed the level of the king and became a true king. Level Pixie.

Ryuzaki Shinji estimated that the current Shakira is slowly transforming into the form of Bangira by consuming the huge energy accumulated in the body for a long time.

Judging from the amount of primordial things he ate for Shakira before (far surpassing the Gotha duck and double-bomb gas), it would take Shakira at least several years to completely consume the primordial power in his body.

Of course, when Shakira finishes sleeping, it will also be the time when he will rule the world. At that time, the prestige of the desert tyrant will be famous all over the world, and Ryuzaki Shinji will once again hold a top combat power.

Ryuzaki Shinji brought two elves slowly to the front of the ice drink shop~www.readwn.com~ However, due to the booming business, there are many people in line at present, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't want to cause trouble, so he had to be patient to join the queue.

Fortunately, the ice drink sellers are very quick and efficient, that is, they are quickly lined up to Ryuzaki Shinji in a few minutes.

However, Ryuzaki Shinji closed his eyes and continued to wait patiently, but found that the team in front was not moving. Seeing this situation, Ryuzaki Shinji also showed his head and looked at the ice drink booth at the front. .

At the front of the team, a blond woman in a light blue shirt was looking at the many types of ice drinks in front of her with a tangled face. She seemed to be distressed about which type of ice drink to choose.

It seems that the blond woman looks extremely beautiful, and her body also faintly reveals the temperament of a top noble, and at this time, she is embarrassed because of the entanglement.

For a time, the male waiter who was serving him and the men behind him all showed sweethearts in their eyes, and they all showed the appearance of a pig brother.

"This back is so familiar, it shouldn't be, that perverted woman should be in Shenao now." In order not to expose his new identity to the greatest extent, Ryuzaki Shinji did not keep himself as usual from beginning to end. The detection of the spiritual power of , now generally relies on the naked eye to collect information.

And relying on the information brought by the naked eye and the impression in his mind, the blonde woman who now appears in Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes is very similar to the back of someone he doesn't want to meet in his memory.

And judging from their noble temperament, the two are also highly consistent, just less cold and more gentle.

Finally, a voice from a blond woman broke Ryuzaki Shinji's fantasy, causing the pupils in his eyes to shrink instantly.

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