Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 25: : Portable Time Capsule Conveyor

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Please forgive me for my rashness. Please forgive me. If I am punished, I will not be able to continue my job as a ranger." After a while, the beautiful female ranger said: Tears welled up, and then he kept bowing to Ryuzaki Shinji, begging his forgiveness.

At the same time, her three worm-type elves also bowed and apologized to Ryuzaki Shinji with everything she did, and looked like they would follow their master to the death.

The female ranger, Sato Sakura, is a new ranger who has only started working recently, with relatively little work experience.

In addition, she is more confused when working with others, so she often makes mistakes. In addition, today is the third time she has caught the wrong person this week.

She has already received complaints from others for the first two mistakes. According to the internal regulations of the ranger, if Sato Sakura receives another complaint this month, she can pack up and go home to farm.

"Okay, okay, I forgive you, but you have to tell me why you decided I was a poacher as soon as you came up. After all, I don't look like those well-equipped elf hunters." Seeing each other Crying, Ryuzaki Shinji waved his hand and said.

"Really? Thank you so much. By the way, I suddenly remembered that my patrol range has not ended today, so I will leave first. I wish you a smooth journey for the next journey." I heard Ryuzaki Shinji say Forgive her, the tears on Sato Sakura's face disappeared immediately, and she looked at Ryuzaki Shinji in surprise and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Sato Sakura began to act silly and walked towards the grass with the three insect-type elves.

"I saw your ranger number plate, and the complaint number is also written on it. If you don't tell me the reason, I will complain to you." When Sato Sakura wanted to leave Ryuzaki Shinji's problem and was about to leave , Ryuzaki Shinji's cold words immediately made her freeze in place, then she obediently turned around and returned to where she was standing, and continued to look at Ryuzaki Shinji with tears in her eyes.

In the end, under the threat of Ryuzaki Shinji, the female forest ranger Sato Sakura explained all the reasons, and also said the things that happened in this jungle recently. Ryuzaki Shinji was very satisfied with this. , that's why I chose to let her go.

"So that's the case. I didn't expect that I was lucky enough to get such important information by just walking around." After seeing the female ranger leave, Ryuzaki Shinji thought thoughtfully, his face There was a hint of excitement on it.

The information obtained from Sato Sakura's mouth is roughly as follows:

In the past month, dreamy footprints have appeared in the wild elf habitat in the area between Gold City and Deadleaf City, so that a large number of elf hunters who heard the news began to appear in this area. At the same time, as the largest in Kanto. The figure of the criminal organization Rocket Team also appeared frequently in this area, which has attracted the attention of the Elf League.

To put it simply, Ryuzaki Shinji was affected by the pond fish, because a large number of elf hunters came to hunt down the dream in this wild elf habitat nearby.

Since these elf hunters were unable to catch the dream, they captured a large number of local elves as consolation prizes, so that the trainers who recently came into and out of this wild elves habitat were often attacked by nearby elves for some self-defense behaviors. The patrolling ranger mistook it for a poacher.

After another ten minutes, Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly flashed purple light in his eyes, and a powerful mental power fluctuation appeared on his body. Everything is probed.

After using his mental power to detect that the female ranger had left and that there was no other person nearby, Ryuzaki Shinji took out a machine that was the same size as him and looked very tall from his space bag.

The name of this piece of equipment is the Portable Time Capsule Transporter, which was originally developed by Professor Zhenghui of the Siruf Group.

However, once such a thing as technology appears, it is easy to be copied by other people who also have good talents. Ryuzaki Shinji's portable time capsule transmitter is a time capsule of Fangyuan German company's copycat {master} Zhenghui. Things that are further revealed after technology.

As the brain of the Shadow Team, Ryuzaki Shinji now keeps most of the main elves in the headquarters. Although it is easy to be discovered by the alliance and other hostile forces, his own safety is still threatened to a certain extent.

In order to prevent him from going out and encountering a sudden situation where his strength is not enough to deal with, Ryuzaki Shinji specially prepared this machine that can transfer his main Pokémon stored in the headquarters back to his side anytime, anywhere.

The cost of this portable time capsule teleporter is very high, it cost Ryuzaki Shinji 100 million alliance coins, but Ryuzaki Shinji felt that the money was very worthwhile, after all, this machine greatly compensated for his temporary Insufficient strength.

Ryuzaki Shinji skillfully controlled the time capsule teleporter in front of him, and soon connected with Christina who was at the Shadow Team headquarters. Christina's beautiful face immediately appeared on the small screen.

"Lord Ryuzaki, you finally got in touch with me. It's great to see that you are safe and sound. May I ask which elf do you need?" Christina on the screen faced Ryuzaki who had taken off her disguise at this time. Er Tian smiled and asked in a sweet voice.

"I'm worried about you, Christina, don't worry, I'm doing fine, you can send me the Goda duck and the double-bomb gas now, I need it urgently now." Ryuzaki Shinji saw this , his face softened, and he smiled slightly at Christina.

"Yes, I'll send it to you right away, Gotha Duck and Shuangdan Gas all want to kill you." Christina left this sentence and immediately walked out of the room.

After about a minute or so, Christina returned to the room with the two pitch-black Poké Balls.

"Please don't worry, my lord. There has been no movement in the Alliance, the Fire Team and the Water Fleet recently, and the training of new members of the organization is also very smooth. I will wait for your triumphant return, Lord." Christina put the two Pokeballs into her body. After the time capsule conveyor in front of him, he smiled sweetly at Ryuzaki Shinji.

In the next second, a trace of electricity suddenly appeared in the glass frame of the portable time capsule teleporter in front of Ryuzaki Shinji, and then, two pitch-black Poké Balls appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji.

"I have received the Poke Balls for the double-bombing gas and the Godard duck. You have worked hard during this time. Don't worry, things are going very smoothly. I believe that I will be able to return to your side in a short time. When the time comes, who will We can't stop our footwork." Ryuzaki Shinji took the two Poke Balls out of the portable time capsule teleporter, and then showed a confident smile at Ryuzaki Shinji.

Two minutes later ~www.readwn.com~ Fangyuan Shuijing City, the underground base of the Shadow Team, in the command room.

Christina slowly put down the microphone in her hand, and then looked at the black screen in front of her. The flowery smile on her face gradually turned into worry.

"Before you come back, I will definitely do everything here beautifully, and I will never embarrass you." Christina said to herself.

To be continued...

Thanks for the 2oo starting coin reward from the master of fantasy, the 1oo starting coin reward for the magical and cute da, the 1oo starting coin reward for the seafood shaved ice, and the 1241 for your 1oo starting coin reward.


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