Pokemon Dark Giant

Chapter 48: : Death of the Ghost General (End)

The black smoke screen released by the double-bomb gas spread to the entire encirclement, and Kondo Castle and others suddenly lost the sight of Ryuzaki Shinji and others, and as some people accidentally inhaled the toxic smoke screen of the double-bomb gas, some people who were relatively weak began to start Adverse symptoms such as dizziness and nausea occur.

"Everyone is careful to guard against the enemy's sneak attack. The smoke is poisonous, so take the powerful antidote immediately. Also, let the flying elf disperse the smoke." Kondo Castle said loudly while taking the antidote, and he also released the ice field. Bear protects himself from Ryuzaki Shinji's sneak attack.

The black smoke was quickly dispelled by the flying elves released by Kondo Castle, but Ryuzaki Shinji and the others in the encirclement had long since disappeared.

"Sir, what should I do now? Do you want to chase them?" A big man standing on the left side of Kondo Castle asked respectfully.

"Don't chase after the poor, since the mini-dragon has arrived, our mission this time has been completed. Now the more important thing is to verify the information that the guy just said. You should immediately contact the alliance base in Light Red City." Kondo Castle Looking at the gorgeous pokeball in his hand, he said with an ugly face, he was more worried about the information that Ryuzaki Shinji said than the joy of getting the mini-dragon.

"Yes, I'll contact you right away." The big man bowed and said immediately after hearing the words, and then took out a micro-communicator from his arms and began to unlock the combination lock on it, and then began to communicate.

After 3 minutes, the situation that the micro-communicator could not receive the signal made the hearts of Kondo Castle and others sink to the bottom.

"You spread out immediately, notify the others, immediately retreat, and quickly rescue the Asaru City." Kondo Castle immediately issued an order to the men around him, and then released a messenger bird, and let the messenger bird lead him to the Where Yulongdu is located, he needs the power of Yulongdu.


In a remote teleportation room in the teleportation hall, a radiance of superpower suddenly appeared, and then Yongjira appeared in the teleportation room with Ryuzaki Shinji and Aju.

"Yeah~~~, you, how did you get in, Wei, Wei......" Ryuzaki Shinji and the others just appeared, standing on the teleportation platform to receive Ryuzaki Shin Er's waitress immediately screamed in fear, but just as she was about to call for the guards, she was imprisoned by Yongjira's mental force and couldn't move at all.

The teleportation hall built by the Y organization does not know what special alloys and materials were used to build it. Its defense capability is extremely strong. Even if it is attacked by the powerful lone rangers outside who perceive that the atmosphere of the black market is not right, it is still invincible and cannot be attacked at all. The entire teleportation hall is still running well.

"How about it, Yongjira, can you teleport here?" Ryuzaki Shinji said to Yongjira, who was closing his eyes and using his powerful mental power to detect.

"The spatial fluctuations here are very stable, and space teleportation can be carried out. The psychic mark I placed is about to disappear, and it must be teleported as soon as possible." Yongjira opened his blue eyes and replied telepathically. Now his forehead His golden superpower mark has resurfaced, which means that his superpower has recovered to more than 80%.

"How is it, Aju, do you want to stay here, or go back to the ground with me?" Ryuzaki Shinji turned to face Aju, who had been keeping his head down, after hearing Yongjira's words.

"I owe you my life. If you have anything to do with me in the future, you can tell me to do it as much as possible, and I will do my best to help you do one thing." Aju raised his head and looked at him with burning eyes Ryuzaki Shinji said calmly.

"At all costs?" Ryuzaki Shinji said, staring at Aju.

"Fight my life to pay it back." Aju said solemnly to the cold eyes of Shinji Ryuzaki.

"Okay, I agree to this condition, hum hum~" Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head and sneered.


On the edge of the elf monopoly area that the Rockets fully control, a huge tunnel is rapidly being built. After the Rockets notified the Lone Ranger and the alliance member Light Red City, who were still in the Nightmare Black Market, the current situation, these Lone Rangers and hatred. Team Rocket's alliance members all sent their own ground elves to help the Rockets dig the tunnel. With the concerted efforts of a large number of ground elves, a spacious tunnel leading to the ground was quickly opened.

After the tunnel was opened, people who stayed in the Nightmare Black Market entered the tunnel and left the Nightmare Black Market one after another. Most of these Lone Rangers and Alliance members were the original residents of the Light Red City, and their families were in the Light Red City. Immediately they could not wait to return to the ground for rescue.

"How's it going, have you been in touch?" Caesar, who was standing not far from the tunnel, asked a Rockets elite who had just run up to him.

"As soon as the tunnel was opened, the mysterious power that interfered with the signal disappeared. However, the base seems to be under attack now, and the signal over there has always been intermittent. Also, the light red city has been surrounded by a large group of wild elves and began to Siege." The Rockets elite said panting.

"Although I am very reluctant to help the alliance, if the light red city is destroyed, then the foundation of our Rocket Team base in the light red city will be gone. This must not happen, immediately notify all members of the light red city area to go immediately. Reinforce the light red city." Caesar lowered his head to think for a while after listening to the report of the elite men of the Rocket team, and then raised his head and said solemnly to the elite men of the Rocket team.

"Yes, Lord Caesar! Thank you so much." The elite Rocket man immediately bowed and said grandly when he heard the words, then quickly turned around and ran over to spread the word.

"I hope it's too late. I didn't expect things to happen to such a situation. This hidden danger in the light red city will be so huge. Captain, the task you gave me is really too heavy." Caesar and other Rocket team elites After the man left, he whispered to himself.


On the other side, Yuryuto is teaming up with Yamanaka Kikui and Kanjuro to fight against the huge ecstasy eye.

In fact, the battle between Yulongdu and the hostile Genggui had already been decided very early. The hostile Genggui was unable to resist the full output of the two ace pixies in Yulongdu's hand. He finally used the "Shadow Split". The life-saving skill Gecko broke his tail and escaped, and Yulongdu, who lost the entanglement of the hostile Gengar, took advantage of the situation and began to investigate the factors that made him uneasy, but in the end he received a distress signal from the alliance members in the lower half of the free trade area. , or the first time to rush here to provide support.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Longdu saw the huge ecstasy eye that was killing people here. After seeing the cruel method of plundering the soul of the soul, Yu Longdu was furious, and immediately launched an attack on the ecstasy eye.

This brutal giant soul-eating eye is also an old ghost in the cultivation world for nearly a thousand years. Five hundred years ago, he was severely wounded and sealed by the witches of the white demon clan, and was finally rescued by the black night demon who opened the seal. It was permanently reduced, and he had to accept the coercion and inducement of the night demon to become the five ghost generals of the nightmare black market, guarding here.

Huge Soul Eye was once a high-level king-level ghost-type elf. Even if he fell to a low-level heavenly king due to severe damage to his strength, his terrifying means and rich combat experience made him even against the general middle-level king. The strength of the elf They didn't fall behind, and even suppressed each other. Therefore, Yamanaka Kikui and Kanjuro were almost killed by him at one point. If it hadn't been rescued by members of the surrounding Rocket Team, Alliance members and members of the anti-water Y organization, the two of them would have been killed long ago. Huge soul-sucking eyes stunned.

The innate abilities of the giant ecstasy eye are: ecstasy and soul-devouring.

The giant ecstasy can pull the soul in the body by touching the body of the creature. If the will is not strong enough, he will pull out part of the soul. This ability has been honed by him for nearly a thousand years, and now he can Directly attack the target's soul through the terrifying ghost-type skill of the shadow hook, and then pull the target's soul out of the body. Once hit by the shadow hook of the huge hook eye, a will pardon will be judged. If it cannot be forgiven, then Soul will be instantly robbed by Shadow Claws.

The innate ability of swallowing the soul is a powerful recovery ability of the giant soul ecstasy. No matter how much damage the giant soul ecstasy suffers, as long as he still has a breath, he can instantly restore the prosperous state by swallowing the soul.

Yamanaka Kikui and Kanjuro had repeatedly put the giant soul-eating eye into a state of near death, but they were eventually recovered alive by the soul-eating eye, and were finally forced into a desperate situation by the giant soul-eating eye.

However, after the arrival of Yulongdu, the advantage of the huge soul-sucking eye changed everything.

"Just now, let the elf use the flashing skills to force him into the corner, don't let him escape by sneaking into the shadow." Yu Longdu stood on the back of the fast dragon and commanded the crowd below.

The powerful Yulongdu is the strongest person here, and he is also the main force against the huge soul-eating eye. Of course, he took over the command of all the forces here against the giant soul-eating eye. At that time, the members of the Rocket Team, the alliance members and the members of the Y organization quickly eliminated the ghost-type elves brought by the ecstasy eye, and then these people under the command of Yu Longdu encircled and suppressed the ecstasy eye.

When the people below heard the words, they immediately asked the elf who had learned the flashing skill to use a flashing move, and the light in the surrounding circle was bright, and all the shadows were compressed in the middle. Forced it out, the strong light was too damaging for the eyes that had lived in the dark world for a long time. He had to cover the strong light with his hands, but he was still unwilling to give up, and a large amount of ghost energy in his body poured into his hands. Converging, in the blink of an eye, a large number of shadow claws came out of his hands and attacked the people in the encirclement in all directions.

"Don't think about using these ghosts to regain your soul and restore your strength, everyone quickly eliminate these ghost claws." A scarred alliance member shouted loudly~www.readwn.com~ and then only used the same scarred Long Longyan beside him. The rockslide shattered the massive shadow claws in front of it.

"No problem, without these ghosts, this ghost can't be recovered. Everyone should work hard and cooperate with Lord Yulongdu to eliminate this **** ghost." People near the alliance members responded one after another, quickly commanding The elf under him annihilates the shadow claws released by the huge ecstasy eye.

"Fire-breathing dragon, big characters burst."

"Quick dragon, thunder."

"Nine tails, flame vortex."

"Boscodora, rock blade."

"King Nido, the power of the earth."

"Water arrow turtle, water cannon."

"Wonderful frog flower, sunshine and flames."



As the main attacker, Yulongdu saw that the time was right, and immediately commanded the two ace cards, Fire-breathing Dragon and Kuailong, to launch an attack on the huge ecstasy eye. Yamanaka Kikui and Kanjuro already had some remaining strong trainers who also commanded their little elves to attack the giant ecstasy. eye attack.

Countless elf moves all shot at the huge ecstasy eye, which was made invisible by the strong light, and the body of the huge ecstasy eye was instantly destroyed by the moves released by the elves.

"Humans, don't think that if you beat me, you will win. That guy's plan should be about to succeed. You will soon come to **** to accompany me, hahahaha~" The huge ecstasy eye, who knew that there was no hope of survival, was about to die. Laughing to the crowd.

As soon as the voice fell, a huge explosion of "Rumble~" appeared.

Huge ecstasy eyes stunned.

To be continued ......................................

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