Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 34: : Great Purchase & Tracking

After Ryuzaki Shinji entered the toilet on the first floor of the Silver Building, when he came out again, he had put on the face of an ugly man with a Chinese character face, and was strutting around the Silver Headquarters building in a tight fighting suit. on.

The Silver Headquarters building has a total of 11 floors. The first to seventh floors are all shopping malls, and the above are internal R&D institutions, and idlers are not allowed to enter.

From one to seven floors of the mall, the latest products from all over the world are sold here.

For example, the freshest and top milk cans from Moo Moo Ranch in Chengdu area, energy cubes currently being promoted in Fangyuan area, atlases of various myths and stories in Shenao area, pottery and porcelain from Shantao Town in Hezhong area, etc. Products that are hard to see in these general big cities

Of course, the most attractive item for many trainers to come to this shopping paradise is none other than the various elf props newly developed by Silver Company.

From various sports equipment to exercise the elf's physical fitness to the magical medicine that improves the elf's physical fitness without side effects, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can find the products you dream of here.

If you don't find what you want, it's very simple, as long as you talk to the person in charge here, indicate the use of the product you need, and then be willing to spend a huge price, Silver Company will do its best for you carry out research and development.

In general, Silver will make what you want for you "without breaking" the laws of the league, as long as you're willing to spend the money.

If the product you want to develop sells well in the future, Silver will even return you the full amount of your previous expenses, and will also give you a certain degree of financial compensation as the way you give them the idea of ​​​​development. award.

In fact, Ryuzaki Shinji wandered from the first floor to the seventh floor. He has bought a lot of things from here, and the funds spent have reached as much as millions of alliance coins, and he suddenly became the company's owner. Premium VIP Membership (20% off shopping here).

From the shopping mall on the first floor, Ryuzaki Shinji spent 600,000 alliance coins to buy 6 sets of exercise equipment for the whole body muscle exercise of the elf.

Two of these six sets of instruments are specially tailored for Chirulian and Super Miaomiao, and even the approximate size of the two forms that Chirulian may evolve later are taken into account.

Since the main material of the sports equipment is made of memory alloy, it can be folded multiple times, and it only needs a very small volume of space to fit it.

Although Chillian and Super Miao Miao are both super-power elves, they basically don't need to do anything to attack, just move their fingers. The main purpose of purchasing these two sets of sports equipment is to improve their resistance to fighting.

The two elves have good resistance to special attacks, but their resistance to physical attacks can only be said to be the same as most super-power elves, and they are weak.

If there is an emergency, it is easy to be injured by the enemy's assassin-type elf in seconds, and exercising their muscles will improve their physical resistance to a certain extent (a lot of meat)

The other four sets of exercise equipment were specially manufactured based on the four super-power elves in Ryuzaki Shinji's mind, namely Charem, Dreamcatcher, Natural Bird and Magic Wall Puppet.

In the shopping mall on the second floor, Ryuzaki Shinji also spent 2 million alliance coins to buy the corresponding elf food for the 6 elf in his hand.

They are super-power-type elf, poison-type elf, ghost-type elf, water-type elf and general-type elf food, each of which has prepared half a year's worth of corresponding elf.

Of course, Ryuzaki Shinji is not stingy in the elf food, and he buys all the best elf food. Among them, the poison-type elf food purchased for the double-bomb gas is the most expensive, almost occupying the cost of the elf food. more than half of .

The volume of the double-bomb gas is almost ten times that of the general type, so his food consumption is also ten times that of the general type. To be honest, the average wealthy person can't afford the double-bomb gas in Ryuzaki's second hand. of.

Similarly, when buying ordinary elf food, Ryuzaki Shinji also specifically bought some unconventional food that double-bomb gas likes very much, that is, all kinds of very deadly gas.

Ryuzaki Shinji originally just asked and didn't buy it with the attitude of trying it out. After all, this extremely dangerous item is strictly prohibited from being manufactured and sold by the Elf Alliance, but I didn't expect that it would actually be sold here.

Of course, it may be because the service staff who provided services for Ryuzaki Shinji saw that he was a big customer of elf food worth 2 million in one go, so he opened the back door specially.

In order to buy these new types of deadly gas, Ryuzaki Shinji also paid a price of more than 500,000 alliance coins.

Next, in the fourth-floor shopping mall, Ryuzaki Shinji spent more than 300,000 in one go to buy more than a dozen sets of night clothes and hooded cloaks made of the latest technology, and also bought some special clothes.

Through unremitting training, now Ryuzaki Shinji's Variety Monster can not only permanently change into Werther's human skin mask, but also freely switch to two other people whom Ryuzaki Shinji asked him to change. leather mask.

Therefore, as long as Ryuzaki Shinji is willing, he can switch to the other two identities again.

Finally, in the seventh floor, Ryuzaki Shinji spent more than 5 million alliance coins to buy and find various enhancement medicines that can improve the physical fitness of the elf without side effects~www.readwn.com~ This kind of medicine can have no side effects. The enhancement medicines that improve the physical fitness of the elf are one of the peak works of Silver Company's own biological science and technology research. At present, it is the only one in the elf world that has the ability to produce it (self-designed).

This kind of enhancement medicine that enhances the power of the elf without side effects is undoubtedly a dream product for many trainers who seek to improve the strength of the elf. Therefore, even if the price is extremely high, there are many powerful trainers who spend money to buy it. .

Since the manufacturing technology of this product is currently monopolized by Silver, the sale of this biotechnology product alone has made the retail branches of Silver Company all over the world a lot of money, almost occupying its annual sales for a time. more than half of the amount.

However, drugs are drugs after all. After the elves eat too much, they will develop drug resistance in their bodies, and these enhanced drugs can no longer work.

Generally speaking, each enhancement drug can only be taken 5 times by the elves. The first time to try to enhance a certain physical quality is the most obvious. Later, as the elves develop drug resistance in the body, the effect of the same enhanced drug getting smaller.

At present, Ryuzaki Shinji has also purchased 5 bottles of each enhancement medicine for the six elves in his hand. After going back to test, he will consider buying some again. After all, his elves are better than others. The elf is special.

After visiting the seventh floor of the Silver Headquarters building and having a shopping addiction, Ryuzaki Shinji continued to walk out of the Silver Headquarters building with the identity of this ugly big man.

At the same time, not long after Ryuzaki Shinji walked out of the Silver Building, several men who had been waiting at the door for a long time quietly followed him.

To be continued.....

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