Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 39: : The secret of hyperevolution

In spite of Taobao's thoughts, Ryuzaki Shinji spent most of the day, almost all the goods that sell elf props in most of the golden city. another very valuable thing.

In an antique shop in the Chengnan District of Golden City that sells ancient elf items, Shinji Ryuzaki found a gem with a DNA-like shape inside.

In fact, Ryuzaki Shinji is no stranger to this peculiar gem with DNA patterns in it, and he has such a peculiar gem in his hand.

It was found in the ancient gold-carrying ship under the seabed of the shipwreck cemetery, and the strange gem was set on an ancient golden scepter.

At first, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't pay much attention to these strange gems, but just felt a little strange.

It wasn't until Hirona used this peculiar gem to make Lucario evolve again and burst into amazing combat power, he didn't pay attention to it again.

Unfortunately, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't know anything about how to use this strange gem. Fortunately, in an accidental conversation with his subordinate Yan Kai, he finally learned some information about this strange gem for the first time.

Yan Kai from Carlos once came into contact with this gemstone in the family. He told Ryuzaki Shinji that this strange gemstone is called a super evolution stone in their hometown, which is used for some specific elves for super evolution. of.

Unfortunately, since Yan Kai's status in the family was not very high (otherwise, he would not have come out to wander and fight), he only initially learned the name and basic purpose of this strange gem.

As for how many kinds of this strange gem and which elves can use this strange gem, he has no idea.

Of course, these are not important to Ryuzaki Shinji. The important thing is that this strange gem called super evolution stone has completely moved his heart. For this reason, he also made a special trip to Carlos, where Stayed for a full month to find information about the super evolution stone.

But to Ryuzaki Shinji's disappointment, the super evolution stone was only mentioned in the history of Carlos. a trace.

In order to obtain the power brought by the super evolution stone, Ryuzaki Shinji finally learned some useful information from a strong man named Vladali who came to us.

The other party told him that there was an alliance-certified gym called Sora Gym that he wanted to keep secret.

Originally, Ryuzaki Shinji wanted to pry the secret of super-evolution from the mouth of this man named Fradali, but the other party was very energetic in Carlos, and his strength was not weak. According to the other party's will, he is willing to be the first to open the way.

Of course, if the other party dares to deceive him, Ryuzaki Shinji will never let him go, and Fradali is also very aware of the consequences of offending such a high-level superpower as Ryuzaki Shinji, he gives Ryuzaki Shinji The intelligence is correct.

In the end, the result did not disappoint Ryuzaki Shinji. The gym owner of this gym is very strong. He is a Heavenly King-level trainer. He has Lucario, who is a low-level Heavenly King, and also has Similar to the super-evolution stone in Shirona's hand that made Lucario super-evolved.

After one side fought fiercely, Ryuzaki Shinji finally defeated the gym owner's Super Lucario by combining his powerful strength with the spirit of Goda Duck, and then through the threat of the opponent's family's life, the gym owner made the gym owner. He opened his mouth and told the secret of the super evolution stone.

It turned out that in addition to corresponding to the corresponding elf, the super evolution stone also needs a peculiar gem that is very similar to the super evolution stone, and the name of this peculiar gem is called keystone.

In addition, after the trainer has collected the keystone, super evolution stone and the elf corresponding to the super evolution stone, he must also have an emotional bond called bond with the elf undergoing super evolution.

If the trainer and the super-evolved elf do not have such a deep emotional bond, even if the keystone and the super-evolutionary stone are collected, the trainer cannot make the elf perform the super-evolutionary stone.

After receiving such important information, Ryuzaki Shinji was naturally very happy. The only pity was that the gym trainer did not know which elves other than Lucario could super-evolve.

In the end, for the sake of the gym trainer telling the truth about what he wanted and not wanting to continue to be used as a gunner, Ryuzaki Shinji also put the keystone and Lucario in the gym trainer's hand. After the super evolution stone was snatched away, he floated away without hurting anyone from beginning to end.

Because Ryusaki Shinji attacked the Union-certified Sora Gym, it also immediately attracted the attention of the Carlos Union, and was quickly wanted by the Carlos Union.

As the leader of Fangyuan's shadow team, Ryuzaki Shinji has the influence to move the whole body. The incident of Ryuzaki Shinji's appearance in Carlos was soon observed by the Fangyuan Alliance.

Therefore, Fangyuan Alliance quickly brought people to destroy the shadow team that initially established a firm position in Shuijing City, and the old dark forces of Fangyuan such as the Water Fleet and Huoyan Team also took the opportunity to fall to the ground.

After getting the news that his base was attacked, Ryuzaki Shinji also immediately left the Carlos area and hurried back to Shuijing City. After that, there was a situation where a certain town in Fangyuan was completely destroyed by a powerful evil trainer. A terrorist attack that shocked the entire Fangyuan area.

Ryuzaki Shinji was also designated as a super S-class international criminal by the Elf League and Interpol after this terrorist attack.

At the same time, the major forces in the world also thoroughly knew him and the shadow team he founded, and knew the terrorist No. 2 Ryuzaki Shinji.


The perspective returns to an antique shop in the middle of the golden city~www.readwn.com~ in the southern part of the city.

"Boss, how do you sell this stone sculpture?" Ryuzaki Shinji pretended to wander around the antique shop a few times, then pointed to an ancient stone sculpture with a chipped edge in the corner, and then pointed at a pair of thieves who were using Looking at his boss, he said.

Through the spiritual penetration detection of all the ancient elf items in the antique store, the super evolution stone is in the ancient stone sculpture he just referred to.

After obtaining such a super evolution stone, plus the Lucario super evolution stone and the unknown super evolution stone in his hand, Ryuzaki Shinji has three super evolution stones.

The owner of the antique shop looked like a mercenary and treacherous businessman. After seeing the ancient stone carvings that Ryuzaki Shinji was referring to, he immediately boasted to Ryuzaki Shinji about the various "amazing" origins of the ancient stone carvings, and finally tried to use 10 million alliances. The price of the coins was sold to Shinji Ryuzaki.

Unfortunately, under Ryuzaki Shinji's soul spy, all the thoughts and thoughts of the antique shop owner were exposed to Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes. The purchase price of this ancient stone carving was only 10,000 alliance coins.

Later, the owner of the antique shop, who did not know that his cards had been completely exposed, looked very helpless under the various terrifying bargains of Ryuzaki Shinji.

However, in the process of Ryuzaki Shinji's sharp bargaining process, although the owner of the antique shop kept an expression of "I'm dying to death" from the beginning to the end, in fact, after hearing the final transaction price, his heart was overjoyed, and his heart was full of joy. Once again, Ryuzaki Shinji is regarded as a big deal.

In the end, this ancient stone sculpture containing the super evolution stone was bought by Ryuzaki Shinji for 200,000 alliance coins. (What happens to an antique store owner who knows the truth?)

To be continued......

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