Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 41: : Auction where celebrities gather

In fact, whenever the Golden City auction in the city center is held, some lower-level auctions are also held nearby, and some large-scale celebrations are also held on this day.

However, the golden market auction will only be held at night, and some other commercial activities derived from it will only be held during the day, so today's golden market atmosphere is very lively.

Ryuzaki Shinji once again pretended to be the ugly big guy who was shopping in the Silver Headquarters building, and then slowly walked to the Golden City auction site in front of him in a tight fighting suit.

The appearance of the golden city auction venue resembles a blooming rose, and all its walls are actually paved with some colorless crystals.

Under the illumination of many colored lights at this time, the entire auction venue is like a colorful rose, and the whole body emits a colorful halo, which makes the entire auction venue look unusually jeweled.

In the open-air or indoor parking lot outside the entire Golden City auction venue, many luxury cars of all kinds have been parked at this time, and many celebrities in gorgeous costumes have appeared here.

At the same time, the perimeter of the golden market auction venue has been completely blocked by some security guards in suits and leather shoes, each with a large wolf dog in their hands, and each one is dutifully watching every one close to the golden market auction venue. people at the venue.

"It's really stylish, and it's very lively. It seems that this auction is really interesting." Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the extraordinary auction venue in front of him, and felt the strong aura emanating from the many unscrupulous inside. Thinking nodded.

There is only one entrance to the auction venue, but it is being blocked by many security guards at this time. They issued orders in sequence, and only those with invitations will be released. Other than that, no idlers are allowed to approach. Within 5 meters of the cordon.

Ryuzaki Shinji's dress is the most shabby of all the people near the auction venue at this time, but he did not receive any discrimination from anyone other than him, but all of them showed him flattering or fearful eyes.

These celebrities from all walks of life are more or less accompanied by one or two trainers who are similar to bodyguards. These trainers are all very strong, and each of them has at least the strength of a quasi-king level, and some of them have the strength of a heavenly king. level strength.

Although Ryuzaki Shinji did not deliberately exude the power of the king-level trainer at this time, these bodyguard trainers who have been walking on the lifeline all the year round still keenly felt a deadly sense of threat from Ryuzaki Shinji. Therefore, these celebrities from all walks of life who were reminded by their own bodyguards did not dare to underestimate Ryuzaki Shinji.

After once again ignoring a celebrity who came up to get close, Ryuzaki Shinji came to the entrance of the auction venue. At this time, a beautiful staff member dressed in gorgeous clothes quickly came to him, enthusiastic. asked him whether he had an invitation letter.

Everyone who can work in the golden market auction is a talented person. After observing the complimenting attitude of those celebrities from all walks of life to Ryuzaki Shinji, he naturally knows that Ryuzaki Shinji is a big man, so he does not dare to neglect.

After handing the invitation letter to the staff for inspection, Ryuzaki Shinji successfully entered the auction venue under the enthusiasm of the female staff member, and then came to a small room decorated with gold and splendor. .

The basic items of the room are all available, and the wall facing the door is made of a one-way glass, and at a glance, you can see the huge auction table in the most prominent position.

Unfortunately, since the guests had not yet arrived and the time had not yet arrived, the gorgeous auction table suspended in mid-air was still empty.

"Sir, this is the room number reserved in your invitation letter, and I am the waiter who bids for you. When you need to bid, please notify me as soon as possible, and I will bid for you immediately. , please take a rest here now, everything in the room can be used at will, and it is free." After the beautiful waiter brought Ryuzaki Shinji into the room, he immediately introduced him.

"I see, just wait outside, I'll call you if I need it, and let the person in charge of the auction venue turn off all the monitors in my room, I don't like the feeling of being watched. ' Ryuzaki Shinji sat on a sofa and said to the waitress telepathically.

The pretty waitress was obviously someone who had seen all kinds of big people. She was slightly surprised by Ryuzaki Shinji's telepathic message to him at this time, and she immediately bowed to respond, and then quickly walked out of the room. .

After a while, Ryuzaki Shinji felt that the feeling of being peeped in the room disappeared, but for the sake of safety, he still used his super power to destroy all the monitors in the room, which immediately made the auction The person in charge of the underground monitoring room at the venue had a very ugly expression.

After destroying all the monitors, Ryusaki Shinji released Gotha Duck, Super Miao Meow, Chirulian, Hypnotic Mo Shi, and Martha at the first time, and Gengar was also under his order. Come out of the shadows.

Afterwards, Ryuzaki Shinji also took out all kinds of exquisite elf snacks (energy cubes, bovre, etc.) purchased from the Silver Headquarters building in the past few days, and let them enjoy them to the fullest.

As for the elf snacks given by Ryusaki Shinji, Super Miaomiao, Chirulian, Hypnotic Mo and Geng Gui all had happy smiles on their faces, and they all picked up their favorite snacks and stuffed them into their mouths. Among them, Gengar With his long big tongue, he directly swallowed several bovrels into his stomach.

And Gotha Duck doesn't seem to be interested in elf snacks~www.readwn.com~ and resumes his meditation training as soon as he comes out, while Martha is far away from Ryuzaki Shinji and the elf, and walks alone to a corner, Do the same meditation training as Godard Duck.

Hypnosaki is indeed a super-power elf who is very aware of current affairs. After seeing Goda duck's incomparable strength and knowing that Ryuzaki Shinji really treats him sincerely, he immediately followed Ryuzaki Shinji with all his heart. I soon became acquainted with Gotha Duck and the others, and now they are fully integrated into the team.

In the past few days, he was often released by Ryuzaki Shinji to fight with elves. Unfortunately, due to his appearance, his popularity was far less than that of Super Miaomiao and Chirullian.

And Martha was still very stubborn, hating Ryuzaki Shinji in her heart, and even hating the elf in his hand.

In addition to mechanically obeying Ryuzaki Shinji's orders for meals and training, he chose to refuse any communication with Ryuzaki Shinji and other elves in the team. He was alone all the time. is spent in solitary meditation training.

Regarding the situation that Masha was still not gregarious, Ryuzaki Shinji took a few glances and closed his eyes again, and then patiently waited for the auction to start, as long as Masha obediently obeyed his orders, anything else, Ryuzaki Zhenji Both can be ignored.

About thirty minutes later, the auction was held on time.

"Bang bang bang bang bang~~" In an instant, clusters of beautiful fireworks suddenly appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji, and an old man in an auctioneer's costume was also under the anticipation of many auctioneers. Suddenly appeared on the crowded vacant auction table.


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