Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 45: : High-priced quasi-divine beast

"12 billion!" Fujiwara Karimoto just said the reserve price of the sparkling baby dragon fairy egg, and the person from the senior VIP room 21 immediately quoted, and the price increased by 7 billion in an instant.

For a time, the people on the seats below the auction platform who were gearing up to do a good job suddenly became quiet.

The huge sky-high price of 7 billion was instantly increased, as if a golden punch had blinded them all, and almost most of them had expressions of exasperation on their faces.

"God, 12 billion alliance coins, the adults from the advanced VIP room No. 5 gave a price of 12 billion, which is really amazing, and the price has been increased by 7 billion alliance coins all of a sudden, it seems that this lord is against the flash. The baby dragon elf egg is sure to win, is there any other guest who wants to bid? If not, I will count three, and the shining baby dragon elf egg belongs to this adult." Hearing the 12 billion bid, auctioneer Fujiwara Kari Motoka As if he had been beaten with blood, his face flushed instantly, and he picked up the microphone and said excitedly.

As always, a somewhat "long" countdown begins.

In the senior VIP room No. 5, a Yulongdu wearing the uniform of an alliance investigator is staring at the shiny baby dragon elf egg on the auction table, with a deep fascination in his eyes, as if he is looking at a peerless boutique. Same.

"Du, you can rest assured. The old patriarch said that this shiny baby dragon elf egg must be won for you no matter what. This special dragon bloodline is exactly what our Yulong family needs most." The red-haired beauty in a rose red evening dress held Yu Longdu's hand and said, looking at each other with deep admiration in her eyes.

The red-haired beauty, Yulong Yanran, is the distant cousin of Yulongdu, and the representative of the Yulong family who came to the Golden City auction this time.

Although this woman's trainer talent is not high, she has unparalleled talent in business. She is currently the chairman of the Yulong Group, in charge of all the business of the Yulong family outside.

At the same time, Yulong Yanran is also a little fan of Yulongdu. She loves Yulongdu very much in her heart, and most of the elders in the Yulong clan also intend to repay this pair of talented women. At present, she is already the name of Yulongdu. fiancee.

"Well, then please, Yanran, the power of the dragon in my body is boiling. Obviously, this shining baby dragon elf egg is the key to my next breakthrough. In any case, I will Get him." Yu Longdu heard the words, turned his head and looked at the beauty beside him affectionately, said, and then hugged the beauty in his arms.

In fact, the young and vigorous Yu Longdu was very opposed to the marriage that was made by the elders of the Du family at first, but after seeing the real person and feeling the deep love of Yulong Yanran, Yu Longdu was very Simply agreed to the marriage.

And Yulongdu's strength has grown so fast in the last year and he has climbed to the position of the Alliance Inspector at such a young age. In addition to his excellent talent (who also holds the power of Yulong and the power of Victory), he is also the same as him. It has a lot to do with the help provided by the helpers who hold the Royal Dragon Group.

Therefore, Yu Longdu's feelings for Yulong Yanran also became stronger and stronger, and he had completely accepted this distant cousin who was a few years older than him.

Being hugged by Yulongdu, Yulong Yanran's face also showed a slight blush, but she did not refuse, instead, she took advantage of the situation and leaned on Yulongdu.

It's a pity that the couple's time with you and me was very short, and a voice from the auction desk brought them back to their senses.

"15 billion Alliance Coins!! The adults from the senior VIP room 3 quoted a price of 15 billion. It seems that the flash baby dragon fairy egg is too attractive. The price has reached the price of 15 billion Alliance Coins, which is already It is the second highest auction price in the Golden Market Auction this year, does anyone still want to bid? If not, the Glitter Baby Dragon Elf Egg is the guest who quoted 15 billion Alliance Coins." When the countdown time was about to end, Fujiwara Karimoto also immediately received the instructions given by the backstage, and immediately put down the gavel again, and said excitedly.

However, when the auction price had reached 15 billion Alliance Coins, most of the representatives of strength consciously closed their mouths and sat obediently in their seats to watch the show.

"15 billion alliance coins, I thought I would be considered a rich man by selling the treasure from the central island, but from now on, I am a beggar compared to the big forces behind these backgrounds." Hearing 15 billion After making the offer, Ryuzaki Shinji had no intention of bidding at this moment, and thought helplessly.

The treasure that Ryuzaki Shinji brought back from the central island and the shipwreck graveyard is worth about 50 billion in total, of which he spent 40 billion to form the shadow team.

Over the past year, although the Shadow Team has initially established a firm foothold in Shuijing City, the total revenue generated at present is about one billion, and it will take at least four or five years of operation to recover only the cost of investment, and And that's not even counting the cost of the Shadow Team's continued expansion.

All in all, there is a huge gap in the foundation of the newly-born Shadow Team compared to these deep-rooted forces.

The amount of money that Ryuzaki Shinji carried is about 500 million, and the funds he can mobilize are about 15 billion, so he has already been eliminated in this price war.

15 billion Alliance Coins, no matter which major force is concerned, is already a huge sum of money, not to mention that it is a liquid fund.

Any major forces that move such a huge amount of liquidity in a short period of time have already hurt their bones, and it will take at least several years to recover.

And the flashy baby Long Gui is a dragon-type quasi-god elf. It is inevitable that the growth cycle is slow, and it will cost a lot of money to cultivate.

If there is no special quick-fix method, it will take at least seven or eight years to make him quickly become a fighting force to earn more benefits.

Sacrificing the development time of the next few years in exchange for a shining baby dragon with amazing potential but unstable factors is a very huge choice for these big forces.

In the senior VIP room No. 5, Yu Longdu and Yulong Yanran's faces were not very good-looking. They thought it was a sure result, but they killed Cheng Yaojin at the last moment.

"Room 3, if I remember correctly, is the exclusive private room of the Shenao Temple, is there any adult here too, if she wants the Shining Baby Dragon, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us. "After hearing the voice from the auction table, Yulong Yanran said with an ugly face.

"The temple Shirona, the strongest trainer in the temple, I heard that her strength has become unfathomable since she returned from the stormy sea, and I heard that even the current alliance champion of Shenao is not her opponent. , I really want to fight with her, maybe it can make me go a step further." Yu Longdu heard the words, his eyes suddenly lit up, his face was a little excited, and he forgot about the shining baby dragon for a while.

Seeing that her fiancé's mood suddenly changed from cloudy to sunny, and showed the appearance of a fighting madman, Yulong Yanran's face also showed a helpless look.

It is her fiancé's biggest hobby to challenge the powerhouses from all walks of life~www.readwn.com~ As long as he thinks of being able to fight with the powerhouses that he recognizes as elf battles, he will immediately forget about other things Then, put all your thoughts on this.

In the end, when Fujiwara Karimoto was about to swing the third hammer, Yulong Yanran immediately made an offer. Since she had promised Yulongdu to take down the shining baby dragon, she had to do it.

Knowing that her competitor was Shironahu of the Temple, Yulong Yanran didn't have any psychological luck, so she directly quoted the maximum price she could give.

When Fujiwara Karimoto said that the people in the high-end VIP5 room reported a sky-high price of 23 billion, the nerves of the people in the auction venue were almost numb, and they all chose to sit quietly and wait for the auction result.

As soon as the astronomical price of 23 billion came out, Xirona, who was in the high-end VIP room 3, was hit hard, her face turned pale, and a pair of white and clean hands tugged the exquisite evening dress tightly.

"Damn." Shirona watched Fujiwara Karimoto slam the third gavel down, and she choked out such a word, and her refined pretty face was full of unwillingness.

"Hmph, 23 billion Alliance Coins, you are really rich, then I'll just like you borrow some money to spend it." Seeing that the auction results had been settled, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was lying on the sofa, said on the ground, A cold glow appeared in his eyes.

Since normal means cannot be obtained, it is better to spend some abnormal means, which is suitable for his style.

At the same time, a large amount of information about the auction results of the Glitter Baby Dragon was quickly transmitted through various means, and there were gradually more people walking back and forth outside the senior VIP room 5.

To be continued.....


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