Pokemon Dark Giant

Chapter 51: : Ghosts and Gods Come to the World (3)

"Stop it! King Nido." In the center of the light red city elf, a Joey who was supporting in front of the battle recklessly used her petite body to block in front of a handsome-looking King Nido, preventing him from continuing. Kill wounded patients.

"The leader is right, human beings are damned creatures, and they are not worthy of pity at all. They have been occupying our territory, and they have even killed and captured our companions. Hmph, these humans are all going to die, ah~" King Nido looked Miss Joy, who was blocking him with her body on the ground, thought, although the courage shown by the other party and the kindness that made him feel a little hesitant, but when he thought of the sufferings his own ethnic group had suffered all along, the tyrannical emotions in his heart immediately melted. Destroying the hesitant mood, King Nido's eyes quickly congested with murderous aura, and his muscular right hand, wrapped in a burst of "crackling" electric light, smashed the tiny human on the ground with a punch.

"Stop, you bastard!" The trainers who were stubbornly resisting the wild elf in the distance shouted, but they were unable to protect themselves, and they had no spare power to support them, so they could only watch Ni. Many kings' huge fists slammed into the helpless Miss Joy.

"Abo monster, snake pattern change, speed snake pattern, hurry up and entangle him, double-bomb gas, sludge bomb, Yongjira, spiritual blade, stinky mud, sludge wave." At the critical moment, a cold voice There was a sudden sound, and only a sound of "swoosh" was heard, and a huge Abo was wrapped around King Nido's whole body with its body. The entanglement power of the cyborg monster is extremely huge, which makes the fist of King Nido unable to suppress, and as the entanglement of the body of the bai monster increases and the injected neurotoxin spreads, the strength of King Nido's resistance is getting smaller and smaller, and finally King Nido fell unwillingly.

Shortly after King Nido fell, a tall young man in black moved expressly towards the gap in the defense line. Along the way, many wild elves kept besieging him, but with the powerful Yongji beside him. Ra's superpower shield and stinky mud's protective skills moved without a hitch.

The three elves around the tall young man are very powerful. The sludge bombs of the double-bomb gas are constantly blowing up the incoming elves. While maintaining the super-power shield, Yongjira has the spare strength to use a small amount of sharp spiritual blades. The three groups of black stinky mud guarding the three continued to use mud waves to slow down the moving speed of the incoming elves. Finally, the tall young man successfully entered the gap in the defense line due to the heavy obstacles of the elves, and cooperated with the rest of the training. The home quickly made up for the gap in the defense line.

"Your Excellency, you are really amazing, thank you very much for your support." A young trainer who was close to the tall young man said to him excitedly, this wave of support was too timely, if it weren't for the man in black mask who would quickly break through the defense line If the wild elves are killed, they will face the situation of being attacked by the enemy.

At that time, they will have to retreat into the Elf Center, but in that case, the Elf Center will inevitably suffer huge damage, and the various medical instruments inside will also be affected.

As the Elf Center that can quickly restore the power of the Elf, in the minds of all the trainers here, this large rear area cannot be destroyed. This is related to their life and death. As long as the Elf Center can operate normally, their You can fight continuously for a long time.

"Don't be distracted, leave it to me here, you can go to other places to support." The tall young man Ryuzaki Shinji added indifferently, and then continued to concentrate on directing the four elves around him to come up again. wild elf for sniping.

"Yes, Your Excellency, please be careful." The young trainer's face suddenly became solemn when he heard the words. He glanced at Ryuzaki Shinji, who was able to resist the attack of the wild elves with ease, then bowed to Ryuzaki Shinji, and then He quickly moved to the surrounding defensive lines for support.

"I didn't expect it to be so easy to sneak in. It seems that the manpower here is already tight." After Ryuzaki Shinji repulsed a wave of elves who wanted to rush up, he turned his head slightly and looked back, and saw a lot of injuries. The resident trainer and the elf were lying on the ground with pained faces and moaning. Now the elf center is already full of people, and the injured have to be treated outside, and the treatment staff is also very short, and many are working for the injured. The people who were treated with simple bandages were ordinary residents, and no one had time to pay attention to such a suspiciously dressed person as Ryuzaki Shinji.

After resisting a dozen waves of wild elves, the physical strength of Ryuzaki Shinji's four elves was about to drop to the bottom. Go to Ryuzaki Shinji, let Ryuzaki Shinji go down to rest, and after several times to turn the tide and kill several incoming elite-level wild elves, the trainers here already know that Ryuzaki Shinji is a powerful Although the trainer is not as powerful as the Heavenly King, he is much stronger than the average elite-level trainer. Therefore, such an important combat power must not be lost.

"Your Excellency, please go down and rest for a while, and leave it to us for the time being." A middle-aged trainer brought a few young trainers to Ryuzaki Shinji and said respectfully, after all, trainers belong to this world. Mainstream occupations, as long as they have enough power, are bound to be respected by others. Ryuzaki Shinji has shown his strength with his actions, so these trainers who are resting in the rear respect him from the bottom of their hearts.

"I'll leave it to you, I'll go down and have a rest first." The panting Ryuzaki Shinji responded. After more than a dozen high-intensity battles, even the physical fitness of Ryuzaki Shinji was too much for him. The four elves in the dungeon have all been damaged and their stamina has dropped to the dangerous level. If they continue to fight, they may even lose money. Therefore, he also retreats. After all, the effect of brushing reputation is very obvious now.

Just after Ryuzaki Shinji retreated from the defense line and entered the center of the elves, a Miss Joy came to him with a lucky egg to treat him and his four elves.

"Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I should be dead now. Please let me treat you." Miss Joy, who was brought down by Ryuzaki Shinji, said gratefully to Ryuzaki Shinji, Then he instructed Geely Egg to make the birth egg and the healing wave to treat Ryuzaki Shinji's four elves, and he gently bandaged the wounds on Ryuzaki Shinji's body.

Geely Egg is indeed the best healing elf. With the help of her healing moves, Abo blamed the wounds on their bodies being healed quickly. Then, under her skillful massage technique, Ryuzaki Shinji and the four elf tensed up. His nerves began to relax slowly, and the large amount of mental energy consumed was also rapidly recovering.

"Yes, you should rest for a while. If you fall down, no one will be able to treat the patient in time." After listening to Miss Joy's words, Ryuzaki Shinji said solemnly, now he is playing the role of A righteous trainer, so I can't show the tone of a villain.

"It doesn't matter, it's our Joey family's duty to rescue patients. With auspicious eggs, I can work for a long time." Miss Joy heard Ryuzaki Shinji's concerned answer, her face was a little red, just now Ryuzaki Shinji was heroic She saw the scene of standing up to turn the tide, and she was very grateful to Ryuzaki Shinji in her heart, and even had a little worship.

"The medical level in this world is very high. After a little treatment of the wound and a few injections, it will be fine." After eating the high-energy business food that Miss Joy handed him, Ryuzaki Shinji was pleasantly surprised to find that he had suffered from the previous battle. The wounds on the ground are almost healed. After Joey's medical treatment and drugs, the wounds on his body have begun to scab, and the pain has disappeared. Now, except for a little pain, his fighting ability has recovered 80%, and he The four elves under him also recovered from their injuries and spirits after eating the high-energy food.

Although Ryuzaki Shinji has almost recovered, he still pretends to be tired and resting. He is not here to be a messenger of justice. In order to achieve his goal, he must always maintain a vigorous fighting force.

Just when Ryuzaki Shinji focused his attention on the terrain around the center of the elves, there was a sudden burst of enthusiastic cheers outside. Seeing this, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately took the four elves out to check the situation.

I saw a huge airship appeared in the sky, and there were many small airships guarding him around him. These airships were all engraved with the Union's eye-catching "M" logo~www.readwn.com~ Now a large number of The soldiers and trainers in the uniforms of the Alliance army landed from the huge airship using the flying elves. As expected, the alliance reinforcements supporting the light red city have arrived.

"Everyone, our reinforcements have arrived, and it's time to fight back." No one started, the trainer who was struggling to support the defense line immediately turned from defensive to offensive.


A few minutes ago, the Alliance reinforcements had not arrived.

In the high sky of the light red city, the scarred Yulongdu once again blocked the attack of the night demon with the help of the same scarred fast dragon. The bat on Yulongdu was killed, and the black fire-breathing dragon was also seriously injured. He was taken back by him, and Kondo Castle was even worse. One of his legs and arms was broken, and the messenger bird died in battle. Now he is leaning on a beetle to support him.

"It's all over, you two human beings who are beyond their means, go to hell." The night demon released a large number of shadow fists again, and the overwhelming shadow fists once again covered the two of them. This time, they have blocked No longer.

But just when the two were about to be punched by the shadow of the night demon, their reinforcements finally arrived.

"Lightning bird, thunder, flame bird, big character explosion, freezing bird, blizzard." A majestic voice suddenly appeared, and then three flying elves with powerful breaths quickly approached this sky battlefield, and they cooperated as soon as they came out. Using all kinds of stunts, the attack of the Night Demon was easily destroyed.

"Come on." Yulongdu and Kondo Castle looked at each other, their faces showing expressions of the rest of their lives.

The Three Divine Birds have arrived, which means they are safe.

Today's Kanto champion has arrived.

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