Pokemon Dark Giant

Chapter 53: : The Appearance of Ghosts and Gods (End)

In the high sky of the light red city, in the command room of the huge airship, a haggard old man in the uniform of a senior general of the Central Alliance roared at the huge black energy ball on the screen in front of him with an ugly face.

"Who can tell me, what is this thing that makes me terrified? Where is Kamikaze, where is she? Hurry up and contact her and let her stop this **** thing from landing no matter what, if this thing is in the light red city. Explosion, the entire light red city is over, and there will be no light red city on the map anymore!" The haggard old man jumped his feet in a hurry, kept walking back and forth on the podium, and reported the analysis data of the black energy ball to him from time to time. The analyst scolded a few words.

With the information reported by the analyst, the haggard old man probably already understood the horror of the black energy ball, and he also knew that the request for Kamikaze to stop the black energy ball was simply too much for a strong man, but now that she is out of her, he can't think of returning it. Who can stop the black energy ball from exploding in the light red city.

"This evil ghost really deserves death, and it will kill people. I really didn't expect things to turn out like this. If this goes on, the whole light red city will be finished. We must stop it." Yu Longdu looked at it. The black energy ball that was continuously expanding violently below said with a sad expression, even though he was at a height of more than 5,000 meters away from the black energy ball, it still gave him the feeling of certain death. It is conceivable that if this black energy ball was completely Falling in the light red city, how serious the result will be, the entire light red city will definitely become a white ground, and life will be ruined.

"Stop? Then what to stop, didn't you see that Lord Kamikaze was helpless? We went to die. It's really a blessing and a curse, and misfortunes do not come singly. When I got the mini dragon, I would encounter this in a blink of an eye. I can't think of it. I, Kondo Castle, will end up like this in the end, it doesn't matter, hehe~" Kondo Castle next to Yulongdu's face was so gloomy that he could drip water, his eyes were dark, and his whole person was like a **** that had lost a fight, and he was dead. Who is most responsible for the destruction of the light red city? Then this person will definitely be him. He has already foreseen the scene where he will be dismissed and expelled from the gate of the alliance. Now, he is almost dead, and has fallen into despair.

"Damn, is there really no way? Who can save those poor people below?" Yu Longdu heard the words and turned to look at Kamikaze not far away. Seeing her, her face was also very ugly, but Without any action, there is obviously no way to stop the black energy ball from falling.


At the port of the light red city, a sea area near the dock has turned into a world of ice and snow, a small piece of sky is falling with goose feather snow, the sea has been frozen and covered with a velvet coat, a man wearing ice blue A beautiful woman in a long dress is sitting gracefully on the back of a Chenglong looking at the snow. Beside her, there is a strong man sitting cross-legged on the ice. The man is naked with a strong upper body. Wearing a thorny armband, next to the strong man is a strange force that is also sitting cross-legged on the ice. Like his master, the strange force is closing his eyes and resting. Now the upper body of the strong man and the strange force has been covered by heavy snow.

On the ice surface not far from the two, there are frozen water elves everywhere. Each elves retain the expressions of anger, surprise or fear before their death. Mi's tyrannical carp dragon, he is now lying lifelessly on the icy ice surface, tightly bound to the ice surface, his original hard scales are full of deep fist marks, and the scales appear in many places. Broken, the hardest part on the back of the head was completely shattered, revealing **** red flesh. The overlord-level elf who dominated the nearby sea area still maintained a furious expression when it was frozen, but watch carefully. There was also a hint of fear in his expression.

"It seems that the light red city is doomed. I didn't expect our champion to be helpless this time. Should we go further, I don't think it's very safe here." He said to the strong man beside him who still looked like he had nothing to do with him.

"I have completed the task assigned by the alliance, and everything else has nothing to do with me. I don't care how things will turn out, but being able to see the scene of the destruction of a city with my own eyes is still worth seeing, this The location is just right, and you can perfectly see the moment of the city's destruction." The strong man opened his sharp, unmarked eyes and said indifferently, after speaking, he suddenly trembled, and the snow on his body was instantly scattered.

"He's really a ruthless man. It's so unfortunate to have pity on those who couldn't get away." The beautiful woman said sympathetically, but there was no trace of sympathy on her face, she still looked like an iceberg beauty.


At a high altitude on the edge of the light red city, two middle-aged people are looking at the super-giant black energy ball in the sky that has landed less than two kilometers in the light red city. According to the falling speed of the black energy ball, as long as In a few dozen seconds, the black energy ball will completely land in the light red city, and they have already seen a trace of fire from the bottom of the black energy ball caused by violent friction with the air.

"Juzi, you are the king of ghosts, can't you stop this **** thing?" The middle-aged man between the two said to the middle-aged woman beside him. The middle-aged man had long black hair. Wearing a silver mask with a smile but not a smile on his face, and a pair of eyes covered by a blue light, this middle-aged man wearing a mask is actually a rare superpower. He is suspended in the sky with his powerful superpower. , and even Yu Ligang suspended the middle-aged women around him in the high air, and he looked like he was at ease, while he was surrounded by Sun Rock and Moon Rock, and the two elves surrounded him differently according to specific rules. rotate.

"You look at me too highly, Tiantong-jun, this is the energy explosion caused by the soul treasure formed by countless soul essences. This is no longer something that ordinary power can stop. If you didn't use the teleportation belt I leave the light red city, maybe I will die in it too, but you don't have to worry too much, there is such a thing that destroys the balance of life and death, the beasts in charge of the spiritual world should have noticed it long ago, and I hope they will treat us. Human beings and the wild elves in the city have a little sympathy, so I’m willing to help.” The middle-aged woman named Bai Yao Juzi said calmly, as one of the ghost kings and one of the four great spirit witches of the contemporary super family, the Bai Yao clan, she Have a certain understanding of what you have done with the Dark Night Demon, and understand the various interests involved.

Just when the black energy ball was about to land on the light red city and Kikuko thought that the ghost-type beast was unwilling to shoot.

"Hee hee hee~" Geng Ghost, who had been hiding in mid-air, suddenly appeared in front of Juzi, and then pointed to the front.

Immediately afterwards, the sky in the 5-kilometer radius of the light red city suddenly darkened, and the whole city fell into darkness. A huge gate of the spiritual world emitting a white light appeared above the light red city, and the door slowly opened. , Two ghost-type elves with powerful breaths took the lead and quickly flew out from the gap of the gate of the spiritual world. One was a strange white Gengar with a one-eyed head, and the other was a dark body holding one side higher than himself. A strong shield sword monster with a huge shield that is several times larger.

The strong shield sword monster quickly flew to the bottom of the black energy ball, then raised the huge shield in his hand, immediately switched forms, and used the king's shield. After the black energy ball touched the king's shield, under the influence of an invisible force, the size of the black energy ball suddenly shrunk by half, and finally, the strong shield sword monster steadily Catch the falling black energy ball.

After seeing the shield sword monster temporarily catch the black energy ball, the strangely-shaped white Geng ghost between the eyebrows and one eye immediately released a scarlet beam, and then the beam dispersed into countless small red rays, which quickly entangled. Black energy ball, when countless red rays successfully wrapped around the main black energy ball, the white Gengar gritted his teeth again, and a huge black light beam appeared on his body. He cursed the black energy ball. After the black light beam dissipated, the white Gengar appeared. It became sluggish, and the size of the black energy ball shrank again, becoming only about 100 meters in diameter.

"It's your two watchdogs, don't take me back, I want to die with you." After the night demon in the black energy ball saw the two ghost-type elves, the scarlet one-eyed suddenly reddened, as if seeing His enemy, without a word, once again injected his remaining ghost energy into the soul gem, trying to speed up its splitting speed.

Facing the mockery and suicide of the Night Demon, the two ghost-type elves remained silent and did not answer, but looked at the Night Demon with the eyes of the dead.

When the two powerful ghost elves have done all this. The half-open door of the spiritual world has been fully opened, and an unseen breath came out from the door of the spiritual world.

Suddenly, a huge head poked his head out of the shadows of the whole city without warning, and then a huge dragon-shaped elf jumped out of the shadows. The shadows seemed to him like water, and he could do whatever he wanted. of infiltration.

As soon as the huge head appeared, a powerful coercion instantly descended on the entire light-red city. All creatures bowed their heads under the shock of this coercion and did not dare to look at him directly. Only some strong-willed people could barely survive in this coercion. Support under pressure.

The big eyes on the head of the giant dragon-shaped elf stared at the dark night demon in the black energy ball in front of him without the slightest emotion.

Just staring at it, the Dark Night Demon was already trembling with fear, and even stopped his actions to inject power into the Soul Treasure Jade.

"Sir, how could you be the one who shot, please, please go around..." Before the Dark Night Demon finished speaking tremblingly, the giant elf opened its **** mouth to face the black energy. As soon as the ball was sucked, the entire black energy ball quickly became smaller and swallowed by him. After doing all this, the huge head just glanced at Kamikaze in the sky, and then, he stepped into the spirit of the whole body. The gate of the world, at this time, the white Gengar and the black sword monster have been guarding the gate of the spiritual world and salute the giant elf~www.readwn.com~ When the giant elf has completely entered the gate of the spiritual world Afterwards, they followed closely behind, and disappeared from the last door.


"God, it would be Giratina, the overlord of the inversion world, who would take action. It seems that he didn't want the inversion world he guarded to suffer huge damage, so he shot it himself, and yes, he is the three major guards of the spiritual world. It’s only natural for him to shoot a ghost-type super-divine beast.” Ju Zi frantically looked at the huge head that appeared in the gate of the spiritual world, as a ghost-type heavenly king, of course, who is the owner of her natural head, that is the respect of their white monster family for generations. Bong's ghost super beast: Giratina.


"It's incredible that such a huge crisis has been solved so easily. Is that huge monster also a elf? This kind of power..." Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the rider in disbelief. Latina easily swallowed the black energy ball and exclaimed, he couldn't imagine such a terrifying thing, the monster swallowed it completely without caring, is he not afraid of that thing in his body? Detonate? However, depending on the situation, this monster's approach is not risky at all.

The gate to the spiritual world soon disappeared, and the dim sky returned to normal.

The crisis has passed, but people have not been able to return to their senses for a long time, as if their thoughts are still stuck in the shock of seeing the ghost-type super beast Giratina.

However, that soon passed.

The entire light red city, whether human or elves, is immersed in the joy of the afterlife.

A cheering sound resounded throughout the light red city.

To be continued .................................

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