Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 17: : another "self"

"Second personality? Hahaha~, it's too funny, did you remember something wrong? My dear and cowardly Mr. Wu Ming, I am Ryuzaki Shinji, the only owner of this body in this world." Hearing this resentful and familiar voice, the pupils in Ryuzaki Shinji's one-eyed eyes shrank, and when he was excited, his mind moved, and the blue superpower covering his eyes shot out instantly, shooting a faint blue light beam, He laughed at himself a few times before slowly turning around to look at the familiar man in front of him, with a half-smiling smile on his face.

The man is in his twenties, 1.78 meters tall, wearing a black suit and leather suit. The face is beautiful, the facial features are fairly straight, and there is a vaguely sad temperament on the body. If the pair of panda eyes with advanced symptoms on the face and the pair of old-fashioned glasses with thick lenses on the bridge of the nose can be removed, the man His overall image is definitely the Prince Charming in the hearts of thousands of girls. He is a wild handsome guy. The man who now reveals deep resentment in the eyes of pandas is Wu Ming, a low-level programmer who came from the earth.

"Shut up, you robber, how can you completely take control of my body when I am weak, and also block me in this spiritual world, you must know that you are just one of my creations It's just a sub-personality..." Wu Mingyi saw the contemptuous look on Ryuzaki Shinji's face, he immediately blushed and raised his hand, turning into a street scolding auntie and six grandma, generally pointing at Ryuzaki Shinji and scolding, and also used it on the way. The lingua franca of swearing on earth.

Ryuzaki Shinji is neither in a hurry nor angry. He and Wu Ming's light system are as inseparable as light and shadow. When the other party is scolding him for being shameless, he is actually scolding himself, so he does not suffer at all.

Ryuzaki Shinji still clearly remembers the moment when he was born. It was when Wu Ming was 6 years old. Wu Ming, who thought he was a little smart, knew the "true face" of the orphanage and finally couldn't help but want to get out of the orphanage. He sneaked out and was found by an old dog in the orphanage who was guarding the orphanage. The old dog was the most loyal subordinate of Dean Heixin. This vicious dog gradually developed the habit of child abuse in the long-term life of guarding the orphans. The old dog who tracked the experience easily found Wu Ming's escape route and caught Wu Ming in a terrible game of cat and mouse.

After the old dog caught Wu Ming, he did not hand him over to the old dean for treatment. According to the unwritten rules in the orphanage, he could enjoy it, so he brought Wu Ming to his " room".

It was a place like **** for children. There were some strange torture tools everywhere. The torture tools were also stained with a layer of blood-red rust that could not be washed. Wu Ming felt this deeply for the first time here. In the darkness of the world, the old dog was very skilled in torturing Wu Ming. The fear of passing by death again and again made Wu Ming, who was timid and afraid of death since he was a child, severely traumatized. Ming began to escape from the terrifying reality, and the last sub-personality who suffered psychological trauma for him in order to facilitate his escape from reality appeared like this. That person is today's Ryuzaki Shinji, who represents Wu Ming's dark side.

After that torture, Wu Ming's mental state began to change. With two personalities, he represented double spiritual power, and these two spiritual powers increased steadily with the frequent switching of his personalities, leading to insanity and steady improvement. Finally, one day when he was eight years old, his superpower awakened, from the moment the spoon suddenly bent, he became a superpower, but unfortunately, the two represent light and shadow The personalities of the relationship are incompatible, the two restrict each other, and the mental state is often disordered, which leads to Wu Ming and Ryuzaki Shinji's superpowers cannot be used as normal as ordinary superpowers, even if he has with considerable spiritual power.

"So, did you show up today to stop me? I won't let you succeed again this time." Ryuzaki Shinji saw Wu Ming talking for half a quarter of an hour and still kept scolding "self". In my heart, I also started to get a little impatient, and asked directly to the "self" in front of me.

On the 10th birthday of the two, it was the day Wu Ming was sold to the Rockets by the old dean. On that day, Wu Ming was once again severely traumatized. He killed an innocent girl with his own hands. Forced, but he has indeed become a villain whose hands are stained with innocent blood. Wu Ming, who has been educated in Marxist peace ideology since he was a child and has been taught by a friendly family, could not accept that he became a murderer, so he chose again. Escape, and at this time, Ryuzaki Shinji, who is the sub-personality, has fully grown up. For the first time, his spiritual power has overwhelmed the main character. He took advantage of the weak will of the main character Wu Ming. It completely took away the initiative of the body, so that Wu Ming, the main character, became a sub-personality.

It is a pity that Wu Ming's main character has not completely disappeared. He is just hiding in the spiritual world. Just like the former Ryuzaki Shinji, he peeps at the outside world in this desolate spiritual world, so he has Wu Ming's character. Constraints, Ryuzaki Shinji still can't use the huge superpower in his body, and Wu Ming, who has been taken away from the body, has a huge mental power, and he will often come out to make trouble, so Ryuzaki Shinji will be in a certain place. When some emotions are excited, they become extreme and crazy. These are all because Wu Ming's personality is competing with Ryuzaki Shinji for the initiative of the body.

"That's right, I'm here to stop you, you bad thing, you've done too many bad things, if you get this power again, the consequences in the future will be unimaginable, I will never let you Got super powers." Wu Ming, who was interrupted, pointed at Ryuzaki Shinji with a righteous face.

As the protagonist of the past, Wu Ming completely knew all the bad things that Ryuzaki Shinji did in this spiritual world. Ryuzaki Shinji now has the power of a fighter himself. If he is capable, his own strength will be completely liberated. At that time, relying on various magical superpowers, according to his own sub-personality, selfishness, ferocity and viciousness, he cannot imagine that "self" will do it. What happened, so the "just" he must come to prevent the other party from gaining superpowers.

"Don't be kidding, compared to me, who has been taking the initiative to cultivate for a long time, the spiritual strength of your past master is simply fragile, it's really disappointing, Wu Ming, let's go, You can't stop mine, who has broken the balance of constraints, after all, you are still "I", and if you kill "you", my superpowers will also be lost." The constraints between Ryuzaki Shinji and Wu Ming have now been replaced by Na The violent destruction of the posture is like a gap has been opened in a wall blocking the flow of power. Ryuzaki Shinji can fully feel his huge spiritual power, although he can't drive it like an arm now, but I believe that soon, he will be able to fully use this magical power.

"Don't think about it, I look forward to regaining the initiative of my body day and night, so don't think of me as Wu Ming from the past. You don't know anything about my power. Now you are in the spiritual world under my control. See how you escaped, now that the restrictions have been lifted, I will let you see my terrifying superpowers." Wu Ming suddenly changed into a person, from irritable to calm and mature, The people who have grown up these years are not only Ryuzaki Shinji, but Wu Ming is also working hard to grow up. Although he does not agree with what Ryuzaki Shinji has done, he also truly sees the darkness of the world. Reflecting on his cowardice, he is also exercising non-stop, today is an opportunity, he must regain the initiative of his body.

As soon as Wu Ming finished speaking, amazing superpower light erupted from his whole body, and surging superpowers emerged from his body. With the wave of his big hand, the blue light **** in the entire spiritual world began to gather towards him crazily. A blue ball of light was continuously absorbed by him, and the superpower power on his body was constantly rising. In the end, a pair of blue spiritual armor that resembled ancient Chinese warriors appeared on his body. The resulting halberd appeared in his hand.

Ryuzaki Shinji watched indifferently as Wu Ming absorbed the blue spiritual bodies in the spiritual world. These spiritual bodies were originally Wu Ming's. Although he could absorb them too, he had already tried them just now, and these blue spiritual bodies were not at all. Listening to his call, it is obvious that the blue spirit body prefers Wu Ming, but his heart is still very calm, because in the spirit world, he also has his own power.

"Wake up, the other "me" who has been sleeping all the time, the time for crying is over, it's time to start enjoying the fun of killing, let's go to this cruel world with me, hahaha~~" Ryuzaki Shinji shouted loudly at the black light sphere area not far away, his domineering voice spread in the black light sphere area in the form of powerful sound waves, and all the black light spheres affected by the sound waves all began to tremble. He got up, and then gathered in the direction of Ryuzaki Shinji, and was finally absorbed by him willingly.

In the center of the black light ball area, in the mother body of the black light ball, the child who has been crying has stopped crying for some time. Now he is standing up and looking in the direction of Ryuzaki Shinji, when he hears Ryuzaki Shinji's domineering After the sound of ~www.readwn.com~ the little boy finally opened his eyes that were swollen and red from crying, and there was a longing look in the small eyes. After he smiled slightly, the whole person gradually disappeared in the black light. In the ball, the black ball of light suddenly swelled violently, and in less than a second, it was five or six times larger than before. The huge black ball of light also responded to Ryuzaki Shinji's call and flew towards him quickly. .

"Damn, you parasitic cancer, don't even think about successfully merging, go to die." Wu Ming, who was wearing a spiritual armor, saw that Ryuzaki Shinji was able to absorb the black spiritual body, and he was in a hurry, and immediately launched an attack on Ryuzaki Shinji , As soon as he thought about it, his body instantly came to Ryuzaki Shinji's side, and then the halberd in his hand slashed fiercely towards Ryuzaki Shinji's head.

"Hehehe, you can't organize me, you should play with my subordinates first, double-bomb gas, Abo monster, stinky mud, you stop him." Seeing Wu Ming's face showing panic, Long Qi Shinji sneered, and his own thoughts moved. At the critical moment, he used teleportation to avoid Wu Ming's attack. Then, he held three large black light **** as light as a feather, and poured a powerful beam into each of them. After the black superpower, black double-bomb gas, black Abo and black stinky mud appeared next to Ryuzaki Shinji. After Ryuzaki Shinji gave an order, they all opened their scarlet eyes to Wu Ming's line of defense. Jump over.

"Come on, become one with me." When Wu Ming was dragged by the three spirit bodies of the double-bounce gas, the super-giant black light **** had already arrived. In the call of Two, he became one with him.

A terrifying spiritual pressure instantly enveloped the entire spiritual world.

The thunder of "Rumble" continued to sound, and countless black lightning appeared out of thin air.

To be continued ................................

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