Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 30: : Battle (Part 1)

The scene was very embarrassing for a while. Junsha in western jeans seemed to be very famous here. As soon as she appeared, within 10 meters of her, she instantly became a no-man’s land. The pedestrians around stopped and looked at Long Qi with a playful face. Shinji, some people showed greedy eyes. Similarly, the alliance army on the sentry also focused on Ryuzaki Shinji and looked at him vigilantly, in case the man in black mask suddenly burst into harm.

Facing the somewhat aggressive Miss Junsha and the playful gazes of the passers-by around, Ryuzaki Shinji sighed helplessly, knowing that he is now in a difficult position to ride a tiger. In this kind of neutral place where fish and dragons are mixed, desperadoes and greedy people abound. Yes, once you show weakness at this time, especially to Jun Sha, who represents the strength of the alliance, there will be a steady stream of troubles coming to you.

"Okay, where is the battlefield?" Ryuzaki Shinji replied grimly.

This is also an opportunity. He just needs a pedal to test his current strength. It can be seen from the behavior and awe-inspiring eyes of these people around him that the Junsha in front of him has extraordinary strength.

"Okay, be happy, don't be squeamish, it's a man, I like a trainer like you, come with me." When Jun Sha heard the words, she immediately showed a raging fighting intent, and immediately instructed Ryuzaki Shinji to follow her.

The backyard of the Elf Center is a standard battle arena. Various battles are carried out very well. Today's venue is a rocky venue. Ryuzaki Shinji came here with Junsha, and at the same time, many spectators followed.

"Introduce myself. My name is Jun Shalan. I'm the head of the guard force of the Haibaogang Alliance. I like to challenge the strong. I can feel your extraordinary strength. In order to have fun, we will have a three-on-three game this time. Let's play the elf, how?" Jun Shalan came to one corner of the battlefield and said excitedly to Ryuzaki Shinji in the other corner, she clapped her hands, and a referee came to the center of the field with two small flags.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, make a quick decision, you go first, Dairubi." Ryuzaki Shinji didn't say his name, and directly let Dairubi on his shoulders be the starting pioneer.

"Ow~~~" Dairubi swiftly jumped off Ryuzaki Shinji's shoulders, his fighting spirit was very high, and now there is still the look of starving and powerless before, the proud Dairubi is facing The catty dog ​​beside Jun Shalan let out a loud howl.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo together together together!

"The battle rules are very simple. As long as one side's elves are all incapacitated, or surrender, the other side can win. Now, the battle begins!" After the referee stated the rules, he immediately waved the flag in his hand to indicate that the battle could begin.

"It's better to strike first, Cutie, move at high speed, and then use the flaming car." After the referee gave the order, Jun Shalan immediately gave an order to Cutie.

This caty dog ​​has bright and shiny fur and thick limbs, and it is known to be very well bred at a glance.

Cati Dog obeyed the order, and immediately ran quickly, passing through the rocks with agility, and quickly approaching the direction of Dairubi. With the display of high-speed movement, the running speed became faster and faster, "Boom~" With a bang, a fiery red pure flame erupted all over his body, and the high-speed moving Katee combined with his own flame car skills, and directly turned into a high-speed flame bomb, which vaguely resembled a bit of a flash charge. prototype.

The pure fiery red flames were quite high in temperature, and the rock surfaces that had been wiped by the edge flames were charred black in the next second.

"The opponent's moves are very strong, Dairubi, jump on the rock to avoid its edge, and then wait for the opportunity to fight back with the shadow ball." Seeing the abnormal shape of the surrounding rocks and the oncoming heat wave, Ryuzaki Shinji judged that Dairubi couldn't take it. The attack of this move, even if the next one is seriously injured, immediately gives the best order.

Dairubi immediately climbed up on a rock with a **** beside him when he heard the words, with a cunning look in his eyes, and then when the Katty dog ​​also quickly climbed the huge rock and attacked, he jumped off the rock and condensed a shadow ball in his mouth. , as soon as it landed, a large shadow ball was released from the mouth and shot at the most vulnerable middle part of the rock.

The rock structure was destroyed, a chain reaction occurred, and the whole rock began to shatter rapidly, the Cati Dog's feet suddenly became unstable, the speed suddenly stagnant, and the whole body began to fall with the gravel.

"Don't panic, come on, Katie, remember your special training as a police dog, show your flexibility and speed, stimulate your enthusiasm, fight back against the gravel, and use a shadow clone." Although for Dairubi The cunning approach was a little surprising, but Jun Shalan's eyes were calm as usual, and she gave orders to the Catty dog ​​with a panicked face.

Hearing the owner's encouraging voice, Katie's eyes suddenly became solemn, and there were more than ten clones on his body. All clones moved nimbly on the broken rock in mid-air, and the last four Katie clones were on the broken rock. In the rain, four directions broke out, and once again used the flame car from four directions to rush to Dairubi in the center of the encirclement.

Facing the four Caddy clones that surrounded him, Dairubi kept looking around, but he couldn't tell which one was the clone and which one was the real one, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Calm down, there is only one real body, the rest are fakes, use your nose to find him out with scent detection, and fight back with natural power." Ryuzaki Shinji sighed inwardly, but it was a pity, but the Catty Dog's attack The catty dog, which had already been attacked like a gust of wind, and whose speed had been increased by high-speed movement, was now unstoppable.

The heat wave came from all sides, but Dairubi ignored it. He immediately closed his eyes, raised his head, and used his sensitive nose to distinguish the smell in the air. The next second, his eyes suddenly opened.

"Ow~" Dairubi suddenly jumped in the air towards the Katee dog in the northeast direction, and let out a roaring howl. The forelimbs and feet were condensed with mysterious power, and when both feet stepped on the ground, the natural force was activated, and a microscopic The earthquake took shape, and narrow ground fissures suddenly appeared in the direction in which the dog was running, and the ground began to shake violently.

"Don't be afraid, jump up, rush up, cooperate with the flaming car, and use the sacrifice to hit." Jun Shalan yelled at this.

"Wang~~~" Katy Dog is already running, feeling his speed like thunder and lightning, Katy Dog can't help himself with excitement, facing the huge force from the ground in front of him, he is not afraid, directly double Accelerating at full speed and then jumping into the air with a forceful jump, the body wrapped in the flaming flames emits a dazzling white light, the light from the collision of the body is matched with the red flame, the Katie dog is radiant and majestic at this moment~www.readwn .com~ Good chance, the opponent is just a target now, and Darubi used the most powerful shadow ball to meet it. "After a period of observation, Ryuzaki Shinji has noticed that the characteristic of this catty dog ​​is to start fire, and the more and more flaming flames on his body are the best proof, grasping the weakness of the catty dog ​​that cannot move in the air. , and quickly commanded Derubi to counterattack.

Looking at the dog looking down at him, Darubi was very angry. The fierceness of the evil-type elf was aroused at this moment. A huge shadow ball shot towards the Katee. It wasn't enough. A group of energy **** filled with evil energy appeared strangely, revolving around his small body, and an evil aura burst out instantly.

"Ow~" Dairubi roared at the Katee, and all the black energy **** around him turned into black shock waves and rushed towards the Katee, which was rapidly sliding down in mid-air.

"This is the wave of evil." Seeing the evil aura bursting out of Dairubi's body, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately recognized Dairubi's powerful evil skills.

The imposing Katee dog smashed the huge shadow ball in an instant with the impact of the falling, and the flames on his body dimmed a bit, but the momentum was still fierce, until the substantial black aura on Dai Ruby's body turned into shock waves. Attacked, the moves between the two finally collided violently.

Flaming Car + Sacrifice Crash VS Shadow Ball + Wave of Evil


A huge explosion appeared, and a thick plume of smoke engulfed the entire battlefield, obscuring everyone's sight.

At this time, in the thick fog, a faint purple awn flashed by.

To be continued......................

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