Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 33: : the strong

Ryuzaki Shinji did not say goodbye without being hindered in any way. He was able to use the Abo monster and the quasi-divine beast Hakolong, who was a bad street in the eyes of ordinary people, to fight evenly, and even ended in a "tie". This battle has fully demonstrated. His strong posture, at the same time, his strong performance also fell into the eyes of some strong people.


In a high-end auditorium, a blond girl in a long black dress stood in front of the transparent glass wall. The blond woman witnessed the whole battle here. She clapped her hands and watched Ryuzaki Shinji's death. Leaving, eyes full of admiration.

"The soul is connected, this person is just around the corner to reach the realm of the king, use the relationship to check the background and identity of this person, if possible, try to win over, this time the battle for the origin of the slate is bound to be difficult, if you can get such an infinitely close to the king. With the help of high-level experts, this battle will be a lot better." The blond girl whispered to an old man who looked like a housekeeper behind her.

"Okay, miss, I'll go ahead. By the way, the patriarch still doesn't want you to risk participating in this battle, so let me tell you." The old butler bowed and said to the blond girl.

"If you don't cut jade, you can't make a weapon, and if you don't stand it, you can't break it. Since I am the next candidate for the patriarch, I must lead the temple to rise again. Now only there can let me break through the size of my own container, so as to reach the realm of champions, you help me. Grandma and I ask for instructions, I can enter the realm of the king at any time, and there are not many people in the secret realm who are my opponents, please rest assured, I will definitely come out intact." The blonde girl's face was solemn. , a strong woman's momentum emerged spontaneously, and then she turned her head and said resolutely to the old butler who showed a kindly look.

"Shark~" A shark-shaped elf beside the blond girl also echoed.

"Okay, I will tell the truth to the patriarch." Seeing the girl's resolute expression, the old butler finally answered with a helpless sigh.

"Then please, Grandpa Tolan, let's go, fangtooth land shark." After the blond girl gave the old housekeeper a charming smile, she walked out of the room with her elf.


In another high-end auditorium private room.

"It's really wonderful, this person is very strong, do you want me to send someone to contact him? Maybe it's a good helper." A black young man dressed as a clown with a mask asked his female companion with a hippie smile. .

"Are you inviting him, Kazuki, aren't you afraid that he will take away your chance? You should have felt it too. This person is also a superpower, so he will definitely be your strong competitor." The long-haired girl glanced at the black-haired youth, and then said with a playful expression.

"How could it be, I'm too late to be happy, the same kind is very precious, how can I be willing to hurt each other, hehe~" The black-haired young man replied with a smile, but his eyes were always cold.

"Hmph, duplicitous guy, don't go crazy now, don't screw things up again, this time the adults gave a death order, if we fail, we are finished." The girl turned around and glared at the masked man and said coldly, then walked out of the private room with a month Ibrahimovic.

"Hmph~, the same kind..." Kazuki sneered in his heart after seeing Ryuzaki Shinji's back completely absorbed, his mind moved, a blue light flashed across his body, and the whole person disappeared. in the private room.


"Ah~, it's a **** battle. I'm so touched. This is youth." In the ordinary auditorium, a young man with a fiery red exploding head cried loudly while crying, his eyes burning brightly. His fighting intent was undisguised, but the people around showed a look of idiots.

"Let's go, we have to find the boat, don't delay any longer." The blond thorn-headed youth next to the afro-haired youth said, grabbing the clothes on his back, and then pulled him away unceremoniously.

"Don't, Electromagnet, I still want to go up and make friends. It can be done in a flash. The battle is the most important thing. Hey, are you listening to me?" , but the guy behind him with a Pikachu on his shoulders ignored him at all.

"Pika Pika~" Pikachu turned his head to show a look of contempt at the afro-haired youth, then turned his head and waved his **** at him again.

"You stinky yellow-haired mouse, how dare you be so arrogant..." When the young man with explosive head saw Pikachu's behavior, he immediately exploded, and immediately stepped forward to reason with Pikachu.

"Pikachu~~" Pikachu turned his head slightly, revealing a sinister smile.

"Ah~" A scream appeared.


In the shadows of a remote corner of the battlefield, two young ninjas were facing each other.

"Third Senior Brother, have you really defected?" Aju looked at Saburo Miyamoto coldly, and put his ninja sword across his chest.

"Hmph, put away the knife, weak fellow, for the sake of a former classmate, I will spare your life today and give you a piece of advice. This battle is not something you can participate in." Miyamoto Saburo suddenly appeared behind A Ju like a phantom, and then put a kunai on A Ju's neck, and said with a look of disdain in his eyes.

A minute later, Miyamoto Saburo slowly disappeared into the shadows with a Gengar.

"I won't give up. Since you also betrayed the teacher, I will bear the name of the light red...". Aju's eyes firmly looked at Saburo Miyamoto who gradually disappeared and muttered.


Just when other interested people began to inquire about Ryuzaki Shinji's information, Ryuzaki Shinji had already come to the Elf Center.

As soon as he walked into the center of the elf, a strong smell of potion hit his nostrils. As soon as he entered the eyes, there were all kinds of wounded wounded in bandages, and the number of them was not too many.

There are fights almost every day in Haibaogang. This seaport city is not only the last supply point near the storm waters, but also an important transit station connecting Guandu to Fangyuan, but normal commercial ships will not come here. Yes, most of the people who come here are smuggled and sold ships, especially in the past few days, the number of people who come to Haibao City has increased, and there are not too many unruly trainers, so the disputes continue to increase, and now the entire elf center It's almost overcrowded.

However, the Elf Center is different from other places in Haibaogang. Except for the patient's screams during treatment, there are almost no other special sounds. No matter who comes to the Elf Center, they must obey the The rules here: keep order, no noise, no fighting.

Miss Joy is definitely one of the people most trainers dare not offend. Most trainers agree with this statement, except for those who have been blacklisted.

The Joey family is in a detached position in both black and white. There is absolutely no force to offend them. Think about what will happen once you get on Miss Joy's public blacklist?

As a trainer, if you are on Miss Joy's blacklist, you can basically go home and farm. No elf center in the world or any medical institution that has a partnership with the Joy family will provide you with Healing services, even the dark organization dare not recruit you, you have no other way to go except to be self-reliant, and your trainer's future is gloomy.

There are a lot of Miss Joy here, so the efficiency is also very fast, Ryuzaki Shinji took his turn after a few minutes of queuing.

"What kind of service do you need? Normal treatment starts at 1,000 alliance coins, intermediate treatment starts at 10,000 alliance coins, advanced treatment starts at 100,000 alliance coins, and special treatment requires alliance senior citizenship, which also starts at 100,000 alliance coins." Miss Joy at the counter said to Ryuzaki Shinji with a sweet professional smile.

"Super treatment, this is my passport, the money will be deducted from this alliance silver card." Ryuzaki Shinji said to Miss Joy softly~www.readwn.com~ Ryuzaki Shinji is not quite sure What is the effect of these levels of treatment (this is the first time to treat a pixie at the pixie center, shame), but the most advanced treatment must be the best, he has a fake passport with strong identity, and there is no shortage of money, so he naturally has to choose The best treatment service.

Miss Joy glanced at Ryuzaki Shinji in amazement, then picked up the passport given by Ryuzaki Shinji without leaving a mark, put it in the socket of the identity detection device, and then looked at the display screen, her face suddenly showed a respectful expression. look.

"According to the rules, your treatment is free, sir. Please take out the elf that needs treatment. We promise to restore your elf's state within two hours." Miss Joy first confronted Ryuzaki Zhenjiju He bowed and said respectfully in a low voice.

"Then I'll leave it to you." The change in Miss Joy's face naturally did not escape Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes, and she immediately waved to Miss Joy to signal her not to make extra moves, and then took out 5 Poke Balls from her body hand it to her.

Miss Joy nodded understandingly, then resumed taking the five Poké Balls as usual.

Ryuzaki Shinji came to the hall and found a remote corner to sit down. He now has a golden elf left in his hand, and he expects the safest to be in the elf center when his strength is greatly lost. .

Ryuzaki Shinji stayed quietly in the corner, closed his eyes and started a simple meditation, but he was interrupted just as he started to meditate.

"So you're here. It's so hard to find you. Are you interested in cooperating with us, Your Excellency!"

Jun Shalan sat unceremoniously opposite Ryuzaki Shinji, crossed her chest with her arms, and looked at Ryuzaki Shinji with a serious face.

There was a man and a woman standing beside Jun Shalan, who were looking at him curiously.

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