The old man was in trouble.

"This gym is like this, but the water ballet is still being held. The decline of the Cerulean Gym is certain."

Lu Yuan stood on a large poster with three beautiful girls and many water elves.

The impact of the Rocket Team's attack has also passed. The daughter of the former gym owner has not put her mind on the gym, but is running her own business. Maybe she loves it too much.

"Forget it, it's none of my business."

Lu Yuan shook his head and came to the Pokémon Center in Cerulean City. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Miss Joy, who had the same appearance as Joy in Deep Gray City and spoke in a soft voice, gentle and polite.

After booking a room for himself, he sent the fossilized pterosaurs to recuperate and relieve the fatigue of the journey.

In this regard, Miss Joy's skills are still good.

Fruits are provided in the Pokémon Center all day long. With the Pokémon Encyclopedia, you can eat and drink for free. If you don't have it, you can also pay a sum of Pokémon coins to eat here.

After ordering a fairly delicious meal, Lu Yuan found a place to eat. While eating, he browsed his phone and checked the latest news. He had been in the wild for several days and didn't know what happened in the outside world. It was a good opportunity to take a look.

The most popular thing was that the Alliance and the Rocket Team were fighting each other. Under Du's leadership, they attacked the Rocket Team's strongholds everywhere.

But as the first dark force in the Kanto region, the Rocket Team would not always be beaten, and they also fought back. Just yesterday, the two sides fought a battle outside the Golden City. The scale was not small and the movement was huge. Several senior cadres of the Rocket Team also took action.

In the end, it was Team Rocket that retreated. Obviously, the strength shown by the Alliance this time showed that the Alliance could still control the situation and suppress the dark forces such as Team Rocket.

"A lean camel is bigger than a horse. The Alliance is still powerful. Both sides have their concerns and did not press all of them."

After reading the news, Lu Yuan murmured.

He flipped through a few more messages and glanced at them. There was not much to see. They were all reporting some thriving things, such as how much the number of trainers had increased, how much the elf industry in which city had expanded, etc. He also saw a report about Yuejianshan, in which he had appeared.

There were many challengers to the Cerulean Gym, and Lu Yuan's gym was scheduled for the next day.

After the Gyarados had recovered, Lu Yuan took them to stroll around Cerulean City to experience the local customs of Cerulean City, deal with the things on his body, and buy a batch of supplies to replenish them.

Lu Yuan did not return to the Pokémon Center until the evening.

"This money is easy to make, but it's not easy to spend."

Thinking of the Pokémon and materials sold today, and the purchase of a batch of materials, the balance only increased by two million, which made Lu Yuan sigh.

Trainers make a lot of money, but they also spend a lot of money. If you are ambitious and want to train the Pokémon well, you have to spend money, and spend a lot of money.

But trainers are still the most profitable profession, especially for powerful trainers.

If you can capture a quasi-god, that would be several hundred million, and you can also exchange for a lot of Pokémon materials.


Strong Chicken also stood aside, looking at Lu Yuan with shining eyes, to be precise, looking at the bank card in Lu Yuan's hand.

Lu Yuan once told it that all the "money" was on this so-called bank card.

"Hey." Seeing the money-grubbing look of Lizhuangji, Lu Yuan also smiled, strung the bank cards with a small rope and hung it on it, "Here, I'll give you this card."


Lizhuangji was very happy, holding the card, and it was very precious.


Lu Yuan also smiled, this card is connected to his Pokémon Encyclopedia, even if it is damaged, it doesn't matter, the account is still there.

When sleeping at night, Lizhuangji still holds the card to sleep, and it is very precious.

Seeing that it is almost time, Lu Yuan also rested.

During these days in the wild, he replaced sleep with cultivation. He was not tired physically, but he still felt a little tired mentally.

The night passed quickly without words, and time came to the next morning.

Lu Yuan got up, exercised, and had breakfast. He took the Pokémon to the Hualan Gym and found that there were still many people coming to the Hualan Gym.

Many people were talking softly, with a relaxed tone.

"Hahaha, the badge of the Hualan Gym is easy to get. Many of my friends have got it. I also came here to challenge today and got another badge. With this, I have six badges."


Awesome, even if I add this today, I only have five badges, one short."

Not far from the source of the road, there were several trainers who looked like a team, discussing.

"I won't fail, I heard that there were several who didn't pass yesterday."

A trainer mentioned this, but was laughed at by his companions.

"Hahaha, that's how bad you are, you can't even get this free badge, I think, if you can't get it, don't continue to be a trainer, go home and farm."

The tone was very disdainful, looking down on the Cerulean Gym.

"He's out, the first challenger today, look at him, he still has a badge in his hand, see, the strongest Pokémon of that person has only entered the intermediate level not long ago, he can do it, why can't you."

The young trainer pointed at a person who walked out of the gym and said frankly.

"Hahaha, I worry too much. "

Listening to these people's words, Lu Yuan also knew the value of the Hualan Gym.

For some reasons, the Hualan Gym will continue to exist until Xiaoxia can take over.

"Alas, another trainer has been sent away, and another badge has been sent out."

In the battlefield, Sakura wiped the sweat from her forehead and said helplessly.

She really has no talent in trainers. When commanding elves, she can only deal with the battles of the novice and primary levels. Intermediate battles are very difficult.

She doesn't like fighting either, but for the sake of the gym, she still bites the bullet and goes on the field. The result is very ugly. In just over a month, Hualan City has become the bottom gym in the Kanto region.

"Forget it, I will choose to fight later, or just give the badge directly."

Seeing that she doesn't have the ability and doesn't like it, Sakura also started to give up. That's it. The gym is still there, and she can be more relaxed.

"Second sister and third sister are the same as me. It's really a headache. I hope Xiaoxia can be relied on. "

Yakura pinched her brows, and then asked someone to notify the next challenger to come.

Perhaps because she performed too badly, there were not many people sitting in the audience seats around the battlefield, and it was empty.

In the gym, there were only two or three cats of different sizes. Many staff members felt that there was no future and jumped ship. Only a few people who were still nostalgic were left to maintain the operation of the gym.

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