The old man was born in a strange way.

Dragon Valley is a place where the strong are respected and all dragons rise. There is no fancy lifestyle there, but absolute strength.

Especially the three-headed evil dragon clan, which is even worse.

The single-headed dragon stared at the ceiling, and the ferocious years of the past seemed to emerge in his eyes.

In those days, it was still a quiet young man in the clan. The dragon gave it the nickname Xiaoshuai, and it was also a genius among the dragons. It had advanced strength at a young age. For a time, it was unique, and Xiaomei and other dragons looked at it with admiration and sent it a glance.

However, this disappeared after it was promoted to a high level.

It seemed like the body was leaking, and it could no longer improve its strength. Even in battle, it could not give its all. It always felt uneasy, and there was always an external force in its mind that interfered with it, making it unable to concentrate on fighting.

With many elders present, the single-headed dragon knew that it was impossible for the elves to interfere with it in secret, but it was disturbed.

Every battle ended in defeat.

In this way, its strength could not be improved, and it was also resisted in battle. It was defeated in succession and was caught up by its former tribesmen. It was also defeated by its old rival who was far weaker than it in a tribe meeting, and Xiaomei also left it.

Oh, by the way, those two-legged beasts also came to see me. After many examinations, they all said that there was nothing wrong with my body and they could not find the cause of the disease.

Later, a group of gray-haired two-legged beasts came and chattered about it. After discussion, they unanimously concluded that there were strange changes in my body, and asked me what I usually ate, whether I ate anything special, or did anything.

I ate the same food. In addition to the meat sent by the bipeds, I ate tree fruits and usually took a bath in the dragon pool.

Oh, I also remember swallowing a broken dragon ball at the dragon tomb. I don’t know which senior it belonged to. These are the experiences of ordinary dragon elves.

What else is special? If you don’t have the ability, you don’t have the ability. They also said that they have a direction and will solve my problem soon.

After that, I went out to relax. If I don’t pay attention, I’m gone. Farewell to my hometown and Xiaomei.

Thinking back, the single-headed dragon looked impatiently at the human in front of him who was trying to please him. Damn, why are you so annoying?

I don’t know if it’s Xiaoshuai, the single-headed dragon, who is thinking about his life. It’s hopeless. It’s better to face the reality as soon as possible.

“Dongdong, Songji, Director Ishii is calling everyone over. Are you there?”

Someone was calling him at the door.

"Okay, you go first, I'll be there soon."

Matsuji responded, and after saying a few more words to the single-headed dragon, he put it back into the Poké Ball.

The single-headed dragon was enjoying his leisure time, and it was even better that no one disturbed him in the Poké Ball.

"Did he find something?? Or did he check the guard members again?"

Matsuji murmured, hiding the Poké Ball of the single-headed dragon in his pocket. When he passed a place, he thought about it, locked the Poké Ball, shrunk it and put it into the groove in the corner, and then went to his destination.


"Hahaha, this event still has something, and there are several things I want." In the private room, Fujiwara Hiroshi took the items he had bid with satisfaction and immediately paid by credit card.

Buying satisfactory items will make people happy.

"Next, it's the auction of the quasi-god Pokémon Round Land Shark, those people can't stand it."

Lu Yuan smiled and said, the real excitement is still this finale, you can see how many rich people there are.

Quasi-god Pokémon, he has so many excellent Pokémon, and he is also somewhat tempted, but unfortunately, with all his wealth, he is afraid that he can't compete with them.

He only regrets that he does not have enough financial resources.

"Next, it is the finale of this auction, the quasi-god Pokémon, the Land Shark. Look."

A Pokémon that looks like a small shark appeared on the scene. The pride of the dragon system made it maintain its majesty and was not afraid of such a scene.

"Everyone knows about the quasi-god Pokémon, the Land Shark. There are also detailed information leaflets or treasure books. I won't say much to save time. The starting price is 100 million Pokémon coins!!"

The auctioneer was also very straightforward. He didn't hesitate and directly bid for the auction.

The scene became lively all of a sudden. The people in the audience all looked at the Land Shark on the stage with a blushing face. This is a quasi-god Pokémon. Generally speaking, as long as it grows up, there will be a gym, and it is not impossible to become a king.

If you can get the Land Shark, you will have the opportunity to become a powerful trainer, but unfortunately they are just thinking about it.

Don't say you can't afford it, even if you can

It will not end well later. Only the big guys can protect this level, and they can't keep it.

The big guys hidden in the field spoke up one after another, and the bids soon rose steadily.

Quasi-god Pokémons are extremely eager even for gym-level trainers. For the king-level trainers, it may be less attractive, but they will not refuse to have a quasi-god Pokémon.

Whether it is to cultivate it yourself or to leave it to your family and descendants, it is a great thing.

"Six hundred million!! The guest in Room A10 bid six hundred million Pokémon coins. Is there any more? If not, this quasi-god Pokémon will belong to this distinguished guest."

"Six hundred and fifty million! Brother Chenghui, I also like this round land shark. Sorry."

"That's even more sorry. I also want to fight for it. Everyone knows that Brother Chenghui's family wants to cultivate a king, but sorry, our family is the same."


There was a lot of noise outside, perhaps it was the competitors who started to talk nonsense. There was also a loudspeaker in the box, and the sound was even louder.

From the conversation between several people, perhaps this buyer wanted to obtain this round land shark in order to change the family and enter a higher class.

"Hmph, I'll offer 1 billion. I must get it today. You can do whatever you want."

A heavy voice sounded, and the scene was quiet, and the sound of bidding was gone.

The voice came from Room A1, which means it was not small.

"1 billion, is there anyone else bidding?"

The auctioneer continued to shout, but no one continued to bid, and finally the round land shark was taken by the people in Room A1.

"Tsk, they are all high-level alliances, but they still come here to bully people and think about this elf. Tsk, tsk, tsk, the Miyazaki family is getting more and more unscrupulous."

Fujiwara Hiroshi laughed, as if disdainful.

And the people of the Miyazaki family left immediately after receiving the round land shark.

The auction ended here, but there were other activities going on below. Accompanied by music, a group of beauties danced on the stage.

Lu Yuan and his companions ordered some things and watched.


Suddenly, the cruise ship seemed to be attacked and shook a few times. The lights in the ship dimmed, as if there was a problem with the power system, causing people to panic.

Fortunately, after more than ten seconds, the ship recovered.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we just passed by a group of howler whales and were slightly affected. We have dealt with it now. Please don't panic."

The broadcast sounded, asking everyone on the ship not to panic.

"This is not a howler whale passing by, but the aftermath of the battle."

Lu Yuan looked in one direction, where he felt several extremely powerful forces of the level of the king interweaving.

In that direction, there was a king-level fighting there!

At the same time, the hull suddenly shook, and a shrunken Poké Ball jumped out from the corner above the passage, and fell directly along the iron plate above, just falling into a large glass of beer, gurgling, and blocked by bubbles.

"It's really unlucky. Fortunately, these two large glasses of beer are fine, otherwise my salary will be deducted again."

The waiter was half-kneeling on the ground, leaning against the hull beside him, holding two large glasses of beer in both hands.

He encountered this incident just after walking here. In the dim light, he didn't notice that there was a shrunken Poké Ball in the large glass of beer he was holding.

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