The sound of explosions was heard, and the sound of explosions was heard.

“Boom boom boom~”

Several explosions sounded in the forest, with thick smoke and flying sand.

“Damn, it’s terrible. How can these two-legged beasts be so powerful? We can’t afford to offend them. Let’s find two-legged beasts that are easier to deal with.”

The hyperactive ape ran out of the smoke in a panic, and moved quickly with the help of the surrounding jungle.

Behind, Qiying and others were still chasing.

“Hurry up, that hyperactive ape is very extraordinary and worth conquering. Hurry.”

The group chased after it in a chaotic manner, but still lost it, and could only look around unwillingly.

"Huh, that's terrible. Next time, I must not provoke this kind of bipedal beast with energy fluctuations. Fortunately, I am smart, handsome, and agile, otherwise I would have been in trouble this time."

Hyperactive Ape said in fear, sneaking out from a crack in the ground, observing around, and then running in a certain direction.

Soon, he met two people, one fat and one thin. He first put them aside to observe, and confirmed that there was no energy fluctuation on the two people. Hyperactive Ape showed a rampant smile on his face.


He flashed and came in front of the two people, roaring.

"Not good, come out, Arm."

Zong Wen took out the Pokémon Ball and sent out his Pokémon Arm.

"Fatty, hurry up, get ready for battle."

The fat man next to him also released a giant hornet and a Kentaro.

The three Pokémons looked at the Hyperactive Ape with a serious face.


"Bang bang bang~"

After a few rounds, Zong Wen and the other two and the three elves were lying on the ground with bruises and swollen faces.

The hyperactive ape did not kill them. After "robbing" them, he left in style.

"As expected of me, I will do this in the future. I am really rational, but these things are useless. I will be hungry again soon."


High-end ingredients are often cooked in the most ordinary way.

In the smoke and fire, a golden barbecue came into view. It was a sheep-like shape. The golden surface, after being brushed with a layer of oil, sizzled under the charcoal below. The golden surface was also brighter and exuded a richer aroma.

Sprinkled with the prepared seasoning, it was even more fragrant. Under the blessing of the charcoal fire, the fragrance of the meat and seasoning mixed together was fragrant.

Master Lu, who had been busy for a long time, cut a piece of meat with a knife and ate it, starting the dinner of the day.

Tender, crispy, salty, spicy, all swirled and danced in the mouth in an instant, the delicious taste reached the tip of the tongue, the mouth was full of meat fragrance, and a little juice from the meat flowed out from the corner of the mouth and was wiped away.

"Well, not bad, the cooking skills have not regressed."

After tasting it, Lu Yuan said with satisfaction.

"Can you eat it? These are all mine."

The Gyarados next to him urged.

"Well, it's yours."


When Gyarados heard it, he opened his huge mouth and began to eat with relish. The roasted lamb was quickly eaten.

"Hehe, it's really delicious, but it's a little too little. Three more, oh no, five will be enough, burp~"

"This thing can only satisfy your mouth. If it's really nutritious, you need energy cubes. Freeze this bottle for me."

Lu Yuan picked up a bottle of wine and said.

"Oh, then why not mix the energy cubes and meat together?"

Gyarados raised his tail and tapped it gently, a chill spread out, and the bottle of wine was quickly chilled, the temperature was just right.

"That makes sense."

Lu Yuan poured the chilled wine into a goblet, shook it a few times, took a sip, picked up the knife and fork, and put the barbecue on the table into his mouth.

"Well, it's really good."

On the shore of the beautiful lake, Lu Yuan sat on a chair with a happy look on his face, looking at the sparkling lake in front of him.

The huge lake was like a blue gem, inlaid on this green land, and the lakeside was connected by grass and trees, full of greenery.

"Yuanye is still a kid who knows how to enjoy, but it's a bargain for me."

These barbecue seasonings were all obtained from Yuanye.

This man is also a person who enjoys himself. He brought these delicacies to the Trial Island. He can be said to be a very confident and conceited person.

But now he is also a dead man.

"What did the biped eat? It smells so good."

In a corner that Lu Yuan didn't notice, the hyperactive ape was sneaking around. From a distance, the aroma made it salivate even more.

"There was no power fluctuation on the biped, so it looked like an ordinary person.

I must get more delicious food later." There was no energy fluctuation on Lu Yuan, which made the hyperactive ape happy, and then carefully observed the surroundings.

"This Gyarados is weaker than me, but stronger than those people, so this person should have a lot of things, hehe, this time, it's a bargain for me."

After wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth, the hyperactive ape began to move.

Lying in the grass, it slowly moved towards the location of Lu Yuan and Gyarados. A layer of psychic energy emerged on its body surface, hiding its own breath and not being discovered.

"Why do I feel like I'm being watched? There's no one nearby."

Lu Yuan frowned, as if he had sensed something, and immediately stood up and looked around, but didn't find anything.

"No. "

Lu Yuan believed in his intuition and explored the surrounding area more carefully. This time, he found a strange place.

There was something wrong in that place! He accidentally found a trace of life fluctuation there, which means that something is hidden!

"Gyarados, there are enemies attacking, there, destroy the death ray!"

Lu Yuan pointed to the location of the hyperactive ape and said.


Gyarados immediately accumulated power, and a destructive death ray broke through the air and landed at the pointed location.


In the smoke and dust, a figure rushed in quickly, jumped high, and grabbed the Gyarados standing in front.

Gyarados' tail moved, and the powerful dragon tail touched it.

The two collided, making a dull sound, and the huge Gyarados took a few steps back, and the figure also retreated slightly and fell to the ground.

"It's the hyperactive ape! No, the hyperactive ape is not like this. "

Lu Yuan recognized the appearance of the attacking Pokémon, which was the normal Pokémon Hyperactive, but this Hyperactive Pokémon was not like the Hyperactive Pokémon he knew from the books.

In its attack just now, Lu Yuan felt the familiar Psychic power!

"Could this be the batch of strange Pokémon that were "airdropped"? It should be."

With a slight movement of his mind, Lu Yuan thought of the "airdrop" a few days ago.


Being repelled by a "little thing" made Gyarados feel ashamed, and he immediately sprayed a water gun.

The Hyperactive Pokémon's face showed a human-like disdain, and his figure swayed, avoiding Gyarados's water gun, and approached Gyarados like a ghost.

"Gyarados, use Tidal Whirl."

After receiving Lu Yuan's order, a large wave of water surged under Gyarados, centered on it, rising and rotating, and wrapping up the Hyperactive Pokémon in it.

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