What is a surprise? Maybe this is a surprise.

An elf actually came to him and asked him to conquer it?

This treatment made Lu Yuan confused. Is it because of his great charm? An elf actually came to him on his own initiative?

"Yes, I can't take care of this child, so I can only let you take care of it."

Alakazam sighed and said sincerely. The injury on his body became more and more serious. Even if he didn't have this injury, his life span would soon end.

Its life span is long, and as its strength grows, its life span will increase, but there will also be a day of death.

"I don't want it."

Hearing that Lu Yuan was going to take care of it, Lalulas held Alakazam's hand tightly. Alakazam took care of it all the way.

Lu Yuan then focused his attention on this Lalulas, and at the same time opened the system to scan it and get its information.

Elf: Lalulas (female)

Attributes: Psychic, Fairy

Features: Synchronization

Qualification: King

Level: 11

Skills: Call, Charming Voice, Shadow Clone, Hypnosis, Telekinesis, Misty Field, Exchange Field, Same Fate

Lalulas has a white body, and its green hair covers most of its face, revealing red eyes. Its hair is divided by two flat red horns inserted in the middle, a larger one facing forward and a smaller one behind.

The red horns on the head can capture the emotions of people and Pokémon, and play a role in seeking benefits and avoiding harm.

This initial form has the potential of a king, and its talent and talent are similar to that of the two-headed Tyrannosaurus, not worse than it. When it grows up, it will also be a powerful existence.

Moreover, Psychic Pokémon are relatively rare, and Pokémon like Ralts are even rarer.

And now, this Alakazam entrusted Ralts to him?

"Good boy, Ralts, do you know what I told you before? Be obedient, understand? And how about this trainer, you can feel it, right? He has the food you want to eat the most."

Alakazam put his hand on its head, maybe it would be better to ask this human trainer for help.

Just look at his Pokémons, and you will know that his trainer ability is definitely not bad. All the Pokémons are strong and can fight across levels, which shows his attainments.

"I don't want it anymore, I don't want to eat it, he is very good, but I can't bear to leave you."

Ralts looked at Alakazam pitifully, and then looked at Lu Yuan.

Alakazam said helplessly, "Silly boy, I can't stay with you for long. You really need a trainer."

"Can you tell me about it?"

Lu Yuan asked, asking about its origins, but he didn't say whether he was willing or not.

"It's a poor guy. It was originally happy, but was affected by an unexpected disaster. Both its parents died in that disaster."

Alakazam said with a look of nostalgia.

"Unexpected disaster? Can you tell me more specifically?"

"Do you know the Divine Beast Gang of you humans?"

Alakazam mentioned this familiar word, the Divine Beast Gang. If it was a few months ago, he might not have known it, but now he knows it and has fought with them several times.

"I know it."

Lu Yuan nodded and responded.

"It's them. They came to Silver Moon Mountain, and for some reason, they attacked the elves around. The last time I went there, I learned from several people that their purpose was to develop the mythical beast Darkrai."


Lu Yuan frowned. The power of the Divine Beast Gang has increased again. They are actually researching this area.

Darkrai is much stronger than Suicune and Zapdos.

Especially its unique nightmare ability.

It can make people and elves fall into nightmares without resistance. Lu Yuan has heard that a powerful Darkrai once made all the creatures in a city fall into a deep sleep.

Quite powerful.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan naturally thought of other things. For example, will their Divine Beast Gang already be developing other super mythical beasts? For example, a stronger existence than Darkrai?

It doesn't seem impossible.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan secretly took note and reported to the headquarters when he returned.

"Can you take this child? I think you are a good fit."

Hu Di looked over with an earnest look in his eyes.

People with superpowers will attract the interest of superpower elves, especially those who are truly talented and excellent superpowers.

"Do you trust me so much? Aren't you afraid that I will treat it badly?"

Lu Yuan smiled and said,

Do I have a good-looking face?

I also put on makeup and changed my appearance, from handsome to ordinary.

Who would use their real face when going out?

Even in the base, Lu Yuan also put on makeup and used super powers to cover up his appearance.

The people in the base knew him, mainly because of his ID, voice, figure, breath, etc.

Among the members of the base, only Sakai Moto and Zongwen saw his real appearance.

And the elves should be able to recognize him. They have been together for so long and are very familiar with each other. They are not limited to his face. His breath and feeling are the main thing.

"Of course I believe it. I have also seen your attitude towards elves in the past few days. Besides, you are a trainer with the power of Evergreen, and your sincerity towards elves is also obvious."

Hu Di chose Lu Yuan, and made the decision after observing and thinking for a long time.

In addition to superpowers, this Evergreen Power is also the reason why it has a very good impression of Lu Yuan.

Those who possess the Evergreen Power must be those who love elves, and their enthusiastic hearts are responded to by the Evergreen Forest.

"I do have the idea of ​​​​conquering it, but it may not be willing."

Lu Yuan spread his hands and pointed to Lalulas beside him, who was holding his hand, with red eyes and tears in the corners of his eyes.

"This little guy may not be used to it, I believe you can do it."

"I won't force it."

Lu Yuan said lightly, this Lalulas is very good, he has the heart to conquer it, but if it doesn't want to, he won't force it.

After all, a forced melon is not sweet.

"Give me some time."

Then Hu Di said something to it, gibberish, and saw Lalulas break free from its hand, slowly come to Lu Yuan, and look at him carefully.

"Hello, Lalulas."

Lu Yuan squatted down and stretched out a hand to it.

"Hello... Hello."

Lalulas seemed a little shy, and both of her little hands were placed on his hands.

Lu Yuan smiled slightly, and the power of Changpan on his body radiated.

Lalulas felt a warm feeling. The person in front of him was very kind, and he seemed to be covered with a layer of warm light, which made it less nervous. He had the smell it liked, as if it had returned to the beautiful and sunny forest.

In a daze, it seemed to see its parents appear in front of it.

"Dad, Mom."

Lalulas murmured with a dazed look.

The scene rippled and changed, revealing Lu Yuan's face.

Somehow, its impression of Lu Yuan rose sharply, and it felt that he was kind, just like a family member.

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