The monkey was in a state of confusion, but the monkey was still in a state of confusion.

Just when the hyperactive monkey was struggling, Lu Yuan came in front of him and sat down with a smile.

"How is the hyperactive monkey? Is the barbecue delicious?"

Perhaps because of the feeding, or because of his previous performance, the hyperactive monkey was not as nervous as before.

"Not bad."

"Would you like to join me? I am a breeder and can make energy blocks that suit your appetite. In addition, I will make you stronger and make a perfect training plan. Look at Gyarados, I trained it, and you have experienced its combat power..."

Lu Yuan invited again.

"Of course, I am also a trainer who wins people over with virtue, and I will respect your opinion."

"Win people over with virtue?"

Hyperactive Ape thought of that powerful fist, and the "virtue" here didn't seem to be the virtue of character, but the virtue of martial virtue.

"It seems that it's not a loss. You are strong and qualified to be my trainer. You can cook, so I won't be hungry in the future. You can also make training plans to help me become stronger. When my attack power increases and my strength is fully developed, won't I want to leave? Hahaha, I'm so smart."

Hyperactive Ape's brain was working quickly, and he thought of another wonderful idea. He looked at Lu Yuan more and more softly, and his mentality changed.

"I am Hyperactive Ape. I have been wandering for half my life. I only regret that I have never met a wise trainer like you. If you don't give up, I am willing to be your elf."

The voice of Hyperactive Ape came through telepathy, but for some reason, Lu Yuan felt a little strange, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

But this is not important. The current situation of Hyperactive Ape is considered to be a preliminary recognition of him. Lu Yuan is very confident that in the future, Hyperactive Ape can truly recognize him and become a real partner.

"Hahaha, I have Hyperactive Ape. You joining is like adding wings to a tiger."

After Lu Yuan's emotional and rational persuasion, Hyperactive Ape joined the team and became Lu Yuan's second Pokémon.

Lu Yuan was very satisfied with this.

He is very optimistic about the future of Hyperactive Ape. If it evolves into the King of Leave, it will not be bound by the lazy characteristics, and it will be a Pokémon no less than a quasi-god.

Lu Yuan took out medicine to help Hyperactive Ape heal its injuries and restore its strength.


With the addition of a new partner, Gyarados also cheered on the side. The strength of Hyperactive Ape was also recognized by it, and it also welcomed its joining.

However, Hyperactive Ape looked at Gyarados indifferently, with some disdain. The one who defeated him before was not the big fool in front of him, but his trainer. What is this big fool happy about?

"Hyperactive Ape welcomes you to join. You are the second brother. You have to call me big brother in the future. You can call us the trainer, boss or shit shoveler."

Gyarados came over and said happily.

"What big brother and second brother? I recognize the trainer, but I don't recognize you as the big brother. You can't beat me? I still recognize you as the big brother? I think I am the big brother and you are the second brother."

Hyperactive Ape expressed dissatisfaction and disagreed with Gyarados's point of view.


It's bad. This kid Hyperactive Ape wants to usurp the throne and replace himself.

He is the first Pokémon of the trainer, and he will never give up this position.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the two Pokémon looked at each other, neither of them was convinced.

A few days later, the lake where the former Mosquito Swimmer was located was once again filled with the sound of fighting.

Gyarados and Hyperactive Ape moved forward together, besieging the Mosquito Swimmer in the water. With the combined attack of the two, they actually fought back and forth with the high-level Mosquito Swimmer, and did not lose the upper hand.

This was also Lu Yuan's intention, and it seemed that the effect was quite good.

On the frozen lake, Hyperactive Ape moved quickly, approached the Mosquito Swimmer, and charged the Thunder Fist in his hand and blasted it out, colliding with his Freeze Fist, and the stalemate lasted for a few seconds.


Gyarados rushed out of the water and bit fiercely.

Mosquito Swimmer quickly repelled Hyperactive Ape and fired a Freeze Beam, but was knocked away by Gyarados, which had turned into an ice block.

He staggered to the ground, and before he could recover, Hyperactive Ape's attack came again.

Facing the wave after wave of attacks from the two elves, Mosquito Swimmer was increasingly difficult to deal with.

I didn't expect that two mid-level Pokémons working together could force it to this point.

"Not bad, Hyperactive Ape."

Gyarados looked at the Hyperactive Ape next to him and said.

"You're not bad, but you're just a little bit worse than me."

"A little bit worse? I'll let you see how powerful your big brother is."

After saying that, Gyarados rushed to kill again.

The hyperactive ape also joined in.

On the shore, Lu Yuan watched the two elves fighting and nodded from time to time.

After these days of getting along, the hyperactive ape became more familiar with him and accepted his training plan, achieving the training effect he wanted.

Just as the Mosquito Swimmer was beaten back by the two, two breaths came quickly from a distance.

Lu Yuan still remembered that the two breaths were the breaths of two iron claw lobsters. After releasing the evolution of Gyarados, they also appeared, but at that time he had not yet broken through to the intermediate psychic, and Gyarados had just evolved, so for the sake of safety, he avoided them. I didn't expect to meet them here today.

Then I thought, it's normal for them to appear here. That time they also appeared with the Mosquito Swimmer, or they have a certain relationship. Maybe they were called by the Mosquito Swimmer.

"Their helpers are here."

Lu Yuan reminded the two elves to speed up their attacks, and he himself disappeared on the spot. The next moment, he appeared on the water where the two iron claw lobsters were moving, and faced them directly.


Gyarados immediately activated the reverse scale, and was blocked by the hyperactive ape. After activating the reverse scale, he danced a strange dance, and his own aura rose again.

This is a dragon-type move-Dragon Dance, which allows the elves who perform it to gain a certain amount of strength.

As soon as the two iron claw lobsters arrived, the water area was turbulent, and waves slapped horizontally, blocking their way forward.

Sensing Lu Yuan's trace, the two elves opened their giant claws and shot out bubbles. It was a bubble beam move. It fell on the water where Lu Yuan was and exploded.

Struggling violently, he broke free from the super power control around him.

The Iron Clawed Lobster with the Dark attribute is not afraid of the attack of the Psychic, unless the power of the Psychic exceeds the upper limit of what they can resist, but Lu Yuan's current strength is still within the range that they can resist.

This is also different from the game in the previous life. In reality, there is immunity and restraint between attributes, but this is limited.

If a King-level Psychic Pokémon fights against an elite Dark Pokémon, under normal circumstances, the result will definitely be that the King-level Pokémon wins.

If the strength is the same level, the Dark Pokémon has a very high chance of winning.

But attribute restraint does not necessarily mean victory or defeat. It can only be said that there is a great advantage, and the outcome is still uncertain.

Some gifted trainers can fight against attributes and win, and even defeat the strong with the weak.

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