The two of them were in a state of panic.

Just as Tao Yaoyao was put into a sack and moved away, after leaving the signal shielding area, a text message that had been spinning in circles in her pocket was sent out...

Tao Yaoyao knew that her struggle was in vain. She was at the eighth level of the Awakening Realm and could do nothing. In the end, she used the "sleep" skill to buy herself time to edit this text message...

Just as Tao Yaoyao was attacked, the An Ning laundry house in District 69 was not peaceful either.

Although there were no people on the street, the laundry house was not closed. An Ning was still waiting for Tao Yaoyao and Ren Jie to go home.

A gust of night wind blew, and the shadows of the trees swayed. For some reason, the street was filled with a stench similar to that of a sewer garbage can.

The stray cat was sleeping soundly in the corner, and even the annoying cicadas were gone.

The night... was so quiet that it made people feel uneasy.

At the corner of Nanshan Street, an uncle who was selling cold noodles glanced at the lights on the second floor of An Ning Laundry House, and shook his head with a wry smile.

He was about to close the stall and let his colleagues take over.

But for some reason, a feeling of dizziness came over me, and the snack carts in my vision became double images, as if I was drunk.

The uncle was startled, bit his tongue, and his vigilance suddenly rose. A huge mental power burst out like a tide, and the detection range covered the entire Nanshan Street.

He was not an ordinary uncle selling cold noodles, but a demon-suppressing officer sent by the Demon-Suppressing Department, disguised as a vendor, responsible for the safety of An Ning Laundry House.

And the three-shift system is adopted, which means that An Ning Laundry House is guarded 24 hours a day.

Shen Ci is not just talking, he also knows how important An Ning Laundry House is to Ren Jie.

So he has put a lot of thought into the security here.

However... there was a "bang".

The top of the head of the cold noodle uncle suddenly sank, and blood gushed out of his seven orifices.

But the uncle insisted on the last bit of will and tried to press the paging button.

The next moment, a strong force came from the void, and the uncle's body was twisted more than ten times in place.

The whole body was twisted into a twist, and a huge amount of blood was squeezed out of the body.

The mind master of the Tibetan realm died on the spot.

And a figure in a black suit stepped out of the darkness, wearing a carved half-face evil ghost mask with a red heart K engraved on it.

"Heh~ The Demon Suppression Division is really willing to spend a lot of money, keeping watch 24 hours a day. Do they know that Poker is interested in the candle demon, so they are so cautious?"

"What a pity... What a pity... Poker has something he wants, and he can't get it..."

Behind the King of Hearts, there is a petite woman wearing a devil mask with the King of Clubs engraved on it. She is holding an oil lamp in her hand. Gray fireworks are burning in the oil lamp. The fireworks are transformed into ghost faces, which are constantly twisting and emitting an unpleasant sewer odor.

I only heard the King of Clubs snort coldly:

"I don't know how Team 2 is qualified to get a seat. They can't handle things, but they want our ghost card group to clean up their asses."

The King of Hearts smiled and said, "The person is dead, so don't talk about it. King of Spades, eat it~"

Behind the King of Hearts, there stood a huge figure, three meters tall, and as fat as a ball!

He looked a bit stupid: "Goose box~ Goose box~ Eat it, eat it all..."

He squatted down, grabbed the twisted mind master on the ground, and ate it bite by bite, eating with relish.

And the plum blossom K looked coldly at the An Ning laundry house.

"Sands K, get the job done, move quickly~"

The skinny demon's eyes flashed with excitement, and without saying a word, he rushed straight to the An Ning laundry house.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw four demons squatting on the ground washing clothes.

"What are you doing? It's too late, the laundry house is closed today, come to the laundry house tomorrow..."

The smile on the face of the diamond K gradually became ferocious: "Oh? Really?"

The demon looked up at the diamond K, was startled, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. He raised his hand almost instinctively, and the mechanical arm instantly deformed.

"Plasma energy cannon!"

A dazzling blue light suddenly lit up, and the energy cannon shells hit the diamond K, but the diamond K did not dodge, and the surface of his skin was immediately covered with a layer of bark.


The plasma cannon exploded fiercely on his body, but failed to cause any damage to him.

The aftermath of the explosion hit the store door

The French windows exploded.

The King of Diamonds rushed to Chi almost instantly, with his hands open.

"Put a pole!"

More than a dozen tree poles extended from his palms, piercing Chi's majestic body, and mechanical parts flew out, and then he was nailed to the wall fiercely.

A normal person would have died long ago, but Chi was a mechanical colonizer, and 80% of his body was mechanical organs.

Even so, his chest cannon was still opened, and a dangerous red light flashed in it.

He roared: "Aunt An Ning! Hide!"

The next moment, a dazzling laser burst out from his chest cannon.


But as soon as the laser was released, Chi's chest was pierced, and even his head was pierced by the tree pole. The whole person was pierced like a hedgehog and nailed to the wall and couldn't move at all.

"Fuck! Big brother! You are looking for death, no matter who you are, this matter is not over today!"

However, the Diamond K swung a tree pole horizontally, and Mei was cut in half, with mechanical parts scattered all over the ground. The upper body was directly pierced by the Diamond K with the tree pole and lifted up.

He raised his hand and pulled Mei's head off his neck, even pulling out the mechanical spine.

"A bunch of mechanical trash dare to fight with me, are you tired of living? Is An Ning upstairs?"

Mei stared: "Don't even think about touching Aunt An Ning! Don't even think about..."

The Diamond K sneered, threw Mei's head on the ground, and stepped on it!

And the eyes of the two Wuliang were completely red.

"I want you to die!"

"Aunt An Ning, go! It's dangerous downstairs, don't come over!"

At this moment, the two were serious, they didn't run away, they didn't admit defeat, even though the gap in strength with the Diamond King was not ordinary, even though they knew that staying to stop him would be a futile effort, they still went up without hesitation.

It was not because of Ren Jie's order, but because they sincerely hoped that Aunt An Ning would be okay.

Although they had only worked in An Ning's laundry for a short time, the four brothers really felt An Ning's care and concern for them.

For the four brothers who had never felt love since childhood and had been struggling in the dark, An Ning was like a beam of light shining into the darkness.

So... even if they risked their lives, they had to save Aunt An Ning.

This beam of light was what the four brothers were determined to protect.

But... their strength was far different from that of the Diamond King, even if they risked their lives and gambled everything, they could not change the outcome.

In less than a minute, the blood-stained Diamond K came upstairs and kicked the door open.

An Ning was standing at the door, her face pale, holding a kitchen knife in her hand, closing her eyes and slashing at Diamond K recklessly.

"Go to hell!" Diamond K sneered, raised his hand to grab An Ning's wrist, and punched her in the stomach.

An Ning spit out a mouthful of blood, her face full of pain, and the kitchen knife in her hand fell.

Diamond K raised his hand and slapped An Ning in the face, knocking her out directly, and her body collapsed weakly, with her wrist still held by Diamond K.

He just knocked her into a sack, carried her on his shoulder, and left the laundry room.

"Brother, it's done~"

Heart K glanced at the laundry room, lit a cigarette, took a deep puff, and sneered.

"When you mess with playing cards, you should be prepared for this. "

While speaking, he took out a poker card with the King of Hearts from his pocket and threw it into the laundry room.

"Let's go~ there are still things to do..."

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