The boy was a talented person, but unfortunately, he can't be a subordinate." This scene was seen by Lu Yuan from a distance, and he had to admire his persuasive ability. He could say that the dead were alive and failure was a beneficial factor. He was really a talent and could be said to be a pyramid scheme. Moreover, he was tenacious and regrouped in a short period of time. He had great potential. However, there were many talents in the world, but they lacked a mentor and a stage to display their talents. The three of them left and disappeared in the dense jungle. Time soon came to the next day. There was a buzzing sound in the sky, and more than ten planes flew over, with loudspeakers on them shouting that the trial was over and that those who survived should go to the designated place to gather.

Lu Yuan and the other two came to a mountain peak, where several groups of people had already arrived.

Without saying anything, the three found a suitable place to stand.

Several figures came over, led by a burly man wearing an R-shaped military cap, with a pair of sharp eyes looking around.

This man was Blood Hand.

"So few? Only so few people?"

Blood Hand said that there were less than 30 people present, most of whom were injured and in a mess. They had suffered a lot in this month.

"There are two more pick-up points, there should be dozens of people, and there should be a few on the way."

The deputy reminded.


Blood Hand hummed, and when he saw Lu Yuan appear, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he looked at the others again.

Lu Yuan looked around and found a few familiar faces. They were all those who performed well and were strong when they were at the base.

On the contrary, he was a little more eye-catching in comparison.

He performed well at the base, but his elf strength was not strong. He was just a Magikarp. Many people thought that they would not be able to pass the trial.

"Lu Yuan, you are here too."

While thinking, a pleasant voice came to his ears. He turned around and saw that it was Qiying, who was walking with four people.

Her clothes were neat and she did not look embarrassed.

"Yeah, I just arrived not long ago."

Lu Yuan responded.

"I was wondering why you didn't come here. It turns out that you recruited troops yourself."

Qiying smiled and looked at the two people behind Lu Yuan, and then said.

"Let's work together if there is a chance in the future."

"No problem."

Lu Yuan responded with a smile.

The two people talked with a smile, which also attracted the attention of the people around them, and they all looked at them.

After that, the two dispersed and found a place to wait.

Time passed by minute by minute. Everyone waited for a long time in the same place. Several people came intermittently.

Chief Instructor Blood Hand did not speak, and everyone did not dare to say anything.

In the sky, several planes flew back and forth. There were several advanced radar instruments on them scanning the situation on the trial island, and they also issued notifications over and over again with loudspeakers after amplification.

"Beep beep~"


"Head coach, the data shows that there are no members below."


Blood Hand's communicator said lightly and looked at everyone.

"It's time to go."

Everyone lined up and stepped into a giant plane. With a roar, it took off from the ground and flew away.

"It's finally over."

"Hahaha, this damn trial island, goodbye to you."

"Finally left this nightmare place."

The newcomers on the plane looked at the trial island that was getting smaller and smaller and complained.

Here, they spent an unforgettable one-month survival journey. They were also lucky to be able to take the plane back, unlike others who died tragically on the Trial Island.

Soon, the plane landed on the ground, and everyone came to the Rocket Team, stood in a group, waiting for the instructions of the chief instructor Bloody Hand.

"Only 78 people are left."

Bloody Hand stood in front of the stage, looking at the 70 people below.

After a month of field trials, they have lost their previous immaturity, have become a bit wild, and have cold eyes. They are qualified members of the Rocket Team.

Some of them are still good seedlings.

"Congratulations, you have passed this trial and become a real member of the Rocket Team. You have graduated."

The whole audience was silent, listening to Bloody Hand's words.

Bloody Hand didn't waste words. After a few words of encouragement, he carried out the evaluation that everyone was concerned about.

"This time, the headquarters gave me three team leaders' quotas, and they will be assigned based on the number of points they earn. Now comes the evaluation phase. Please ask the team members who are being evaluated to come on stage for the evaluation."

The evaluation activity is also open and fair, and the evaluation results are

Members came on stage, took out the score cards and scored on the spot.

As he spoke, members came on stage and began to evaluate, including Lu Yuan.

"Fujiwara Hiroshi, 6360 points."

"Kimoto, 1603 points."

"Qiying, 9536 points."

"Lu Yuan, 13562 points."


Not many people went up, only eight.

"Wow, Lu Yuan must have cheated, how could he have such a high score."

"Yeah, I remember his Pokémon was just a Magikarp, could it have evolved into a Gyarados? But even if it evolved, it's unlikely, right? Even Qiying didn't have a high score like him."

"Compared to this, why didn't I see Yuanye? Could it be..."

As soon as the results came out, everyone in the audience talked and discussed.

Among the eight people, Lu Yuan had the highest score, which was also the most surprising.

Even Blood Hand and other instructors looked at him sideways.

Lu Yuan stood aside with a calm face and accepted the gazes.

"Haha, our boss has the assistance of my two generals, Ji Sakai and Zong Wen. The first place is easy to get."

Under the stage, Ji Sakai laughed and said, looking like a master.

It also attracted a lot of attention.

Seeing him so proud, is it really with his help?

Everyone was a little skeptical.

Zong Wen beside him pulled Ji Sakai and gestured slightly. Ji Sakai gave a calm look, continued to raise his head and chest, and faced everyone with a proud attitude.

"Okay, is there anyone else?" Blood Hand said loudly, looking at the crowd under the stage.

"No, right?" After waiting for more than ten seconds, no one responded, and Blood Hand spoke again, "The first place in this new recruit training is Lu Yuan, 13562 points, the second place is Qiying, 9536 points, and the third place is Fujiwara Hiroshi, 6360 points."

"These three have excellent performance as new recruits, and they are specially appointed as team leaders and given some resources."

As he said, Blood Hand took out three bracelets and gave them to the three people.

"Pa Pa Pa ~"

Warm applause rang out on the field, congratulating the three new recruit team leaders.

Lu Yuan and the other two stood on the stage and accepted the congratulations from the crowd below.

After a series of twists and turns, he finally became an "official". Although it is not big, it is still an "official", a cadre position, which should be good for the future.

"Other team members should not be discouraged. As long as they have the ability and work hard to contribute to the organization, becoming a cadre is just around the corner. Not to mention the team leader, even the captain is no problem. Work hard."

"Pa Pa Pa ~"

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