The police said that the attack was initially carried out by a member of the Rocket Team.

"It has been initially determined that the terrorist attack was carried out by a member of the Rocket Team, and the perpetrator is quite capable, estimated to be at the elite level. However, we have already obtained the information and will intensify the efforts to arrest him and ensure the safety of the city........................"

On TV, the person in charge of the case, Hideo Uchiyama, was narrating with a serious expression.

"Oh~, this Uchiyama Hide is quite capable. He actually guessed that it was our Rocket Team who did it."

"Hehe, it's a blind cat that meets a dead mouse. This Officer Uchiyama Hide has used this rhetoric countless times. You can check it out. He said the same thing a few times before. Our Rocket Team is almost becoming his partner."

Zong Wen laughed and looked down on Uchiyama Hide who was talking on TV.

Lu Yuan didn't say anything. He ate breakfast and watched the news quietly.

Holding the weapon, the murderous intention arises.

Since he had a certain strength and walked out of the Trial Island, his mentality has changed.

Killing people, this kind of thing, he would definitely not dare to do it before, but now, Lu Yuan said it doesn't matter.

As a member of the Rocket Team, if he doesn't even dare to kill people? What's the point of playing.

Lu Yuan also remembered his identity. He was a member of the Rocket Team and a member of the Dark Organization. In the anime, he would be the villain. If he was still merciful, he would definitely die.

In addition to not being merciful, one must also be strong and cruel, climbing up step by step.


A few noisy sounds interrupted Lu Yuan's thoughts. Looking at the source of the sound, it was Gyarados and Hyperactive Ape.

It was breakfast time, and everyone's Pokémon would be released to let them have breakfast. I don't know what happened, Gyarados and Hyperactive Ape started quarreling again.

Zong Wen and his Pokémon hid beside them, not daring to move forward, for fear of provoking the two big guys.

"This is mine."

"This is mine!"

The two Pokémons were fighting for a plate of energy cubes.

"Last night, I defeated more Pokémon than you did."

"You're kidding, I defeated more Pokémon, so these energy cubes are mine."

"You little brat, do you know how to respect your big brother?"

"What big brother? You can't even beat me, so you're still a big brother? I'm the big brother."

The hyperactive monkey didn't admit it. It was Lu Yuan who subdued it, but it had nothing to do with the big fool in front of it. If it really came in terms of strength, it was not as good as itself, so how could it admit it.

"You don't understand first come first served. I'm first and you're second. If you're not the second, who is? The big brother over there called you."


The hyperactive monkey turned his head and looked at Lu Yuan, and found that he didn't call him.

While the hyperactive monkey was looking back, Gyarados quickly grabbed the energy cube and poured it into his mouth.

"Hehe, it's mine now, Lao Er, you're still too young, you should know that life is not just about fighting and killing, you look like a simple-minded person with strong limbs, you should use your brain more."

"Ah, Qi Kexiu, you big fool, how dare you insult me!"

After hearing this, and seeing Gyarados's proud look, the hyperactive ape jumped up and down, furious.

Just came to the human world, some aspects have not been turned around, and he was actually fooled by this big fool Gyarados.

"Nonono, I'm not insulting you, but stating the facts."

"Qi Kexiu, a real man lives between heaven and earth, how can he be depressed and inferior to others for a long time, ah!"

As he said this, the hyperactive ape burst out with momentum.

"Big fool, do you want to see how powerful I am today?"

"I may not be worse than you."

The two elves are competing against each other, and if you want to see it, you have to fight.

"Stop, stop, stop, what are you doing? If you don't have enough food, just tell me. Why are you throwing a tantrum?"

Lu Yuan stopped the two elves and took out a few boxes of energy cubes from his space bracelet and placed them in front of the two elves.


The two elves stopped fighting and didn't eat the energy cubes in front of them. They didn't eat this thing before, but mainly to compete for the position of the boss.

"It's a bit of a headache."

Seeing the childish behavior of the two elves, Lu Yuan also knew why. Gyarados had been following him for fear that his position would be taken away by the hyperactive ape, and the hyperactive ape had just been subdued and wanted to prove his strength.

"With that energy, let's see if you two can complete today's training."

"Of course, the previous training intensity was too low. I want to strengthen it and extend the time by one hour."

Gyarados roared, looking at the hyperactive ape provocatively. He couldn't fight, so he would show his true colors in training.

"I want it too. The training these days has been very difficult.

The training is too easy, add more difficulty to me, and extend the time by two hours. ”

The hyperactive ape then said, it is not a coward, and wants to be as good as Gyarados in training.

“Three hours, no matter how hard it is.”

“Me too.”

“Is this rolled up?” Lu Yuan thought, “Okay, okay, we have everything, I hope you can all stick to it. "

Lu Yuan is not afraid of the two elves. They don't get along well now. When they are more mature and get along well, they won't do that.

The two elves are not really big, just like children. The voices they hear in telepathy are relatively immature.

The physical examination of the two elves showed that Gyarados is only two years old, and Hyperactive Ape is only one and a half years old. They are also "children" in their tribe.

After talking to Zong Wen and the others, he took the two elves to the training room.

As an important base of Team Rocket, this place is naturally equipped with a training room. Not only a training room, but also rooms with various functions are available here.

After the training started, Lu Yuan asked Hyperactive Ape to do weight lifting training, and asked Gyarados to continue training skills such as freezing ray.

"Humph. ”

Hyperactive Ape put down the 500-kilogram weight-lifting training props, picked up the 1,000-level props, tensed his muscles, and suddenly lifted it up to start training.


Seeing this, Gyarados’s freezing light ball in his mouth became bigger, the cold air spread, and it was launched with a whoosh, and the freezing range became wider.

The two elves looked at each other, turned their heads away, and competed secretly.

After a while, the hyperactive ape sat cross-legged on the ground, with eighteen fist-sized black beads around his body. Under his control, they were arranged in different shapes. The same shape.

Usually only twelve are used for training, or to show off, but today eighteen are used.


Gyarados forms a huge water tornado, with itself as the center, advancing and retreating, achieving the effect of both offense and defense as Lu Yuan said.

The power seems to be stronger than before, and the prestige is greater.

It is also secretly increasing its strength to show it to the hyperactive monkey.

The two Pokémons are competing like this, and the training intensity is getting higher and higher.

"Don't these two know that too much is as bad as too little? We have to beat them up later."

Lu Yuan was reading a book in the distance. When he looked over, he saw the two guys like this and wanted to laugh.

Since the hyperactive monkey joined, the two have been rolling together. In battle, they compete to see who defeats more. Now in training, it is a competition to see who trains more and who trains harder.

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