The price of a finished Pokémon is not high, but it is a good price.

Unless the Pokémon is of a special type, it is hard to sell a Pokémon that has been formed and has a certain strength.

Because low-level trainers cannot tame it even if they sell it, high-level trainers with strong strength can tame it, but it takes time to run in, and there is also the risk of Pokémon rebelling.

Because of this, the price of a finished Pokémon is neither too high nor too low.

Some trainers who need quick combat power like this kind of Pokémon very much, and some trainers who are confident in themselves are also keen on it.

One by one, the stage was passed, and soon it was the Tyrannosaurus Rex provided by Lu Yuan.

"The armored Tyrannosaurus, elite strength, has been identified as slightly injured, and has no disability. You can rest assured. It has less potential, but also has elite strength. The starting price is 600,000."

This time it was the male auctioneer who spoke up and explained to the armored Tyrannosaurus.


The armored Tyrannosaurus roared, dissatisfied with being treated like this. A mysterious force descended, and the armored Tyrannosaurus regained its calm state and stayed quietly in the cage.

"It has a bit of temper, I like it. It just so happens that I need an elite-level elf. I want this armored Tyrannosaurus, 800,000."

A strong man stood up and said loudly, seeming very satisfied with the armored Tyrannosaurus.

"Really? I also like it, one million."

"Humph, one million and two hundred thousand."

The man raised the price again.

In the end, the armored Tyrannosaurus was bought by the man at a price of one million and five hundred thousand.

In this regard, Lu Yuan looked indifferent. Anyway, the armored Tyrannosaurus was not his, and he wanted to kill him at that time. He didn't care about the price.

Now it can be sold at a price of 1.5 million, which is not bad.

More than a dozen treasures were put on the stage later, and they were all sold at a price higher than the market price.

The handicraft of the Sasaki family was also shown in this auction, leaving an impression on the people present.

A banquet auction has this scale, so wouldn’t a formal large-scale auction be high-end?

Lu Yuan and his friends have also gained some experience and experienced the life of the upper class.

“Hehe, how about it, it’s worth the trip.”

Seeing the two of them like this, with a look of having gained some experience, Sakai Ji said proudly.

“Not bad.”

Lu Yuan nodded slightly.

“I think it’s not bad either.”

Zong Wen also said.

At this time, Sakai Ji came over with a smile and put his hand on Zong Wen’s shoulder.

"Is it okay? I saw you chatting happily with some girls at that time. I saw your face was red. What were you talking about that made you blush? Were you talking about something unspeakable?" He winked while speaking.

"What nonsense, why would I blush at that time?"

Zong Wen retorted.

"Hehe, we are all men, I understand."

Sakai Ji said meanly, and gave a look that said you understand.

"What a mess, I'm here to gather intelligence, it's better than you surrounding those old women."

"Pfft~, yes, yes, gathering intelligence, I'm gathering intelligence too, as for "old women", don't you think they're better than those girls? Young and immature, aunties are more fragrant, speak nicely, and know more."

Then Sakaiji put on the appearance of a senior, and said to Zongwen in a deep tone: "You are still young and don't understand the mystery, when you reach my age and have my experience, you will understand?"

"You are so pretentious, young girls are the truth."

"No, no, young women are the destination, oh, I understand, you are a little virgin, hahaha."

Zongwen's face turned red, and he wanted to refute but didn't know how to refute.

"Boss, tell me, young girls are better, or young women are better." Sakaiji pulled Lu Yuan, who was watching the battle, in and asked him.

"Ahem, I think each has its pros and cons." Lu Yuan coughed and replied.

"Then what if you choose?"

Ji Sakai continued to ask.

"Choose? Why should I choose? Choosing is something for elementary school students, and I want them all!"

"Oh, I understand, boss, you are also a virgin."

Ji Sakai also understood and teased.

"You guessed it right, but it's a pity there is no reward."

"Hahaha, don't worry, brothers, I will take you to see it if there is a chance, so that you can experience it."

"Okay, okay, it's almost over now, you go and collect the auction money."


Ji Sakai stood up and went to the backstage to collect the auction proceeds. This auction was used by the Sasaki family to make a name for themselves.

I was so angry that I didn't charge any handling fees and got the full amount.

"Let's go."

Lu Yuan stood up, called Shang Zongwen, and left without calling him.

He came to the outside of the manor, got in the car he drove, started the engine and waited.

After getting the auction money, Ji Sakai looked back and saw that the two were gone, so he left the scene.

"He's here."

"Then let's go."

Lu Yuan stepped on the accelerator, the car engine roared, and the vehicle left quickly.

"I didn't get in the car? Hey, hey, I haven't got in the car yet."

Ji Sakai rushed forward, leaving him with the exhaust gas of the car.

"Puh, phuh, phuh, didn't you just say a little virgin, so petty." Ji Sakai said a few times, resentful, secretly thinking that these two losers couldn't afford to play.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Sakaiji remembered what happened at the banquet: "I have a date with my wife."

Thinking of this, Sakaiji returned to the banquet hall again, but was dumbfounded. Most of the people had left, and there were only a few girls left, and he was not interested.

"What a loss, what a loss, I was just too excited, why did I chase those two losers." Sakaiji thought to himself that he had lost a lot of money, so he could only walk out of the banquet hall and walk alone on the road.

There were no taxis around this luxurious manor, so Sakaiji walked by himself.

"Damn, you actually rejected a handsome guy like me and took a ride, you deserve not to make a fortune." Sakaiji cursed, he also wanted to take a ride just now, but was rejected.

"And those two losers, really..."

Just when he was about to say something, there was a light behind him and a horn sounded.


Two heads appeared in the vehicle, and they were the two Lu Yuans who returned.

"What is it, Fatty? I seemed to hear you scolding us just now."

"No, what I said was really cool." As he said that, he opened the door and got in the car at a very fast speed.


Lu Yuan started the car with a smile and drove away.

He didn't go far just now, just wanted to tease the fat man, and then found that he was walking alone, so he came to pick him up.

"Where are your sisters? Why are you still walking alone? Didn't you have a good chat at that time?"

In the car, Lu Yuan talked about this.

"Alas, something went wrong and I didn't meet them."

Sakai Ji said depressedly.


The two laughed softly and returned to their residence in Yuhong City.

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